Chapter 2

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     (*Brook's POV*)

    Sohinki looks at me with a smile and He states "We just went a full interview without knowing your name" I smiled "Oh yeah my name is....."  I do a dramatic pause, I don't know why it makes me look cool "Brook" I smiled after this and everything else. I can't stop, really my face is stuck.

    "Well Brook you need to get used to this place because this is your new home." Said Ian "Since we are most likely going to lock you into a closet" Wait WTF! "Just kidding~!" I laugh and say "Oh lol I thought you were going to molest me" I laugh a little more and Anthony whispers very loudly "How did she know?" I stared at them strangely and Mari yells "You two are being fucking creepy creeps!" And I step in "Yeah, um continue please" 

    "Oh yeah, Um we want you to come in on Saturdays or Sundays for your choice of a show, we will call you later to talk about it and also you have to come to Game Bang, and any other shows that you want to come on with the guys." Anthony picks up his sharpie and throws it towards the guys on the end. "Also we will ask you to come on a Lunchtime with Smosh to introduce yourself to the fans. Well, that is all you need to know, GET OUT OF OUR FACES, which means you can go." I nodded and waved good bye leaving quickly and ran into the bathroom and squealed as quietly as I could. And try to calm down after about three minutes I walk out of the bathroom I walk into the once filled hallway and see that this place actually pretty weird looking. I mean there is like no ceiling, and........

    "You really shouldn't spend to much time in there, it is the only bathroom here and there is probably things under rotting the toilet." Said a voice from behind. I turn around to see Joshu- Joven, I should probably call him by that name instead of his name, it makes me sound kind of weird. "Oh, I didn't notice, well it did smell really funny" I shrugged and he chuckled. "I think we all noticed," he said. "Ha," I look down and I say "Well, I think I am going home now, see you later." He waves and I walk outside and get into my car. Next On to do list: Wait for Thursday.

    *Two Days Later*

    I wake up to the sound of a alarm clock going of, I usually wouldn't use them, but this time it was really important. I run down the stairs as fast as I could, I was also trying not to wake up Angela since she would most likely get pissy for waking her up this up, but hey who wouldn't. I rush through my morning routine since I could never imagine being late on my first day, well not my first day, but first impression. I look at Ian's text again, it says:

Hey Brook,

Come to our house at 8 and we will go somewhere

    It is about 7:45 so I set out on my journey since I am walking they don't live that far away anyways so I might as well get some exercise. After a 13 minute walk I was at their house, I was so eager I ran up the door and rung the bell like 18 times. Even after Anthony answers, I still ring the bell and he just is staring at me while I was ringing the bell. I finally noticed he was there and I stopped and said "Hey! I was totally not ringing the door bell," "Sure you weren't" I walk into the house trying my best not to fangirl. Ian walked in the room. "Oh Brook is here good, we can just go now" he said. 


   "Oh okay" I smiled and followed them into the garage and instantly me and Anthony race to the passenger seat. I totally won, he did trip on purpose. Well we start driving to a location and Ian turns on the camera. "Brook what time is it?" Ian asks. "Lunchtime?" I say and he turns the camera to Anthony "LUNCHTIME WITH SMOSH". Ian throws the camera to Anthony and he says "So where are we eating, special guest Brook?" he turns the camera to me and I make hand motions in the air while saying "Well I was hoping for a fancy french place with violins and singers" He says "Is that girl for Mexican?" I turn around to him "Yup!"

    Honestly we had some funny conversations,but they were probably getting cut anyways, and we just got back from the taco bell and we sit around the table and the camera is on me. "Brook, this is the biggest choice in your life will you sit next to me or Ian?" Anthony said. "Well I would prefer to sit on the table, but I'll sit on...... Ian's side since he learned how to use nice smelly shit on him". Anthony sniffles at this choice, but I sit down. "Anyways," he says in a gangster voice "Why are you here?" "Well I am Brook, AND I AM YOUR...... New host on Smosh games, Which means You guys get another video on Saturdays~!" 

    "After eating and twitter questions, what would you rate this meal?" I make a funny face and say "12 glasses of goat milk out of 19." "Bye!" we all said and Ian yells "BITCH"

    After we finished the episode we all sit around the table and we all starting talking about our own life's. Like Anthony's girlfriend and the time I was dressed up as Waldo for a week. "Well we all have to be good friends so we all should go bowling or something" Says Ian. "I second that!" I yell and Anthony says "Well we can Invite one other person, What about you pick Brook?" And I smile "Well I think ....." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________








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