Chapter 2

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Ruby's POV:

I look up at the clock on the wall in my set and I see it's 4:45. I finished filming earlier today. I go to my trailer and grab my bag changing out of my character's costume. I scroll on my phone waiting for Nadia and Johnny to arrive. I can't help but feel happy that today's filming for my show was good. No one messed up not even once. I check my phone seeing that Nadia texted. I quickly grab my stuff and I rush outside. Once I'm outside I see Nadia's annoyed expression. I instantly knew something has happened.

"What's up Nads you're scaring me." I ask chewing the inside of my cheek

"Don't freak out but spawn point and spawn camper are back." Nadia says rolling her eyes

"What do you mean they are back?" I ask raising my eyebrow confused

"Blake drove me here apparently a drunk judge decided she's mother material." Nadia replies crossing her arms 

"What about tonight's party? Kylie texted me saying Johnny wants to throw one at his place." I say hoping we aren't canceling our plans

"Oh we're still going. We can do the old pillows under the blankets trick we used at the orphanage every time we snuck out. It worked like a charm cause we never got caught." Nadia says smirking

"Don't worry Johnny said he'd pick us up. It's all sorted." Nadia says calming me down

"Come on you two we should get going." Blake says as she rolls down the window making me sigh

"Satan really does have horrible timing. Come on let's go." I say as we get into the van

"How was filming today Rubes?" Nadia asks me smiling

"It was good I got half of my scenes filmed today." I say happily

"Congrats honey I'm proud of you. Having your own show on Disney is impressive." Blake says looking at us through the rearview mirror

"To be honest I don't care what you think." I reply rolling my eyes and putting my headphones in

I put in my headphones not wanting to talk to Blake and I look through my playlist finally deciding on "Unsteady" by X Ambassadors. I scroll through my phone texting Kylie telling her about the plan to sneak out tonight. Once I read that she will be at the party I turn off my phone. I look to see Nadia is listening to music and is texting Johnny the address on where to pick us up tonight. I can't help but question why now? Why is Blake and Ryan back now? What is it they want? Whatever it is I can't help but feel angry. I look up once I feel the car stop. I get angry seeing that they kept the same house. My childhood house the one I thought I'd never see again. I grab my backpack ignoring Blake and Ryan trying to talk to me in the kitchen. I go upstairs to my room. Nothing has changed. It's the same room that I left six years ago. This room is perfect for a seven year old not an almost thirteen year old. I can't be in here. I rush to the bathroom locking myself in there.

Nadia's POV:

As I enter the shit house I go straight to my room. Oh great this is the same room I got forced to leave. Nothing has changed the dolls I played with are still lined up on my bed how I had them. My dance tutus are still in the corner. This does not feel like my room. I haven't been in here since I was eight. I can't help the anxiety that's building in my chest. All of my old memories I have from living in this room come rushing back. I run out of my room straight into Ruby's. Her room hasn't changed either. Her Winnie the Pooh wallpaper still looking fresh and her teddy bears are thrown like how she had them the day we got dropped off at the orphanage.

"Rubes?" I knock on the bathroom door

"Yeah." She says shaking

"It's gonna be okay how about you come to my room we can get ready for the party?" I say

"You're letting me borrow your clothes?" She asks shocked

"Look I don't wanna be alone in that room and I need you okay?" I ask

"If I'm being honest I need you too. Come on let's go get ready." She says

We walk back into my room. As we're getting ready I hear and knock I open the door to see Ryan and Blake smiling standing at my door. I roll my eyes slamming the door in there faces. I hear them sigh and walk back downstairs. I turn around and see Ruby has dry tear tracks on her face. I walk up to her and give her a hug.

"It'll be okay Rubes. I know what will help make you feel better. Can you do my makeup for the party?" I ask knowing that makes her happy

"Sure! Nads you know what to tell Blake and Ryan if they ask where we went right?" Ruby asks

"Yes. I'll tell them we went over at Kylie's house tonight because we needed space from both of them." I reply nonchalantly as Ruby finishes my eye shadow

"Smooth lie. Very believable. Alright let's get ready." Ruby says calmly

After we get ready we put pillows under our blankets before sneaking out my window. As we climb down my balcony we meet Johnny. I quickly hug him as I climb in the backseat I see Kylie. I give her a quick hug. I look and I see Ruby smiling as she chatters away to Kylie about the drama of today.

"Is Mackenzie, Hayden, Carson, and Jacob coming?" I ask Johnny

"Yeah they told there parents that they are sleeping over at my place tonight." Johnny replies

"Okay cool I miss them it feels like we all haven't hung out in ages." Ruby says making me nod

Once we pull into Johnny's driveway we all rush inside. Johnny and I start taking out snacks placing them on the living room table. Kylie and Ruby put together a playlist. We then all head into the kitchen making the drinks. Once we all finish we start drinking as all of the guests show up.

"Hey Johnny wanna play spin the bottle just you and I?" I ask him slurring

"Sounds fun let's do it." He laughs replying tipsily

I look and I see Kylie and Ruby dancing together as they are laughing drunk. Kenzie and Jacob are drunkingly singing to Hayden. Carson is our designated driver so he's just laughing eating snacks. A couple hours passed and Ruby and I are completely wasted. Kylie and Jacob have sobered up. Carson is trying to get us back into the car since the party has ended.

"Guys we have to get you back home before Blake and Ryan get suspicious. I for one don't want to be on Deadpool's bad side." Kylie says guiding Ruby to the car who keeps tripping on her own feet

"Come on let's get you girls in the car." Johnny says as he guides me to the car.

Once we arrive home Johnny carries me to my room kissing my forehead before leaving. Kylie carried Ruby and tucked her into my bed hugging her goodnight. She writes Ruby a quick note before leaving. I close my eyes thinking how awesome tonight was but how shitty tomorrow is gonna be dealing with Blake and Ryan. It is gonna be an unwanted family reunion on Rubes and I end. After thinking that I fall into a deep asleep.

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