Chapter 3

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" No" Dean said. " He just told me that these kills were neither human nor any animal he has ever seen, and, I told him we would me there in a day and a half."

"Okay, well why are we going to do with Rachael and Teresa?" Sam asked. Teresa was my mothers name. " I don't know. Bobby said he has some old friends over and I don't want to ruin their "reunion", so, I guess their coming with us."

"But if they come with us then we risk their lives Dean!"
"Sam. Their coming with us. End of story."

"When do we leave?" Sam asked. I guess he gave up trying to reason with his brother. "Tonight." Dean said simply. " Okay. I'll go grab the guns, salt, and the demon knife and put them in the car." Sam stated.

Dean walked in to the living room how he finished talking with Sam and who ever Bobby was. He looked at me and my mom and said " So, a slight change of plans.

We have to go to New Jersey."
"Okay I'm sure me and my mom can take care of ourselves." I said. "I mean we have been doing so for the past 17 years."

" Look kid.. I already said I was sorry. And your not staying here by yourselves you are coming with us."

"Okay....... if you say so, and you know...... it's gonna take a while before I can treat you like my dad, because yes you are my dad, but to me you are a simi-stranger."

I stated toward Dean. He just looked at me with eyes full of regret. " I know." he said and after he got up and walked away I instantly regretted what I said.i looked over at my mom and she was watching me while I sat there trying to think of a way to fix what I said.

After a few minutes my mom got up and started gathering what she had and we headed out to the 1967 Chevy Impala. We left the bunker around 4:30pm and it's now 7:45pm.

Sam is asleep and we are a little under half way there. "Dean could we stop for the night? I'm getting kinda tired." I asked yawning. " Yea, there's a motel off this next exit."

After about fifteen minutes we pulled into the parking lot of the motel. "I'm gonna go check us in." Dean told me as he got out of the car.

I looked over at my Mom, she was sleeping like a rock. Sam was still passed out in the passenger seat and he was leaning up against the door ,when, Dean came back. "I got us all checked in, we are in room 103 , I'll grab the bags and wake up Sam.

" Dean reached over and shook his brother." Hey Sammy we are going to go into this motel and stay for the night." Sammy looked at him with his droopy eyes. " Okay I'm coming."

He said with a tired voice. I woke up my mom told her where we were and we all got out and started dragging into the motel. How we got in our room there were only two beds

"Sammy and I will sleep on this one and you and your mom can have that bed." Dean said as he reached in his bag grabbing a thing of salt. "what's the salt for?"

I asked curiously. "It's to prevent demons and ghosts from coming in." Dean said as he sprinkled salt along the window and the door and he even made a circle around the beds.

" You should get your rest we have a big day tomorrow!" Dean said right before I slipped into bed and a deep sleep washed over me.

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