Chapter 9

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Rachel POV

I walked up and down the hallway looking for any sign for the man from the diner, but he was nowhere to be found. i eventually gave up and went into my room and got on my computer. I checked all my social sites and then it hit me. What was that man?

He obviously wasn't human, but what was he? I began to search two key words tattoos and blue light. I got several websites for tattoo places but nothing out of the ordinary. So, I replaced blue light with blue glow. The results finally gave me the answer I was looking for.

Dean POV

I have been walking these streets for an hour and I have found nothing. I guess it's the same for Sammy too, seeing how I haven't gotten any phone calls. I was just about to head back when I heard a door shut down the alley beside me.

I quickly moved to get against the wall to the building. I looked around the trash can that was right beside me and I saw the Dijin walking toward me. I quickly moved back against the cold brick wall. I could hear him getting closer.

I quieted my breathing and stayed very still. I heard the metal lid open,releasing a very terrible aroma, and the. I heard it close. I held my breath to prevent making noise. When I thought it was clear to get up I carefully looked around the trash can. I watched the Djinn walk into the building. I pulled out my cell and called Sammy.

He picked up on the second ring. "I found him." I said looking around to see if I was alone. "where are you?" he asked. "I'm in the alley between an old library and an abandoned paint and body shop, on Stevens Avenue. "I'm on my way."

" Stop by the impala and get a silver knife and lambs blood." I told him. "I already got it taken care of. I grabbed that stuff before we separated. " And he hung up. Sammy rounded the corner a few minutes later with two silver knives in one hand and lambs blood in the other. "Where is he?" Was the first question he asked when he came up beside me. "He went inside the side door to the paint and body shop." I told him as I grabbed the items out of his hands.

I opened the lambs blood and dipped the knifes in, covering the blade. "Lets go kill this son of a bitch and get my daughter back." I said and headed toward the door, Sammy hot on my heels. "Are you sure it was him?" Sammy whispered as we stepped inside the old paint and body shop. " I am positive that it was him.

He walked up right beside the trash can." we both got quiet when we heard a voice. they were asking someone to let them go. I looked at Sam and nodded my head to the right, the direction I wanted him to go. He went around a big metal gate that was holding several varieties of tools.

With the knife clutched in my hand I headed straight. There were no lights on but it was just bright enough for me to see. I reached the end of the gate when I heard the voice again, except this time they were louder and I could tell it was Rachel. I rounded one last corner and a opening came into view. "please, just let me go."

I could see Rachel tied up by her hands with an IV pole by her side. The Djinn was beside her drinking what I guessed was her blood. I looked to my right and saw Sammy slowly creeping up behind him. I started to do the same.

Rachel POV

A Djinn. they can make you live your dream while you are slowly drained of life. I couldn't quite wrap my head around the fact that, that was happening to me. I was slowly ripped of my life, my family and my future. I closed my computer and lay on my bed staring up at my ceiling. I need to get back, I need to get back to the warehouse thing that the djinn had me in.

I got up and dressed, and I started to try and wake myself up. "Come on, come on, wake up." I heard a booming voice say. "Come on you gotta wake up. Sam she's not waking up." They sounded panicked and worried, yet strangely familiar. I sat on the floor and started repeating. "This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real." over and over.

After about five minutes of talking to myself I put my shoes and headed to the car. If I was going to wake up I needed to go back to the crime scene, so to speak. If I was going to make a 17 hour drive from my home town Augusta, Georgia to Wooster Massachusetts I was going to need some caffeine.

So I stopped by the drug store and got a two packs of soda. I had been driving for about 6 hours when out of nowhere several bodies appeared out of nowhere. I jerked the steering wheel to avoid hitting any of them. That was a mistake.

I jerked the wheel a little too far and I lost control of car. I hit the shoulder of the road and the car flipped. It rolled down the hill, and if there wasn't a few trees by the bottom, it would have kept rolling until it hit the pile of rocks behind the trees.

Deans POV

We almost got within arms length when I stepped in a pile of screws. the Djinn turned abruptly and threw a punch at me. "Wake her up Sam!" I growled while dogging and throwing punches. "She won't wake up Dean!" I heard him yell. With his statement I was caught off guard and pinned up against the gate by my throat. His hand was glowing blue and he was reaching for my face. I was attempting to hold back his glowing hand when I realized I had my knife.

I took my free hand and reached into my pocket, I felt around until I found it. I gripped it in my hand and brought it up in front of my belly button and I pushed it forward into the Djinn's stomach. I watched as his glowing blue eyes slowly burned out. Along with is glowing hand. Blood oozed out of his mouth as he slowly sank to the ground.

Trying to catch my breath, I walked as fast as I could over to Sam and Rachel. "Dean I don't know if she's going to wake up. " When I heard my brother say those words I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest. I had just found my daughter to only have her taken away from me. "Sammy this can happen. YOU CANT LET THIS HAPPEN!!! " I yell. "DEAN, I'M DOING EVERYTHING I CAN."

"RACHEL! YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME!" I shake her trying to wake her up but she won't budge. "Unhook the IV and let's carry her to the car." Sam unhooked the IV and I worked on untying her wrists. " Grab her so she won't fall." I said as I worked on the last knot. Sam wrapped one arm around her waist and one grabbed her shoulder. I finally finished untying her and Sam lowered her into his arms. "We need to get her back to Bobby's." Sam said as we headed toward the Impala.

We made it to the car and he laid Rachel across the back seats and we headed back to the motel to get our stuff. "Don't forget the salt." Sam reminded me before we left the motel. "Got it." I said and raised the salt to show him. I got into the car and started the engine. "Let's go to Bobby's" I muttered and I backed out of the parking lot and got on the road, again.

Hello my darlings! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had nothing else to do today so I was like hey why not update early? So here it is! Thank you a for 800 views and 52 votes! If you enjoy this book please vote and comment your thoughts! Also my messages are open for ANY requests or ideas! I love you guys so much!😘

~ Jessica

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