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The next morning was a wake-up call with Myoga barging into my room with her tuba before lightly putting it down on the bean bag chair near the door and then throwing herself on my bed crushing me. "Good Morning Mariana! I hope you slept well because it's 9 am." Myoga says sliding off my bed and out of my room with her tuba in hand. After a while of blocking the sun from my face, I finally got out of bed before looking at the clock reading 9:14 AM "Sh*ttttt I'm lateeee" I say running to my closet to grab my uniform before running into the bathroom to wash my face quickly and out the door I went. "Want a bagel?" I hear Myoga say as I tie my hair while putting on my socks. "No timeee!" I yelled almost to the door before Myoga stuffed a bagel in my mouth. "Yes, there's time! now run!" She says opening the door with her foot and both our backpacks hanging from her wrists with her giant thermos in hand. We ran out of the dorms and to our classrooms. 

Once I got to Math I apologized to Mr. Miko and found my seat. The school day was like any other boring, with endless pop quizzes in bio, learning about a short guy who is famous for bringing the French their freedom but then turns into their emperor in history, making straight lines in math, and trying to avoid being hit by a ball in Fitness. That is until my last class came which was English. I didn't know why I felt so eager to get to class until I sat in my seat in the lecture hall and looked around the room seeing students walking into the hall and as a student is talking to the teacher. After getting situated in my seat with my book ready and my laptop open I look up and see a group of students quarreling around Fleur's usual seat. That is until one of them looked in my direction before softly smiling and waving at me. The teacher calls to start the lecture and the group scatter to their seats like when a person picks up a crumb under a pile of ants. The lecture went on for quite a while, but I had something else on my mind. Fleur's seat stayed empty as the sun shone on it. I wonder if at any second there would be a loud creaking sound of the door opening and Fleur would come running in apologizing to the teacher before finding her seat, but the door remains silent that whole hour. The bell interrupts my thoughts and everyone rushes out like a deadly virus broke out in the room leaving me in the hall for a bit before finally getting up and leaving the lecture hall. As the halls flooded with student leaving their classes I felt someone pull my backpack lightly, but I ignored it since maybe someone mistook my backpack for someone else. 

I made it to the café and changed quickly before starting my shift. I was greeted by my co-worker who goes by "Tapioca" since Peter called in sick because of a test. After the long line shrank there was a lot of dead time which left Tapioca and I to talk for a bit. "So Mariana what's new?" Tapioca asks me as she hands me a blueberry smoothie before reaching for her regular cinnamon chai coffee sipping her coffee and smirking. I feel that smirk isn't a good sign "Not that much has changed since we last shared shifts together." I say sipping my smoothie fast since I felt my cheeks start to burn up, which in my opinion wasn't the best idea because I was hit with a brain freeze right after. The tiny bell that indicated someone had walked in rang as I pinched my nose to warm my brain up while Tapioca tried to get her answer. "Ohh you're blushing! Are you trying to hide that you got a cute girlfriend?" Tapioca blurts out with a smirk before turning to the person in front of her to greet them and take their order. 

Leaving me to sit in the chair behind the counter and suffer with my brain freeze. "Could I try your 24-ounce Iced cloudy latte, 24-ounce pink maple latte, and a 24-ounce original drink from Mariana, if she is there don't tell her it's Fleur. If you do say hi for me please?" says the person reading from their phone which causes Tapioca to turn to look at me and I look back at her confused before jumping off the chair and nodding at Tapioca. Before standing at her cash register and looking at the person in front of me with a hood over their head and a mask covering the bottom half of their face. "Hi Eulalie, my name is Mariana and I will be your new barista! Just to get the order right you would like one 24-ounce Iced cloudy latte, one 24-ounce pink maple latte, and a warm original drink made by me for Fleur?" I say reading off the screen before looking up at the last part. "Yes, that is correct." The girl says pulling out her wallet and taking out her card "That will be 30.89. Will that be for here or to-go and would like to use your school ID for a discount?" I say tapping the pay button "Okay, for to-go, please. Sure, let me get my ID." Eulalie says holding out her ID for me to scan before looking back up at Eulalie with a soft smile "Now that will be 20.90. Would you like your receipt to be printed or emailed to you?" I say after clicking to add the discount to the payment and scanning her card before giving it back to her. "to save paper could it be emailed to me please." Eulalie says putting her card away. "Alright, It has been sent to your school email! I'll go find you when your drinks are done!" I say smiling as Eulalie walks away to a seat. I look back at Tapioca who was sitting on the tall chair drinking her coffee while smiling at me. "I saw that!" She says continued to smile at me. "I have no idea what you saw, but I have to go make a warm drink for her friend named Fleur." I say walking to the kitchen area to start to make the drinks. Tapioca calls her break and someone from the back walks past me to the registers. "So her name's 'Fleur'?" asks me causing me to jump and down went the blender container with some of the ingredients for the pink maple latte. 

"TAPIOCAA!" I say kneeling down to clean up the mess "Opp sorry kiddo didn't know you were in your deep modo barista or were you thinking about Fleur?" Tapioca says handing me the mop and some paper towels. "Thank you for the paper towels and mop, but no I was not thinking about Fleur." I say throwing away the paper towels with the debris of the one drink. With the help of Tapioca, we finished stuffing the two blenders and put them in their places. I started making Fleur's drink which I chose to make a Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk and Tapioca followed me asking endless questions. "Mariii tell me more info on your girlfrienddd!" Tapioca says sticking the labels to the container as I pour the Iced cloudy latte and pink maple latte. "We have dated for long so I have not had not had the chance to get to know her yet." I say pulling out the container for the hot drink before handing it to Tapioca to put the label "Peter said her hair was the color of a latte and the eyes of Matcha Hot Choco!" Tapioca says to print the label before sticking it. "And the galaxy spread across her face..." I respond without realizing I did as I walk behind Tapioca to the pickup stand to call for Eulalie.

 Someone came with Eulalie when she walked over to pick up the drinks. The two looked like the pair from Saturday evening with the coffee colored with creamy dripping from behind and the other with cherry locks. The girl next to Eulalie looked just like Fleur for some reason. We handed them their drinks and thanked them for coming. The girl that looked like Fleur smiled and spoke up "Thank you, Mariana!" she said before walking away with Eulalie. I stood there frozen in place until Tapioca tapped on my shoulder, reminding me that I was at the café. With the café being packed for the rest of the evening I had no time to think about anything but the next customer order. By the end of my shift, I was too tired so I left Tapioca and our other co-worker to cleaning duty. After I changed back into my uniform, I walked out the door and started walking my way to the dorms. The street light is the only thing lighting up the streets. As Fall for You by Sarah Kang & Jesse Barrera plays through my headphones as I walk across the street. I felt a pair of hands on my waist before one hand moved to my butt and the other pulled me closer to the person behind me. 

𝐖ⱺ𝗋ᑯ 𝖼ⱺυ𐓣𝗍 𝗍ⱺ 𝗍ɦ𝗂𝗌 ρⱺ𝗂𐓣𝗍: 1581 𝐖ⱺ𝗋ᑯ𝗌

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

𝐖ɦα𝗍 𝗀ⱺ𝗂𐓣𝗀 𝗍ⱺ ɦαρρ𝖾𐓣 𐓣𝖾𝗑𝗍? 𝚰 ωⱺ𐓣'𝗍 𝗌ρ𝗂ᥣᥣ 𝗍ɦ𝖾 𝗍𝖾α🍵, 𝚰 ɦⱺρ𝖾 𝗒ⱺυ 𝖾𐓣𝗃ⱺ𝗒𝖾ᑯ 𝗍ɦ𝗂𝗌 𝖼ɦαρ𝗍𝖾𝗋 ⱺ𝖿 "𝐖ɦ𝖾𝗋𝖾 ᑯ𝗂ᑯ 𝗒ⱺυ 𝗀ⱺ?" 𝐇ⱺρ𝖾 𝗍ⱺ 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗒ⱺυ 𝗂𐓣 𝗍ɦ𝖾 𐓣𝖾𝗑𝗍! 𝐑𝖾ꭑ𝖾ꭑᑲ𝖾𝗋 𝐃𝗋𝗂𐓣𝗄 𝗌ⱺꭑ𝖾 ωα𝗍𝖾𝗋🥤α𐓣ᑯ 𝖾α𝗍 𝗌ⱺꭑ𝖾 𝖿ⱺⱺᑯ🥣α𐓣ᑯ 𝖾𐓣𝗃ⱺ𝗒 𝗒ⱺυ ᑯα𝗒! 𝐃ⱺ𐓣'𝗍 𝖿ⱺ𝗋𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗍ⱺ 𝗍ⱺυ𝖼ɦ 𝗀𝗋α𝗌𝗌 𝗍ⱺᑯα𝗒!🌿 Ⓛⓞⓢⓣ ⓚⓘⓓ ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ⱺυ𝗍!

𝐏.𝐒. 🧀

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