Chapter 7 (1999)

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A frantic "Uncle Bill, Uncle Bill, wake up!" yanked me from sleep. I cracked open an eye to see Aoede bouncing excitedly at the edge of the bed.

"Good morning, sunshine," I chuckled, scooping her up in a hug.

"Good mownin', Auntie Fleur," Aoede greeted Fleur, gently stroking her hair before I settled her between us.

Fleur stirred and mumbled a sleepy "Good morning, Aoede. You're an early bird today."

Aoede giggled as a stray hair tickled Fleur's nose. "I'm hungwy!" she declared.

"Any idea what you'd like to eat?" I asked, already suspecting the answer.

"Powidge! The one Auntie Fleur makes! It's yummy!" Aoede rubbed her tummy.

"Hear that, Fleur? You've been assigned breakfast duty," I said with a playful nudge and a kiss on her forehead.

Fleur swatted at me playfully. "No way! I want more sleep." She feigned a yawn and burrowed deeper under the covers.

Aoede's brow furrowed in confusion. "But we are hungwy, awen't we, Uncle Bill?"

I stifled a laugh. Fleur loved teasing Aoede, and this was clearly just a game. "Absolutely! We can't wait for that delicious porridge."

"Please, Auntie Fleur!" Aoede pleaded.

"Please, Fleur!" I echoed, joining the act.

A smirk played on Fleur's lips. "Alright, alright. But only if..."

"Only if what?" Aoede bounced with anticipation.

"Only if I get to tickle you both first!" Fleur declared with a mischievous glint in her eyes, lunging at us with outstretched arms.

"No! No, Auntie, stop! It tickles!" Aoede squealed with laughter.

"Not the ribcage!" I yelped, grabbing Aoede and pulling her close under the covers for mock protection.

"We have to wun," Aoede whispered, her giggles muffled.

"Good idea," I agreed. "On three. One, two, three!"

With a triumphant cry, Aoede and I burst out from under the covers, her perched on my shoulders as we sprinted for the door.

"Oh, no! You tricked me!" Fleur's mock gasp followed us down the hall, punctuated by our triumphant giggles.

"We sure got her, Aoede!" I winked, revelling in our playful mornings.

"We won! We won!" she cheered, clinging to my shoulders.

"Thank you, Auntie Fleur," Aoede chirped, licking her lips as Fleur placed a bowl of porridge in front of her.

"Careful, sunshine, don't burn your tongue," I cautioned.

Fleur rolled her eyes playfully. "William, you know I wouldn't give 'er 'ot food."

"Sorry, just making sure," I mumbled, feeling a little foolish.

"This is good practice for when we have our own," Fleur giggled, taking a seat beside me.

We both watched Aoede devour her breakfast, a comfortable silence settling between us.

"Right," I agreed, a thoughtful note creeping into my voice, "though I suppose I have a bit of a head start after being there for Luna Dora's birth."

Fleur shuddered dramatically. "Oh, I'll be a nervous wreck, that's for sure!"

A pang of sympathy hit me as I recalled Nova's ordeal. "I felt awful for her, and I know I'll feel even worse for you." I grimaced, remembering the helplessness that had washed over me as Nova gripped my hand, her face contorted in pain. On top of that, the longing in her eyes every time the doctor barked orders and she glanced towards the door, desperately searching for Charlie, had ripped my heart out.

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