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Burt Ward: Being Robin shouldn't mean having to give up being Burt.

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Chad Stuart: I honestly thought Brer Camembert was rather cute.

Brer Vulture: You wouldn't think he was cute if you'd been there two years ago. We got massacred.

Brer Fox: It was two years ago. Splash Mountain was full of critters. Brer Camembert came out of nowhere. He stunk up everything! The Laughing Place became the Laughing Stink! Chick-a-Pin Hill became Chick-a-Pin Stink! The Briar Patch became the Stink Patch! We banded together, we got clubs and sticks, and we chased him and fought! We fought and fought with Brer Camembert! And by the time we ran that skunk off the mountain... we lost Brer Moose.

Chad Stuart: Brer Camembert killed Brer Moose?

Brer Vulture: Nah, he moved out into a condo. But a part of each of us did die that night. 

Jeremy Clyde: We need to get rid of that skunk. We must! I say we trap him and take him to Bambi's forest.

Brer Fox: What did Bambi ever to do us?

Brer Vulture: He's friends with a skunk; he's up to something. 

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Brer Rabbit: [Burt is about to leave Splash Mountain] And you was gonna teach me how to play horse checkers.

Burt Ward: That's chess.

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[first lines]

Brer Rabbit: Okay, y'all, we located the missing mail. Apparently, Russell the mailman was attacked by a gator.

Burt Ward: Holy zip code locked bag! Patty, I told you not to order all that fish.

Patty Duke: Hey. I just wanted a taste of New York. Apparently, Brer Gator did too.

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various characters: Skunk!

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Neil Hamilton: Isn't it illegal to mind read other people's mail?

Brer Rabbit: You know you're not really Commissioner Gordon, right?

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Brer Vulture: [on the phone] Look. I got a rampaging skunk, a mountain full of stinkos, and I'm running out of ketchup! So get off your perfectly symmetrical butt and send help. [pause] Well, same to you, Princess Cinderella!

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Patty Duke: Burty, have you ever thought about just telling Neil the truth?

Burt Ward: I'd rather cut off my finger and stick the bone in my eye. 

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Brer Bear: Brer Burt, do I need to warm up my arm horns? I just washed, so they're in tune.

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Chad Stuart: I won't let you remove his spray glands and change who he is! If you do that, he won't be able to protect himself in the wild.

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Neil Hamilton: Boy Wonder, these beings are obviously not superheroes and I'm concerned I'm in danger just being around them.

Burt Ward: Alright. Sir... I lied about Splash Mountain. It's just a mountain full of critters.

Neil Hamilton: So you've been lying to me all this time? Boy Wonder, the word lie shouldn't even be in your vocabulary.

Burt Ward: I'm really sorry for lying sir.

Neil Hamilton: You can think about that on your way back to the Batcave. Go pack your things this minute! But before we go, you didn't let that wretched rabbit read your mail, did you?

Burt Ward: Even if I did, I couldn't get it back. Brer Rabbit never leaves a paper trail.

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Chad Stuart: What if it's not Brer Camembert? What if it's a dead body?

Jeremy Clyde: It's probably Sis Newt. She was always a nosy little thing. She probably knew too much. 

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