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"Are you sure about this?"

I rolled my eyes at Isaac, my barber and long time friend. I smiled contentedly at him, "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

A brilliant smile spread across his face, "Bout damn time." My jaw dropped as his smile turned into a smirk. Apparently Adam wasn't the only one to see my need for a change. With that thought I looked over at Adam sprawled out lazily on the chair next to mine. It was the middle of the day so we had the entire place to ourselves. He smiled reassuringly which led me to watch his freckled lips, leading me to remember the feel of those lips against my own. A faint blush crept up my neck at the memory, my lips still tingling like he had yet to end the kiss.

I looked back to the mirror and relaxed into my chair, letting Isaac get to work. My eyes drooping shut as he and Adam chatted idly. Only I could fall asleep during a haircut.

As I started to come back to reality I first noticed Isaac was no longer cutting my hair and second that he and Adam seemed to be discussing something.

"I see the way he looks at you." Isaac threw out casually. A sigh, probably coming from Adam.

"He's married," he sounded so resigned, "to three women."

I heard the shuffle of feet before Isaac spoke up again.

"I've known Tommy for a long time and he's never once looked at any of his wives the way he looks at you. He got married because he thought it was the right thing to do and it may have been the right thing for his family and maybe even his wives but that doesn't mean it was right for him. I've been trying to convince him to just go on and cut his hair for a couple years but he never did. The fact that you came along and gave him the confidence to actually do it says a hell of a lot right there."

I decided it was time to rejoin the living, or at least appear that that was what was happening. I groaned, rather convincingly in my opinion, as I stretched my arms out above my head. When I opened my eyes Adam was standing right in front of me. Unexpected but definitely not un-wanted. He smiled warmly at me, sending shivers down my spine. I gratefully returned the smile and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. He hugged back contentedly. When he pulled away Isaac appeared out of no where.

"Ready to see your new do?"

I nodded, "So ready."

Adam and Isaac stepped away from in front of me as I let my eyes fall on the new me.


Both their heads snapped in my direction. I was rather surprised at having said that myself, out loud anyway.

"It looks awesome man!" From Isaac. "You look gorgeous, glitterbaby." From Adam. Isaac shot him a cocky know-it-all smirk but I ignored it. I looked up to Adam as he squeezed my hand, "Thank you Adam." I pushed up off the chair and pulled Isaac in for a hug. "Thank you for everything man." He pulled away and looked me in the eye, a bright smile that met his eyes firm on his lips. "I'm so happy for you Tommy Joe." I knew he was talking about more than just the haircut when he shot Adam an affectionate look. One more tight squeeze and we were off.

Adam and I walked next door to get the hair dye and then it was back to the house we went.

Once we got there Adam sat me down on a stool in the kitchen and got to work. It was two awesome things at once: getting my hair dyed and getting a head massage. Adam seemed to indulge me a bit in the massage area and I was not about to point it out and risk him stopping. I was quite content to let him do whatever he liked.

When time was up he helped me rinse off my hair before I dried it with a towel. I ran my fingers through my hair once before looking at him, my eyebrow raised expectantly, waiting for a comment.

"Oh baby," was all he got out before his lips crashed down on mine in another kiss. I let him control it all, from the angle of the kiss to when his tongue slipped past my lips. Eventually he started to slowly tone down the kiss before pulling away altogether; his forehead resting against mine, my hands on his chest, and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I better go take a look now," I whispered, "even though after that reaction I'm sure I'll love it."

He chuckled as I pulled away, letting his arms slip off my waist. He playfully swatted my butt as I stepped past him. I looked over my shoulder and threw him a wink. His eyes went dark and the chase was on. He chased me all the way to my room and into the bathroom. When we finally got there we were both breathless from laughter. I looked up at the mirror and gasped. I noticed Adam first, of course. He was behind me, his chest to my back, his arms around my midsection, and his face resting against the side of my head in my hair. His raven black locks looked even more sleek next to my now bright blonde hair.

I looked exactly as I had imagined.

"It's perfect." Adam smiled in the mirror but shook his head slowly turning me around. "Not yet."

He chuckled at the confusion on my face as he pulled out this pencil of sorts. When it finally clicked my whole body started to buzz with excitement. It was black eyeliner. He tilted my head back, his hand on my chin, "Shut your eyes." I did as he said and stilled momentarily as he expertly swept the liner across my eyes. He inspected his handiwork quickly before smiling an turning me back around. The second I saw my face I turned back around and pulled Adam in for a kiss. When I pulled away I looked back in the mirror as he wrapped around me the same way he had been before.

"Now you're perfect. I didn't think it possible for you to get more beautiful." I smiled shyly, a small pink tinting my cheeks.

"Thank you Adam, this is the nicest thing anyone has bet done for me."

He smiled, pressing a loving kiss to the side of my head. "You deserve it baby, you look stunning."

For the second time I had the urge to turn around and kiss Adam so I did exactly that. Sighing into the perfect feeling of our lips pressed together. We fit like puzzle pieces. That was something I had never before experienced but planned on keeping. I knew as I kissed Adam that there was going to be a hell of a lot of rain before he and I got to our rainbow but I knew in my heart that he was the one and I wasn't about to let that go.

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