Chapter 14

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Why was Oscar acting like that and why didn't he just keep away. He was complicating everything and after everything she had gone through, he was not going to get to her that easily. Amelia secretly watched him from an upstairs window as Oscar walked around like a frustrated puppy. The poor thing what was he sad about, Amelia thought sarcastically.

She wondered whether to bother having dinner with him. She had missed lunch pondering over their earlier, too close encounter. Maybe she should in order to infuriate him more. Hmm, Let him get close but not close enough. In that way, maybe he might have a slight feeling of how she had felt throughout her five years- solo. She wasn't mean or horrible and didn't want to become either. It just wasn't right but this wasn't being horrid, she assured herself. She just didn't want to be used and abused.

Amelia knew the truth, she would give into him eventually otherwise, she would be in troule. But only when she thought the time was right -when Oscar saw her for the person she was, not just for how she looked and not simply another women he wanted to bed. She loved the way he looked at her as if she was the only women in the world, like some sort of goddess. Nonetheless, if that was not the case, Amelia wouldn't mind if he didn't see her for the women she was, she was content with her life as a singleton and will remain content, she didn't need a man.


'Where were you for lunch?' Oscar asked as Amelia sat down for dinner taking in her formal gown she had changed into, her silky hair in a neat, tight bun.

'Hmm, I wasn't hungry.' Amelia said not looking at him.

'I like what you have done with the house Lady Pierce,' Oscar said watching Amelia take a bite out of the crispy duck.

'Amelia and thank you.' Amelia said without smiling.

'Sorry, I didn't quite hear what you said at the beginning.' Oscar pretended that he had misheard, although he knew exactly what she had said for a reason he could not understand himself.

'Please my lord, call me Amelia not Pierce.'

'As you wish my Lady, and as a return I'd like you to call me Oscar.' He said, waiting for her reaction. Maybe being on the first name basis would soften her- a little.

'But why not Pierce? You grew up with that name and everyone calls you it anyway. It's your family name. I haven't been called that until five years ago.' The word five came out bitter than Amelia had wanted to, but she had no care.

Oscar cleared his throat uncomfortably.

'Maybe the atmosphere can lighten and we don't... need to act like strangers.'

'But we are strangers. I don't really know anything about you and you clearly don't have the slightest clue about me and to be honest I'd like to keep-'

'I love to travel and you love flowers,' Oscar interrupted her.

'I beg your pardon?' Amelia said confused at his sudden interruption.

'I love to travel to different parts of the world and explore new things and you like flowers a lot and have a talent in designing them. At least that's one thing you now know about me and one thing I know about you.'

'I knew you love to travel. the last, lord knows how many years, are a proof of that.' An awkward silence covered them. Amelia calmed down. This was not at all her. She never usually spoke so much, let alone be so impolite. She was talking to much and should stop.

'So, my lord, enlighten me with some stories of your travels.' Amelia said trying to make up for the awkward silence. Amelia looked up to see Oscar staring at her, his hazelnut eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe it.

'Do you really want to know or-'

'Yes, I honestly do. I've never been outside England.' and she really did want to know. Ever since she had seen a ship Uncle James had travelled in, and the stories he had told her, she had always had a strange fascination and inclination towards travel, even the short journeys on the carriages.

'If you say so then...' Oscar started with his favourite story, and was amazed at Amelia's interest. She never once yawned and laughed quietly, so sweetly and innocently. After a few stories Oscar finally stopped.

'Well, that was certainly amusing and entertaining.' Amelia smiled a dazzling smile which made Oscar gulp really hard, his mouth drying.

'By the way, Uncle James is coming to visit in a day or two, therefore I think it's best you visit your father for a few days. I'm sure he'd love to see you. Good night.'

Oscar watched as she walked out the room. He should have replied something to her, even a yes would have done, but her smile had left him with an intense feeling that he could not get up in case the servants spotted it. It would be humiliating. He had to wait until he calmed down.

This women was driving him insane. Yes, it would  be a good idea to do as she, Amelia, had suggested. He had forgotten all about her blunt and fierce looking Uncle. It would be best if he went because a run-in with Sir James Grey would probably leave him in need of surgery because of his actions. Her suggestion suddenly made him realise that Amelia did care for him. Oh Amelia, he had never realized how beautiful her name was, how beautiful she was. He could get used to calling that name. It sounded so pure, innocent and sincere.

Oscar abruptly shook his head. She was just a women whose beauty would soon fade, he must not get his heart involved, just do what he wanted with her- just for his pleasure.

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