Breathe Part 16

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Angst btw!!

Raph's Team

3rd POV

They were just on patrol. They were taking a short break to see if anything weird was going on. When from behind them Tiger Claw, Rocksteady, and Bebop emerged. "You can't go around dropping your guard turtles," Tiger Claw said, standing tall.

"Dang they just pop up out of nowhere here? That sucks for you guys man." Leon said, directing it towards Donnie, Casey, and Mikey.

"I know." Donnie said taking out his bo staff. Casey took out his hockey stick.

"Similar weapons, pretty cool." Leo pointed out.

"They are not that similar." Donnie, and Casey said in unison.

"Tomato, Potato." Mikey said.

"It's tomato, tomAto." Donnie corrected him.

"I thought you said they weren't similar." Leon said, wiggling his eyebrows at them.

"Our weapons aren't similar." Donnie gave a slight glare at Leon.

"Then why not keep it at tomato, potato? They are more different than tomato tomAto. Aren't they?" Leon said, leaning on his sword again.

"They are, but-"

Donnie was interrupted by Raph, "Guys we kinda have three mutants here to fight us, so does it really matter if it's tomato, tomAto, potato, potAto? No."

"Oh right I forgot about those guys." Leon said, moving his sword from leaning on it to resting it on his shoulder.

"How do you forget the people in front of you, who you're gonna fight?" Bebop threw his hands up in confusion.

"I don't know! You guys didn't talk at all either. Plus I assume you have the ninja skills of stealth so I didn't really hear you guys after you guys stopped talking. Even when you were talking I was honestly not paying attention to you. So I guess that's how I forgot you guys were there." Leon explained.

"Me and Bebop have no Ninja skills except hurting who we are told." Rocksteady answered.

"So are we gonna fight or are we just gonna keep talking?" Raph asked.

"We are gonna beat you, Turtle boy." Tiger Claw answered, pouncing towards Raph.

Raph was able to get a hold of him before he did anything. Leon was about to make a portal to move him. But Raph stopped him, "No Mystic."

"Oh yeah," Leon decided to just swing at Tiger Claw but got intercepted by Bebop pulling him back. He had his invisibility on. "Who just grabbed me." Leon turned around, looking around. He swung his sword again, being pulled back again.

But this time Casey used his Hockey stick to hit Bebop, causing him to fall down, his invisibility turning off. "You just got served the Casey Jones special. Breakfast in bed."

Casey went to help Donnie and Mikey with Rocksteady. Leon went over to Raph who was struggling with TigerClaw. Leon managed to nick TigerClaw, taking his attention from Raph. Letting Raph tear away from TigerClaw's grasp.

Donnie, Mikey and Casey were fighting Rocksteady. Donnie noticed Raph and Leon about to go head to head with TigerClaw. He looked at the situation he was in right then. "Mikey go help Raph and Leon, Casey and I can handle Rocksteady." Mikey nodded and ran over to Raph and Leon, standing behind them.

"So what are we doing to take down this big cat?" Leon asked.

"Mikey, get his feet together and then we can attack him easier." Raph explains looking at both of them. Both of them nod, Mikey instantly wrapped his kusari-fundō around TigerClaws legs, pulling and making him land flat on his back. Raph started punching him, Leon helping hold him down. It was going well until Bebop had been able to get up. He charged at Mikey, knocking him off of the building.

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