Chapter 19: I'll Come For You

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An ugly sneer creased Xehanorts face and caused even more wrinkles than he already had. Riku almost couldn't move as the fear petrified him; even focusing on humoring himself wasn't working. Riku saw Vanitas already had lept to his feet without any hesitation and had a hand covering his mouth. Riku wondered why.

"Thanks to you two fools I have lost several vessels." Xehanort lifted a brow as his smirk never faltered. "How will you make it up to me?"

Vanitas summoned his Keyblade and positioned himself into his fighting stance. With him prepared for battle Riku forced himself to his feet and did his best to ignore his wobbling knees and quivering breath. If anyone should be terrified it should be Vanitas; Xehanort was his abuser, his manipulator. Riku needed to protect him with everything he had. He summoned his own blade and prepared him accordingly while the tip of his blade zeroed at the enemy. Riku had to swallow any fear he had and focus his attention to helping Vanitas who needed his assistance much more than Riku did.

"I'll help you by shoving my blade up your -"

"Hmm that won't do." Xehanort ignored the threats and stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Your mask is gone and your face is revealed. You don't want anyone seeing those scars, do you? What are you thinking?"

Riku caught a glimpse of Vanitas' faltering face and he frowned at those harsh words. Xehanort was simply manipulating him, and Riku was sure the other knew that, but that didn't stop those words from hurting. The rage that bubbled inside Riku's chest at those words were indescribable at the mere sullen look of Vanitas' expression and Riku's feet moved on their own as he positioned himself in front of him.

"Do not speak to him like that." Riku spat as his tone was full of warning even he couldn't believe the growl in his tone.

Xehanort continued his bit as a wicked grin formed on his lips and those eyes stayed fixated on his former apprentice. He didn't seem to care about Riku at all almost as if he didn't exist in the scenario. As his gaze drifted right over Riku's shoulder to rest of Vanitas, Riku positioned himself appropriately and tilted his head just enough to block the other. He had an irritated sigh escaping Vanitas' lips from behind yet there was no verbal protest. Riku felt relieved.

Xehanort allowed the silence to linger momentarily as he studied their behavior. His sneer never ceased but instead expanded as whatever thoughts that were lingering seemed to have grown more intense. Riku swallowed a lump in his throat and prepared himself for any action coming from the older man; he was unpredictable.

"Excuse my rudeness." Xehanort finally spoke. He straightened his back slightly and cleared his throat. "I'll just have to make Vanitas a new mask then. Shall we go?"

"Go?!" Vanitas sounded disbelieved. "Just casually go with you? You'll have to kill me before I do anything with you."

Xehanort finally turned his gaze away from his former apprentice and instead stared steadily towards Riku. That lump in his throat returned as he realized exactly the thought process going through the enemies head was. He barely had time to process much else before he felt a hand clench his shoulder and in a blink of an eye he was thrown and tumbling down the hill. Riku could hear a scream from above and he did everything he could to catch himself before gravity did, grasping the ground with his nails and digging up the dirt with his body weight. He felt panic flare as he recognized that scream. Vanitas wasn't one to yell like that, but Riku recognized it all the same.

"Vanitas!" Riku cried out and he scrambled to rest on his hands and knees. He lifted his head and the sight before him made his blood run cold.

Their silhouettes were contrasted against the moon as both dark figures were positioned in a way that made Riku sick to his stomach. With Xehanorts figure reaching forward his hand had grasped Vanitas' face, while his other arm held onto the handle of his Keyblade that had pierced Vanitas right through. Riku felt frozen in place and his eyes watched the blood drip from the top of the Keyblade as the scene before him dragged on longer than it should have; the scene that Xehanort had planned. Riku's breath quivered, his body shaking with terror. Riku had to squeeze his eyes shut when time finally resumed and Xehanort pulled the blade from Vanitas' body. He immediately collapsed like a pile of sticks and loosely hung from the hill.

"R-Riku..." Vanitas wheezed weakly. Riku opened his eyes and stared at the voice. "It's just... My shoulder... I'm... Fine..."

Riku attempted to swallow the lump in his throat but to no avail. Even after being stabbed Vanitas used his energy to reassure Riku. He helplessly was stuck in that position on his hands and knees watching Vanitas slowly curl into a defensive ball as he cradled his injury. Riku felt pathetic; weak. He couldn't find the energy to move as he was afraid any sudden motion would set Xehanort off. His eyes darted from Vanitas to Xehanort as he frantically tried to think of anything he could do to help the situation.

"I'll be taking back my apprentice now." Xehanorts voice was light with joy and that made Riku seeth. "And you, boy." From afar Xehanort pointed his blade towards Riku now. "I know you have some sick infatuation with my apprentice. Since you owe me vessels now I expect you bring others to aid you in retrieving him."

"W-Wait...!" Riku lifted an arm while Xehanort grabbed the back of Vanitas' shirt. "Please! Let him go! Take me instead!"

Xehanort scowled as a corridor was summoned beside him. Vanitas was unconscious now as his limp body dangled from Xehanorts grasp. The blood was excessive and the mere sight made Riku throw up in his mouth. Is this what Vanitas felt before? When Larxene left Riku a bloody mess at the castle? Riku felt sick, disgusted, and absolutely livid. He knew all too well that it was too late to attempt a rescue as Xehanort would easily kill either one of them, but that desperation to prevent Vanitas from returning to Xehanorts clutches was so overwhelming his body moved on its own. Riku pushed himself to stand, though his knees were wobbly he still began running towards them with both arms reaching out with the intention to grab Vanitas.

"Vanitas!" He was only a few more steps away and Xehanort was now halfway through the portal. Riku kept yelling, "I'll come back to you! I promise!"

Vanitas weakly opened his eyes, his gorgeous golden gaze meeting Riku's blurred vision as his eyes swelled with tears. Despite everything, despite the injury, despite being taken away, Vanitas formed a small smile.

"I know you will."

Riku lunged forward to grab even a part of Vanitas; anything. Vanitas was dragged into the darkness and Riku grasped nothing but air as he collapsed into the dirty ground. His hand lingered where the one he loved just was, causing Riku to clench his fist with defeat.

There, Riku simply sobbed quietly to himself. He felt his body involuntarily began to hug himself for comfort as he positioned himself into a sitting position while he sat on his legs. He could feel his body aching; his chest tightening painfully at his position. He couldn't bear it. Riku couldn't stand the thought of Vanitas being back into Xehanorts clutches. He desperately wanted to just stand up and go after them but he knew Xehanorts plan all too well;

" Since you owe me vessels now I expect you bring others to aid you in retrieving him."

Xehanort knew Riku would bring assistance to retrieve Vanitas and had a plan to obtain his vessels. Riku couldn't rush in there without help but what else could he do? What was waiting for him at Xehanorts Castle? Riku attempted to calm his breathing with several deep breaths though his air came out in stutters. He should gather help regardless of the threats. He was in no stable position to face Xehanort on his own.

He just hoped he didn't doom the others to a horrible fate.

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