Chapter 8

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Nadia's POV:

I turn to lay on my right side and I see that it is currently 10:55 p.m. I've been in my room pretty much all day. My sister and I haven't left our rooms. I didn't even leave when Blake tried calling me down for supper. The only times I have left my room was when I had to use the bathroom and shower. Earlier I finished practicing my dance routine and sent the finished product to my dance teacher to correct. Currently I am laying in bed smiling as I am talking to my best friend Johnny on the phone.

"Ruby and you really haven't left your room at all today? I mean like damn I don't know how you girls do it I'd be downstairs eating everything if I went this long with eating." Johnny says in a shocked tone as he looks kinda impressed that we have gone this long

"Yeah I mean it's a lot seeing Ryan passed out drunk in that state and then having him apologize like nothing happened. Blake was even trying to defend him like always. I can't let that slide. It was like how it was when we were kids. It was horrible. I guess we both needed a breather and to process our feelings on our own. I mean it's been a long time since we were in a position like this." I confess sighing as I rub my forehead as Johnny nods his head understandingly

"I know you told me what it was like for Ruby and you to grow up in that environment. I remember you telling me how toxic Ryan could be when he was drunk. I also remember how the next day you'd go to the table for breakfast and Blake would be there acting like nothing happened. I also know the nightmares you have to this day of Ryan and Blake abandoning you." Johnny says softly as I sigh listening to him bring all that things I told him in the past few years up making me sigh closing my eyes for a minute

"I just don't want to believe he did this again. I thought he really changed. I thought maybe he would try to actually be our dad. I guess I was wrong." I say honestly opening up looking at Johnny on my phone screen

"Nadia it'll be okay in the end trust me. Give it time and things will work out." Johnny says optimistically as I just shrug in response processing what to say next

"How do you know? I mean do you have some kind of magic wand where you can make everything okay? Or do you have a crystal ball that shows you the shitty future I have in store for me?" I ask angrily

"I know it's gonna work out because good things happen in the long run to kind hearted people. You Nadia Constance Turner are one of the sweetest, wisest, and bravest people I know. I know the future only has good things stored for your sister and you. I promise you that." Johnny says sweetly smiling

"I love you dork." I say smiling as he blushes hardly

"I love you too. I should go to bed I'll see you tomorrow." Johnny says smiling hanging up

I sigh as I plug my phone in before putting my phone on the nightstand. I hear a knock on my door. I get up and expect to see my sister but instead I am stuck seeing Blake. I try to slam the door but she puts her hand in the way. I roll my eyes as she looks at me in a pleading way. I sigh as I open the door wide so she and I are face to face.

"What do you want now Blake? If it is to come here and try to explain what we saw you better just leave cause you will be wasting your breath." I say directly as I cross my arms to my chest hoping she would leave

"I want to apologize and I wanna know how I can make it up to you and Ruby. I know what you saw must have brought you back to your childhood. I know it was triggering for both of you girls. What Ryan did I know a simple "I'm sorry" won't fix what happened. I don't know why he got drunk like he did. It was like suddenly everything just became too much for him and he needed to not feel his emotions for a moment so he drank." Blake says lowly as she hangs her head low looking at my carpet

"You can start by being a fucking mother for once. Stop with all these half ass excuses for
Ryan. You don't know what we went through while you abandoned us how much we had to endure. We couldn't fight we had to sit there and take it. He does not have any reasons to drink. If anything I think Ruby and I do. If anything this becoming a family again was a stupid idea I knew you and Ryan hadn't changed." I say rolling my eyes as Blake face contorts to a hurt expression

"Nadia I'm trying and I'm sorry about before. I made mistakes I admit it. I still am making mistakes but Ryan and I have changed." Blake says as I roll my eyes

"Look you can't fix the trauma you both gave us. You can't fix the trauma you leaving did to us. If you truly wanna show us you changed and that you wanna be our mother you need to start by proving it. To us actions speak louder than any worded apologies. Alright now can you go please I need to go to bed. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day and I am tired." I say quickly trying to get her to leave my room

I watch as Blake nods but before she leave she kisses my forehead tucking a piece of my hair behind my ears and giving me a quick hug. I close my eyes as she does this taking in the feeling of her hugging me. Once I feel her hand leave my hair I open my eyes watch her close my door as he leaves. I quickly grab my phone hooking my headphones and playing "Not OK" by Robert Grace. It felt like he wrote this song about me. I lay in bed sighing knowing tomorrow will be horrible as I close my eyes drifting off to sleep.

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