Chapter 10

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"So, Bobby, when do you think she will wake up?" I asked. "She should wake up in at least 3 days. She lost a lot of blood Dean." he told me. I look over at Rachel and her mom. With tears streaming down her face she held Rachel's hand and told her everything was going to be alright.

"This is all my fault Bobby. I'm the one who let her come on the hunt. I let this happen. I'm her dad, I'm supposed to prevent these kinds of things." He looked at me, " Look, if you didn't let her go, you were preventing her from learning how to protect herself. you were preventing her from learning." Now that he mentioned it he is right but still I put her in danger. "I just hope she will be okay." I take the last sip of my beer and toss the bottle in the trash.

"Where's Sam?" Bobby asked as he walked over to the fridge to get two more bottles. "He went to the store to pick up a few things." I said opening my second bottle for the night.

Rachel POV

When I woke from the crash I felt like I had no energy. It took so mic out of me just to breath. I tried to open my eyes but they felt like they were being weighed down. "RACHEL!" I knew that voice, that was my dad! I tried to open my mouth to talk or move my hands, something, so he would know I was there, but nothin worked. I tried to tell my hands to move but nothing happened.

This sucked. I can't move. I heard several different noises and I felt someone touching my hands and arms. Then everything went silent. Several seconds passed when finally my dads voice broke the silence. Minutes later I felt myself being carried. To where, I had no idea. By who? I didn't know that either. Eventually I felt my mind slip into a deep abyss I have come to know as sleep.

Two days later
I open my eyes and I have no clue where I am. I sit up but quickly regret that when my head starts to pound. I stood up slowly taking in my surroundings. I walked out the room and started down an unfamiliar hallway. "Hello?" I found a set of stairs at the end of the hall and headed down them. " Hello?" I said once more. As I got closer to the bottom, I heard voices. "Hello?" I said for the third time. "Rachel?" I heard my dad ask.

"Yea, it's me. You know I like to make a grand entrance in people's houses I don't know." I said sarcastically. What I got in a response was not what I w expecting. My dad ignored my sarcasm and pulled me into a hug. "Um, is everything okay?" I ask carefully. "I'm just glad your alive." He said squeezing me tight.

"I might be wrong but, I think I'm missing something. " I said pulling out of the hug. "The last this I remember is going to the bathroom at the diner." I said thinking back, trying to remember what happened after that. "On your way to the bathroom you were attacked by something called a Djinn." Sam said with a breath.

" I was attacked by a what?" " A Djinn. Its like a genie, but not a good one. They take people and drug them so they can have their blood. While they are out they slowly drain the life from them, when this goes on the person the are killing, is pretty much living their biggest dream in their head. In their dream they could be there for years but it only takes days for the person to die." Dean explained.

"Oh, well how long was I out?" "Rachel, you were out for five days. Three of those days you were here." Sam piped in on his way into the kitchen. "Oh." I just sat there not really sure what else to say. "So with all of that out of the way, your awake and we killed the Djinn." Dean said, attempting to smile. "Oh, and next time, I'm waiting outside the bathroom door. Got it?" He said shaking his finger at me. I smiled but agreed " Got it."

"What is there to eat?" I asked as I headed to the pantry. "Well, your not going to find anything in there, but we do have some fried chicken. We were eating that while we pondered on when you would get up." Sam handed me a bucket of chicken. "Ooo, this is amazing! I feel like I haven't eaten in years!" I said with a mouth full of chicken. Everyone including a man I have never met before, laughed.

After I swallowed I held out my hand to the man, "Im Rachel, I'm sure they have already told you about me." He gave a small smile and said,"Im Bobby, I guess you would call me an old family friend. I've been around for a while." He shook my hand and stole a piece of chicken. "Once you have one, you gotta have two." and he went back into the living room. "So, what do y'all want to do?" I asked, mindlessly taking a bit of chicken. "We could go join Bobby in the living room," Sam suggested. "Sounds like a plan to me."

I agreed and trudged into the living room. I feel like I have no energy. I'm pretty sure it's due to not eaten in three days but still, I feel like pure crap. "Do y'all smell that?" I asked after conversing back and forth with Bobby for a good two hours. It smells really bad like sulfur. " It smells like sulfur." I said covering my mouth and nose with my shirt.

I looked over at my dad and he had the look of pure terror on his face. "Dad is everything okay?" He didn't answer me. He just got up and started to rummage through cabinets. He came back with spray paint and started to draw weird symbols under the rug. "What are you doing?" I asked getting a little freaked out. "I can't let them get you. I almost lost you once I cant let them take you from me. " I looked at him, puzzled. "Who are you talking about? Who is 'them'?" I asked looking at Bobby for some answers. "Demons" was the only thing he said. I felt all the color drain from my face. Dean finished and put the rug back. I heard something fall in the back of the house, so I looked down the hallway. I saw two figures walking towards us. I slowly started to back up and I bumped into Dean. When they came into the light, I noticed that the two men each had a knife clutched in their hand. The larger one spoke first. "Well hello Dean and the little Miss Winchester."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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