Chapter 21-together

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Amelia sat on her comfortable window seat, watching the bright white moon lighting up the midnight sky and a slant of light which lit up part of her room. A warm air swept across the room which caused the double doors  to rattle, making her wrap her Persian shawl closer around herself. She couldn't sleep and after lying in bed wide awake for the past 2 hours, she had finally got up. The thoughts of the wonderful evening kept replaying in her mind. She couldn't believe the reaction she had faced by everyone. Never in her wildest dreams could she come to accept the reality of the evening. But what Amelia loved the best was the dance with Oscar.

He had brought intimacy to another whole new level. He had crept slowly behind her as she laughed with Lady Heywood and with such sincere eyes he asked her to dance. She couldn't refuse.  How could she? This had been one of the moments she had been waiting for, for a very long time.

So they had taken the dance floor, Oscar grip soft but tight on her arm. They had waltzed slowly and his eyes had never left hers for a single moment. He had pulled her closer than what was usually allowed in public, but she hadn't cared. It had felt so wonderful being enveloped in Oscar strong muscular arms. It was at this moment a strong realisation had hit her-she was truly in love with him.

Oscar stood outside Lady Amelia's room, his hand in the air ready to knock.  It was odd that he felt so nervous and somewhat vulnerable. The evening had been better than he could possibly imagined. All these years he felt so annoyed and bored with  the ball, but tonight he felt the complete opposite. What a difference it had made by simply having Amelia there. Sweet Amelia. So beautiful. He still couldn't believe what a difference five years had made. He had been disgusted by her before and now he was bewitched by her.

Before he lost his nerves he was about to knock on the door but then thought better of it. Hell. it was his house and he could do as he pleased. He quietly turned the knob and to his surprise it opened. She had left it unlocked. Had she been expecting him or was it simply a coincidence?

The room was dark, only the faint light of the moon shone in. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, his eyes caught Amelia' small shadow on the widow seat as she gazed out the window, hugging her knees. Her hair was loose and flowing on her back. Her night gown was loose and light. She wasn't asleep. Was she as effected as he by the delightful evening that she couldn't sleep? Oscar felt himself smile. He had simply planned to crawl into her bed and lie next to her, feel her soft body against his, but now that could not happen. Swiftly and quietly as a mouse he crept near her.

Amelia was ready to scream as she felt a hand cover her mouth. Panic arose in her. Where was everyone? How could a thief have entered her home?

'Shhh.' She felt the warm breathe tickly her ear. It was Oscar. She nodded. What on earth was he doing here attacking her like a criminal? Suddenly, she felt her hair move and hot, strong  lips was kissing and licking her  neck. Amelia's heartbeat quickened and an ache filled her centre. After a few moments she arched her neck allowing him more access. She wanted him too much and couldn't help but respond to him.

Finally he moved his hand and she turned meeting his luscious lips. Oscar fell onto her pushing her gently on her back. She felt the hardness of his body as he lay on top off her. It was slow at first, Oscar gently kept his hands on her face and hair. But she wanted more and forced his mouth opened with her tongue. She felt bold but strange at the same time. Oscar obeyed and their kisses grew deeper and more fiercer. Before she knew it her hands were gripping his hair and his hands cupped  her breasts. She moaned at the overwhelmingly wonderful feelings that were running threw her. She could feel Oscars hardness.

Amelia pulled back, her breaths coming out fast and loud. She stared into Oscar clouded eyes. She pushed him and got off. She smiled at Oscar's confusion. She ran her eyes over him. His hair was dishevelled and his shirt was open showing off his muscular smooth chest. She gulped. She wanted him and he too wanted her. His dazed and torturous expression portrayed it all.

She moved closer to him and touched his chest. So hard and so rippled. She moved her hands and tugged his shirt. She heard Oscar chuckle as he obeyed her enthusiastically. She pushed him down and started to kiss his chest, straddling him with her thighs as she climbed on top of him. He stroked her head. He hissed delightfully as she put her mouth to his nipple. Amelia went lower and lower to his hips and Oscar pulled her up and before she knew it she was on her bed.

'My turn.' He said drunkenly. Amelia felt her laces coming undone as she kissed Oscar and suddenly his hands were in her now bare breasts. He played with her nipples while keeping his mouth sensually busy with hers.

Oscar needed her. It was painful having to battle with his self. He didn't want to scare her but her fierce movements told him that she wanted him too. Oscar pulled off her nightgown and run his hands over her soft, beautiful body. Now the only barrier between them was him breeches. He explored her using his lips, tongue and hands.

'Please Oscar...' He heard her beg softly. He pulled back and undid his breeches, quickly pulling it off. He watched as Amelia's eyes widen and all his irrational thoughts of Amelia's innocence disappeared. She had been faithful to him and she was most definitely a virgin.

Amelia gulped. He was big. Her centre was aching profoundly and she no longer cared. It was going to hurt, she knew that but hopefully Oscar would be gentle.

'It's going to hurt.' Oscar said, pushing her legs apart.

'I know.' Oh, she felt frustrated why was he being so slow. Amelia touched it, shyly but strongly. Oscar groaned.

'Your killing me.' He said and all Amelia could do was smile. 'Do you know how long I've been waiting for this to happen.' Amelia didn't answer because at this moment she didn't care. She pulled him and drove him to her centre.

Oscar entered slowly enjoying the way she was clinging and stretching for him.

'Stop.' She whispered.

'Are you alright?' Oscar kissed her softly.

'Yes, just...let me get used to you.'

With much effort Oscar restrained himself but after a few moments he couldn't help but carry his slow journey inside her. Then he reached her barrier.

'I am sorry.' He said breaking her veil. Amelia's face scrunched  in pain for a brief second and it pained him knowing that he was hurting her by trying to get to their pleasure. He quickly kissed her trying to make her forget the pain and continued his thrusts in side her. and before he knew it waves of ecstasy invaded him but he had managed to hear Amelia whispering his name.

Oscar crumpled on top of her, both of them were breathing heavily. It had been much better than she had expected. For some reason she understood why women ruined themselves.  Oscar rolled off her  and kissed her again.

'thank you. I promise it gets much, much better.'

Amelia smiled.

'Well, you are going to have to prove it but later. I'm feeling rather exhausted now.'

Oscar chuckled and pull her into his arms, resting her head on his chest. Amelia felt a thrill shoot through her-he wasn't leaving her and was sleeping next to her. It felt like they were truly together now; like true husband and wives ought to be.

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