Ch8 - The Suspicion

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My mind started racing as I thought about the events leading up to Noah's death. I couldn't shake off the feeling that Cindy was involved. Cindy, the mafia's daughter, had a reputation for being ruthless and cunning. And she had a clear motive: Noah had broken up with her for me.

That night, I decided to investigate Cindy further. I started by asking around, trying to gather more information about Cindy's whereabouts on the night of Noah's death.

"Hey, Alan , do you know where Cindy was on the night of Noah's death?" I  asked Alan.
Alan hesitated, looking around nervously. "I don't know if I should be telling you this, but... I saw Cindy arguing with Noah earlier that night. They were in the parking lot, and it looked intense."

This is my biggest lead. "Thanks, Alan."

I decided to follow Cindy and see if she could lead me to any clues. I waited until Cindy left her house, then trailed behind her at a safe distance.

Cindy led me to a seedy part of town, filled with run-down buildings and shady characters. My heart raced as I  wondered what Cindy was involved in.

As Cindy entered a  warehouse, I hesitated. Should I  follow her inside?

But I made my mind  to follow her inside the warehouse. I slipped past the watchman and entered the dimly lit building.

Inside, I  found Cindy talking to a group of rough-looking men. They were discussing something in hushed tones, but I  couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

As I watched, Cindy handed one of the men a package. He opened it, revealing a stack of cash inside.

What is Cindy doing here?

Suddenly, one of the men noticed me. "We have a problem," he growled, pointing at me.

Cindy's eyes narrowed. "Take care of her," she spat.

The men moved towards me, their intentions clear.

I tried to reason with Cindy and the men. "Wait, don't do anything stupid," I said, holding up my hands. "I just want to know what's going on."

Cindy sneered. "You're just a nosy little girl who can't mind her own business."

Her expression darkened. "Fine," she spat. "But if you're trying to trick us, you'll regret it."

The men backed off, and Cindy turned to me. "Follow me," she said.

She led me to a back room, where a single chair sat in the center. "Sit down," she said.

I hesitated, but Cindy's expression brooked no argument. I sat down, and Cindy began to talk.

"You see, Emily, Noah was in deep with some bad people," Cindy said. "He owed them money, and he couldn't pay. So they killed him."

"Who killed him?" I asked her sarcastically.

Cindy smiled. "That's the best part. It was someone you least expect." [She knew that I suspect her]

"You're involved in this, aren't you?" I  accused her. "You're trying to cover your own tracks. You even killed Anna."

Cindy's smile faltered, and for a moment, I  saw a flash of fear in her eyes. But then, Cindy's expression hardened. "I don't know what you're talking about," she spat.

I  stood up, my heart racing. "I'm going to the police," I  said. "And I'm going to tell them everything."

Cindy's eyes widened, and she took a step forward. "You can't do that," she hissed. "You don't know what you're dealing with."

Suddenly, Cindy's phone rang, shrill in the silence. She hesitated, then answered it. Her expression changed from anger to fear as she listened to the caller.

"What is it?" I  asked, my  heart pounding.

Her eyes locked onto mine. "It's about your friend Daphne," she said. "She's been asking questions. And now, she's in danger."

Daphne is in danger !!! I should do something. I threw chair on Cindy and ran towards the hallway.
My heart racing, I  grabbed my phone and dialed the police. "I need to report a crime," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

As I waited for the police to arrive, hiding in a corner. 

Cindy tried to stop me and manipulate be. "You'll never be able to prove anything," she sneered.

But I  wasn't  intimidated. I  knew I  had to protect Daphne and uncover the truth.

As soon as the police arrived, I jumped from the window and  told them everything - about Noah's death, Cindy's involvement, and the mysterious phone call about Daphne.

The officers listened intently, their expressions growing more serious by the minute.

"We'll investigate," one of them promised. "But in the meantime, stay safe. If Cindy is involved in something criminal, she may try to silence you."

I nodded, feeling a chill run down my spine.

As I  left the warehouse with the police, I  couldn't shake the feeling that I  was being watched.

Cindy had already left the warehouse before the police reached.

And then, I  saw a figure lurking in the shadows.

But my instincts told me to be cautious. I  ignored the figure and left with the police, feeling a sense of unease.

As we drove away, I  glanced back at the warehouse. The mysterious figure was still standing there, watching me.

But who was it? And why did it seemed to be so familiar?

When we arrived at the police station, I  told the officers everything I  knew. They listened intently, taking notes and asking questions.

Suddenly the door burst open and Alan walked in, holding a stack of papers. "I have the proof you need," he said, his eyes locked on the cops.

The cop raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Alan handed him the papers. "Financial records showing Cindy's involvement with the criminal organization. She's been laundering money for them, and Noah discovered her secret."

The cop's  eyes scanned the papers, his expression growing more serious by the minute.

Suddenly, the room was filled with the sound of sirens. The cops looked up, a hint of a smile on his face. "I think it's time we paid Cindy a visit."

The police stormed out of the station, me and Alan following close behind. We arrived at Cindy's house, where we found her trying to escape out the back door.

"Too late for that," the cops said, handcuffing her.

Cindy's eyes flashed with anger, but she knew she was caught.

I felt a sense of satisfaction. Justice was finally being served.

But then, Cindy's eyes locked onto mine, and I saw a glimmer of something else - a warning.
But I know that whatever is happening is right and so I ignored it. Cindy was the only murderer. Anna gave me the proof. Everything is right.

But then who was there watching me through shadows?

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