Chapter 16: The Beach

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A gentle breeze, the salty air, the bright sun shining in the sky... Everything that Vanitas absolutely hated. Consistently he smacked his lips together, attempting to rid of the salty taste in his mouth everytime he breathed in. The beach was hot and Vanitas felt himself sweating underneath all his layered black clothing. He wanted to just rip it off.

"Hey! Come at least dip your feet in!" Riku beamed. He had taken his shoes off and rolled his pants legs up, revealing muscular calfs.

He was reliving his fake memories in Destiny Islands and making them true. Vanitas had to remind himself of that. Riku was grinning ear to ear, and all the things that Vanitas hated about the beach, Riku was enjoying. Vanitas was always shrouded in darkness and the gleaming light of the sun made him wince.

But Riku...

"Well? At least try to have a good time!"

Riku was bathing in the light.

Vanitas groaned and rolled his eyes, but was compelled to make the Replica's wish come true. He begrudgingly stripped off the jacket to reveal a thinner and short sleeved shirt underneath. He kept the mask on despite how much salt was sticking to it from the air and then began to kick off the black boots. Riku already unzipped and tossed his sleeveless jacket and revealed a simple white tank top, one that stuck to his skin from the replica splashing around. Vanitas avoided staring and removed himself from the safety of the shade as he ventured out underneath the sun. Vanitas squeezed one eye shut from the brightness and lifted an arm to shield his face as he took one step at a time in his bare feet.

"You're acting like this is just so awful." Riku teased. He stood like a painting, his hair wet and sticking to his face and his arms loosely by his side.

Vanitas was glad his face was covered, staring at Riku in direct sunlight made his heart race. "It is. It's terrible."

Riku blew a raspberry, his tongue out and hands on his hips in an audacious manner. "Boo hoo."

"You're such a child." Vanitas retorted. He crossed his arms sourly and turned his head away.

He heard a splash the split second his eyes were averted and suddenly he felt the droplets of water soaking through his clothes. Vanitas stiffened, tightening his muscles as if that would get the feeling off his skin. Slowly but surely he began to turn his head to glare at Riku, who looked victorious for splashing the other. Vanitas fumed, his face dropping and his hand clenching into a tight fist.

"I'm gonna beat your ass!" Vanitas snapped, lifting his arm in a threatening manner. He felt the water dripping from the ends of his hair, dropping right onto his face and shoulders.

Riku burst out laughing, holding his stomach and crouching forward. His laughter was the sunshine itself. "Oh wow you should see your face! Or... What I can see of it anyway. Hey take the mask off it's probably all wet."

Riku reached forward with hand out stretched with the intention to grasp the mask. Vanitas held himself back from slapping that hand away and instead lifted his chin up as he leaned himself backwards to avoid the confrontation.

"Don't touch the mask."

Riku scoffed and waved a dismissive hand. "Oh stop that. We're working together now, what if something happens and I don't recognize you?"

"Don't be absurd."

Riku placed his hands on his hips, seemingly pondering a few thoughts he juggled around. Vanitas narrowed his eyes and took a couple steps back to the safety of the beach. Riku was plotting something to reach the mask, Vanitas could just feel the malicious intent behind that innocent perturbed look on his face. If the Replica ever wanted to set foot on the Islands again he better back down.

Fabricated Affections {RepliRikuXVanitas/KH FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now