Chapter 5 (2004)

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"It's bound to happen sooner or later," I declared, pulling my jumper over my head.

Nova chuckled as she put on her bra. "Can't believe how worked up you are about this, Char."

"He's almost one and a half years old, Nova! I'm determined it'll happen." My brow furrowed in concentration.

"What if it doesn't? This is your last chance, you know," she teased.

"Easy for you to say, Mrs 'My Firstborn's First Word Was Mama,'" I countered, rolling my eyes playfully.

Nova, now fully dressed, stood in front of me with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised. "So, what happens if it doesn't?"

"Where'd you put my boxers?" I muttered, dropping to look under the bed.

"Other side," she pointed.

"How'd you manage to throw them over there?" I asked, impressed.

"When we're in a rush, I have my magical moments," she grinned, stopping me for a kiss.

"You really do," I winked, returning the kiss just as we heard Aoede's sleepy yawn in the hallway. Like Nova, Aoede not only inherited her artistic talent but also her dislike for mornings. We knew she was heading downstairs and that anything louder than a whisper might make her grumpy for the day.

"Did you know Luna's been secretly coaching Roggie to say her name?" Nova whispered as we started down the stairs.

"You're kidding?" I frowned. "How am I supposed to compete with that? Wasn't it enough that Luna Dora's first word was DeeDee?"

Nova's face lit up with amusement. "Now she's trying to do that with Roggie."

I rolled my eyes. She was enjoying this a bit too much.

Maybe I was obsessing, but I really hoped our son's first word would be something like "dada." Lately, it seemed everyone else was obsessed with it too. Every day became a battle to get Roggie to talk. Aoede and Luna Dora made up silly songs with their names, hoping he'd latch onto them. When I fed him, I'd coo and coax him to say the magic word. While Roggie giggled at our antics, Nova found the whole thing hilarious – how invested we all were.

The second we reached the kitchen, a loud groan of disapproval from our eldest announced that getting up early wasn't her choice, but she simply had to finish the drawing she'd started yesterday. Just then, we heard Roggie wake up upstairs. I caught Nova's eye, indicating I'd get him. She nodded back, but then a commotion erupted from Luna Dora's room.

"I'll get him! I'll get him!" Her voice rang out.

I shrugged and headed towards the kitchen, figuring I'd let the little firecracker handle it.

"Ten minutes and they still haven't come down? Maybe I should check on them," I said, growing impatient as our youngest two remained upstairs.

"Luna would've called if something was wrong," Nova reassured me, shrugging. "They're probably just playing. You know how much Luna wants to be a good big sister."

"True, but breakfast is ready and I have to leave for work soon. I can't miss even a small window to chat with Roggie," I replied, heading for the stairs.

Approaching Roggie's room carefully, I heard my second-born whispering. "Okay, we don't have much time. I can't get caught doing this. Just say Luna or Dora, maybe Luna, there's no 'R' in that one."

Unable to contain myself, I burst open the door dramatically. "I can't believe this!" I gasped, feigning offence. "I trusted you, Luna Dora. I thought you were on my team!"

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