Just a Gardener

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"I think we need a gardener," Marissa declared, as we strolled the barren gardens outside our new home. I smiled softly and kissed her on the cheek,

"Whatever you like my dear."

She squealed,

"I knew you'd say that so I already found one!"

I felt a twinge of uncertainty, she always did this.

"Did you talk to Karen and Victoria? Do they mind?"

She smiled,

"They thought it was a great idea and helped me pick him out!"

That raised an eyebrow,

"Him? Should I be worried?"

She pushed me playfully,

"Not at all Tommy."

She kissed my cheek than ran off to tell the others. I sighed and sat down on a stone bench surrounded by dead rose bushes. A gardener probably was not a bad idea but I hated that they always ganged up against me. I put my head in my hands and did the only thing that I thought I should do but really didn't give me any comfort, I prayed.

"I'm so confused God, I love my wives, I do. Well I think I do."

I tangled my hands in my hair, I didn't really like it the way it was but my wives refused to late me change it so I stuck with it.

"I'm so frustrated, I love them and I think they love me but what am I supposed to do? I just..."

I trailed off as I heard rustling, I didn't want my private thoughts to be overheard.

I stood up and headed back to the house and thought of my life.

I was married to my first wife, Victoria, about eighteen months ago. My second, Marissa, four months later, and my third and final wife, Karen, seven months ago. We, if you could not tell, are a Mormon family. I loved my wife's, I did. At least I think I do. I tried to shake those thoughts as I walked into our house.

Victoria and Karen ran up to me, both kissing me on the cheek,

"Thank you Tommy!"

They said together,

"You're welcome."

The doorbell rang as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

"Who could that be?"

They all squealed,

"The gardener!"

I looked at Marissa and she smiled. I kept my mouth shut, we could talk about this later.

She went and opened the door so I straightened my shirt and waited patiently for this new person.

I heard a laugh come from the hall and my jaw almost hit the floor. The sound was almost angelic. I looked to the ceiling almost expecting to see a hole opening to heaven. I nearly laughed at my foolishness and quickly collected myself. When Marissa, Karen, and Victoria walked around the corner I had to pick my tongue off the floor. The man who walked in with them was tall, broad, dark hair, blue eyes, and more gorgeous than any man or woman I had ever met. He met my eyes and his entire face changed but only for a second before he was once again composed.

"This is our husband, Thomas Ratilff."

I shot a glare at Karen, they knew I hated being called Thomas.

I stepped forward and extended my hand toward him,

"It's Tommy actually, Tommy Joe."

He smiled and shook my hand, I was shocked when I felt something more than just the warmth of another person's hand. I saw his eyes widen so I knew he felt it too. I dismissed it and quickly pulled my hand away.

"Adam, Adam Lambert."

He smiled and I felt something strange in my stomach,

"Can I show you the garden?"

Adam smiled warmly and nodded. I led him to the garden and looked him over again as we walked. He was wearing a black muscle shirt that showed off his arms and tattoos, his arms were covered in freckles which made me doubt his dark hair being his true color, he was wearing washed out jeans that fit his ass perfectly, and a pair of combat boots. All in all he was breath taking.

"So, stop me if I'm prying but did they say 'our' husband?"

His voice pulled me out of my thoughts,

"You're not prying, yes, they are all my wives."

He looked at me skeptically,


He shook his head,


I was curious but let it drop. I showed him around the rest of the gardens and assigned him his duties.

"This place will be beautiful when it gets some life back in it."

I smiled at him, my eyes trailing over his arms again.

"Why do you have tattoos?"

He cocked his head to the side,

"They're important symbols to me."

I took a step forward and he showed them all to me, explaining their significance to me as he did so.

"This is the most recent one. The upside down triangle is an LGBT sign and the writing says 'Freak of Nature' in Latin."

I looked up at him,

"You're gay?"

He chuckled,

"I am, is that an issue?"

I shook my head,

"Not at all, I was just curious."

He smiled,

"We'll I'm glad to be working for you Tommy."

He remembered.

"I'm glad you're working for me too."

We said our goodbyes after we settled on his paycheck and decided he would start tomorrow.

I went up to my room and watched him walk out to his car, I saw him look up and sigh as he left. What was that? I watched him drive away and felt a small smile spread across my face. He is special, I can feel it.

Just a GardenerWhere stories live. Discover now