Chapter 10 (2009/2010)

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Aoede (2009)

"DeeDee, you're frowning," Nana Ollie said, her voice laced with amusement.

Lifting my head from my drawing, I met her gaze. "Huh?"

"You're frowning again," she teased, playfully raising her eyebrows, her arms folded across her chest.

"Sorry," I offered a sheepish smile, returning to my work. "These colours just won't cooperate." I felt another frown creeping in and heard Nana clear her throat in a familiar warning tone. Mum must have put her on guard duty again, instructing her to shoo away any frown lines that dared to appear on my forehead when I got too engrossed in drawing.

"I wish I could be of more help, sweetheart," Nana said, "but drawing has always been your mum's forte." A warm smile spread across my face at the nickname. Mum used it on all three of us, and I knew she picked it up from Nana.

"Do you think I could call Mum later? Otherwise, these colours might haunt me all night!"

"Of course, sweetheart." Nana's smile softened further. I could almost see her reminiscing about the similarities between me and Mum. I wouldn't be surprised if I reminded her of her daughter right now.

It was the summer before my third year at Hogwarts, and Dora and I had expressed a desire to spend a few weeks with Nana Ollie. With the school holidays always filled with activities, I sometimes felt guilty for neglecting visits to my grandparents. The Easter break had been spent with my best friend Jenna in Scotland, and the three of us - Jenna, Noah, and I - had decided to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. Mum and Dad weren't thrilled, of course - they missed me dearly - but I suspected Dora was even more disappointed. The older she got, the more she whined about wanting to join me at Hogwarts already.

It was adorable, her attachment to me. Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way; she was the best little sister anyone could ask for. Naturally, this earned me endless teasing from Mum and Dad. Every time I complimented Dora, they'd playfully remind me of how I protested getting a sibling when Mum was pregnant with her. How was I supposed to know having a sister would be this much fun?

While Dora knew everything and remained my closest confidante, I also cherished my friendships at Hogwarts. We were inseparable - sharing classes, studying together in the common room, and always having meals together. Jenna, a Muggle-born, loved learning about the Wizarding World from me. In turn, she fascinated me with stories of her world. I'd then dissect it all over the fire with Grandpa Artie. And as for Jenna, well, she flipped out when I told her about dragons - creatures she never knew existed - especially when I told her about Dad being a Dragonologist!

I'd asked Mum if she could visit us for a week in August. It turned out Mum and Jenna's mum were finalising the details of Jenna's trip over the phone just before we headed to Nana Ollie's. Dora and I couldn't help but giggle as we listened to Mum explain the whole portkey business to Jenna's mum. It was clear she struggled to grasp the concept of magical travel, but Mum, ever the trooper, patiently answered all her questions until she deemed it safe for Jenna to spend time with us.

At first, I worried Dora might be upset about me inviting a friend, but to my surprise, she was ecstatic to meet Jenna. She couldn't wait to show off our house and bombard her with computer-related questions. Apparently, Jenna was bringing some video games, and Dora was eager to play them. Plus, Dora was determined to showcase her broom-flying skills - a natural talent, probably inherited from Dad, that she loved to demonstrate to every visitor.

Speaking of Quidditch, all that time spent talking about it with Noah seemed to have rubbed off on me. No surprise considering both his parents were heavily involved in the sport. If his dad wasn't busy commentating on a match, they'd always attend his mum's games, cheering her on from the stands. Noah had invited me to see a game every year, but until this summer, I'd always declined.

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