Chapter 3

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Blake's POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night to the sounds of Nadia and Ruby. I get up carefully trying to not wake up Ryan. I walk in the hallway to see my daughters being carried in by their friends. The two people who really are both my daughters families at this point. They have watched my daughters and protected them. Johnny and Kylie have been there for them through all my hard times. I smiles as I make my way towards them.

"Hey you Johnny. You must be Kylie I presume Ruby talks about you all the time. Thank you both for bringing them back!" I say smiling

"It's no problem sorry they snuck out. They both just needed some air and passed out on the car ride back. I thought we would bring them in and put them to bed without waking You or Mr Reynolds up." Johnny says politely

"I appreciate it. Do the girls sneak out often?" I ask wondering swallowing the concern building in my throat

"Only when they need a break from everything or when they are feeling too many emotions at once. Nadia and Ruby always come to us though so you don't have to worry about them being with people they don't know. They are both careful with talking to people they don't know." Kylie says smiling at me

"I appreciate you trusting me enough to tell me that." I say gratefully keeping in my mind to talk to the girls about sneaking out

"Well Mrs Lively we should go I'm sure you want to go back to bed. We will see you tomorrow when we pick up the girls for work." Johnny says as Kylie follows him downstairs leaving the house

I head back to my room smiling. I carefully get back into bed snuggling into Ryan. Seeing Kylie and Johnny taking care of the girls makes me realize how much I missed. I'm grateful to Kylie and Johnny for everything they have done for Ruby and Nadia. I close my eyes knowing I'll sleep easier now knowing both my girls are sound asleep in their rooms. Once my head hits the pillow I instantly fall asleep.

Nadia's POV:

I wake up with an excruciating hangover. I look at my clock on the wall it's 4:30 meaning Blake and Ryan are still passed out. I look over at my nightstand to find aspirin. I smile knowing Johnny put them there. He always knows what I need. I get up and get ready for the day. Johnny and Kylie should be here in twenty minutes. I go to Ruby's room to see her still asleep snoring. I smile as I walk up to her and start to shake her.

"Rubes get up Johnny and Kylie are gonna be here in twenty minutes. We can't be late. Meet me downstairs." I say as I hear her groan

"How much did we all drink last night? I feel like a monster truck repeatedly ran over my brain then backed up over it." Ruby says getting up going to her bathroom

I walk out laughing. I go to back to my room to get dressed. I hop in the shower. Feeling the warm water against my skin helps relieve the pressure there alcohol has caused in my head. As I get out of the shower and I'm dressed I go downstairs. Once I'm downstairs I find Ruby sitting there waiting at the table. I smile giving her a hug. I give Ruby some aspirin knowing her head might be hurting too.

"How much did we drink?" Ruby asks sighing as she takes the aspirin from my hands swallowing it

"I don't exactly remember but I know it was a lot." I say rubbing my temples

"I just remember you emptying the tequila bottle." Ruby says sighing

"I know Kylie finished off the vodka." Lexy says quietly

"I just remember everyone handing you shot after shot." I say rubbing my forehead

"Did you have fun at least?" I ask Ruby as she nods wincing

"Yeah I did." Ruby says smiling through the pounding in her head

Before I can say anything else I hear Johnny honking making Ruby and I groan. We all pile in the car to see Kylie holding cookies wearing sunglasses. I grab the cookies passing everyone one. I can't help but smile thinking how Johnny and Kylie always make sure we are taken care of. They are our true and only family. Once I see everyone has a cookie I grab mine eating it. As fun as last night was I do not wanna go to work. I take a deep breath sighing as I can tell that today is gonna be a long day for all of us.

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