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Adam and I looked each other over as we drank out beers, some silent permission we had both given. When my eyes met his I didn't know what to think. Who was this man? He walked into my life and now I can't get him out of my head. He was supposed to just be the gardener; I was supposed to worry about my wives loyalty to me and yet things went quite the opposite now.

I opened my mouth to say something but Marissa burst through the door.

"Hey Adam!"

I rolled my eyes, classy, say hi to him before your own husband.

She turned to me and gave me that 'you're still here look?' But I didn't budge. In fact I let a sly smile rest on my lips and felt nothing but sick satisfaction as her lips twitched momentarily into a frown.

Adam saw the entire exchange and by the look on his face it must have concerned him. When I met his eyes there was a distress to them that hadn't been there before.

"How's the garden coming?"

As he looked to Marissa I was shocked at the disgust that passed briefly through his eyes. It was gone in an instant and he was happy go lucky Adam again. A fake smile plastered on his face. I noted the difference between this smile and the one I had witnessed in the garden. The physical pull of his lips across his teeth was exactly the same except now the warmth and kindness I had seen in his eyes before was not there. It was a fake kind of bubbly. I don't know how I knew it was different but I did. Only I had been graced with his real smile. That realization sent a warm feeling through my stomach.

"It's coming along well. I'm almost done bringing it back to life then it will just be basic maintenance."

Marissa smiled,

"Lovely. I look forward to the finished product."

He smiled and nodded,

"As do I."

His eyes met mine as he spoke and for some reason I knew he wasn't just talking about the garden.

"I should get back to work."

Marissa smiled and watched him walk off before spinning on her heel towards me. Her mood doing an absolute 360 in the process,

"What do you think you're doing?"

I raised my eyebrow,

"What are you talking about?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and rested most of her weight on her back foot, in other words she was going into bitch mood.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Thomas."

My eyes narrowed,

"You know I don't like being called that."

She laughed but there wasn't a hint of humor in the gesture,

"Sucks for you, Thomas."

She sneered my name like it was burning her tongue, I hope it did.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk out of the room. I didn't need any of this from her. Karen and Victoria walked into the room and took in the scene before them. Marissa with a hateful look on her face and me walking away, just like I always did. I stopped in my tracks, no, not anymore. I turned back to Marissa.

"You know you have one hell of a mouth on you."

All their jaws dropped,

"In case you forgot," I walked up to her until I was inches from her face,

"I am the head of this house and you will do well to remember that. I'm sick and tired of you going behind my back on everything." I turned to Karen and Victoria, "You both should take note too. I've had enough of you ganging up on me. I'm a grown ass man and I won't be treated like a naive child by the 3 of you anymore."

I looked up as I heard footsteps, Adam stood at the door to the garden. Apparently I had more shouted than asserted myself with an authoritative tone. He has a small smile on his lips, it almost looked, proud.

Marissa looked from me to Adam before walking up to me, getting right in my face.

"In case you don't remember Thomas Joseph Ratliff, you asked us to marry you."

Her voice gave nothing away about her feelings on the situation.

I took a deep breath, dejected, she was right. That moment of confidence had slipped away. What the hell was I doing? I'm supposed to love and cherish my wives, not yell at them. I sighed in defeat,

"You're right my love, I'm sorry. It's been a long day, I don't know what came over me."

Marissa smirked, nothing but pure control and confidence knowing she had won.

"Of course Tommy."

She wrapped her arms around my waist and I slowly embraced her back. I looked up and my eyes met with Adam's again. That proud glint had vanished from his shining blue eyes and was instead replaced with, was that, shame? Even though the thought of him being ashamed broke my heart I still saw the same warmth and affection in his eyes, he didn't give up on me yet. Maybe I can do this. Maybe.

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