Chapter 1

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It was early one morning on Splash Mountain just as day was beginning to break.

As the sun came up over the Briar Patch, best friends Burt Ward and Patty Duke were hanging out by the fifty-foot plunge at the face of the mountain. 

They were soon greeted by Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear who came over carrying a disheveled looking mailman's bag. 

"A'ight, y'all. We found de miss'n mail" said Brer Rabbit. "Apparen'ly, Russell de mailman was attacked by a gayta."

"Holy zip code locked bag!" Burt exclaimed. "Patty, I told you not to order all that fish."

"Hey. I just wanted a taste of New York" Patty defended. "Apparently, Brer Gator did too."

"Now then. Diss is ever'thin de park ranjas found at de scene" said Brer Bear.

Brer Rabbit picked up a sealed envelope from the bag. "Hey. Dare's a letta in here addressed ter Boy Wonder."

"That must be for me" said Burt.

He looked at the letter. "It says it's from Neil Hamilton. He plays Commissioner Gordon on my show."

"Wow. This must be important" said Brer Bear. 

Burt opened the letter and started to read it.

"And what does Neil say? If you don't up your game, Yvonne Craig will be Adam's new sidekick?" Patty joked. 

Suddenly, Burt's jaw dropped. "Holy caught red handed!"

"What's 'e matter, Burt?" said Patty.

"Did Neil send ya a ticket? On wut charge?" said Brer Rabbit.

"No! It's worse" Burt panicked. "Neil is coming to Splash Mountain. Today!"

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