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Husk had always disliked the loudness of the hotel staff: Charlie's bubblyness, Alastor's annoying jokes, Vaggie's short temper and Nifty's hyperactive energy just pissed him off, so when he found out that you were staying in the Hotel and he found out you were also a pre teen he immediatley took a dislike to you, scowling at you anytime you looked at him.

Or that was until he actually found out how quiet and calm you were, it was.. a nice change, and he found himself growing fond of you. angel sighs as he walks to the bar “my regular please” As soon as he heard Angel's voice, Husk gave a low grumble, but as he noticed you sitting nearby, his expression softened a little. He went about making Angel's usual drink, then slid the glass over to him.

"Here you go." Husk muttered in his usual gruff tone.”Thank you husker” "Yeah, whatever." He grumbled, cleaning another glass.

"Just make sure you pay yer tabs, Angie, I ain't a fan of debtors, got it?”angel slides you a 100 here. Husk took the money and tucked it into his breast pocket.

"What a gentleman." He deadpanned sarcastically, before letting out a sigh.

"You're lucky you pay, at least. Some of the folks here still owe me lots of money.”I thought you don't get payed for- angel looks down at his phone and sighs. pour me a red tennesilen. Husk rolled his eyes and went to work on Angel's drink, pouring him a measure of red Tennessee wine and sliding the glass over to him.

"What, you think I run this place out of the kindness of my heart? Of course I get paid, I'd be even more of a jackass than normal if I didn't.”he downs the drink* what's the strongest thing here?*Husk raised an eyebrow in surprise at Angel's request, before a sly grin formed on his face.

"You sure you can handle it, Angie? The strongest drink we got here could knock a horse on its rear end.”Yeah waht is it? Husk chuckled and reached under the counter, pulling out a bottle of clear liquid with a skull and crossbones on the label.

"Ever heard of Ghost Rum? It's some of the strongest stuff ever brewed. One shot of this'd get even the toughest sinner drunk off his ass.” “Gimme two” "Your funeral, Angie."

Husk took two clean glasses from under the counter and poured a generous amount of the golden liquid into each one. Then, he set the glasses down in front of Angel, watching him with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. he downs the drink. “the o-other”. Husk watched in mild shock as Angel downed the drink as if it were water, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"You're really testing fate, you know that?"

He poured another two shots and set them down, watching as Angel repeated the process.

*he gulps it down* you drink this? It tastes like ass*Husk let out a bark of laughter, amused by Angel's bluntness.*

"Yeah, it does taste like ass. That's why I don't drink that stuff. You gotta have a real death wish to order that.”*Angel pulls out his phone* can you put the pa-ass word in. And read my message.~ should be from v-val*Husks rolled his eyes but agreed to read Angel's message.*

"Sure, whatever. What message do you want me to read out loud?”The one f-from v-valentjo. p-password is  your birthdayt*Husks raised an eyebrow upon hearing that the password was his birthday, but typed it in nonetheless. He looked at the message on Angel's phone, and then cleared his throat.*

"What do you want me to read out loud, Angie?”Y-yeah*Husks sighed and began reading the message aloud, making sure to speak clearly in his grumpy tone.*"I hope you're behaving yourself, you know what will happen if you don't.. next time you act out I might just find someone else to keep you in line.~”U-ugh*Husks finished reading the message and handed the phone back to Angel with a raised eyebrow.*

"Sounds like Valentino's already fed up with you again, Angie. What'd you do this time?”Refuse to take 120*Husks frowned, his expression darkening slightly at this information.*

"I see. He wants you to work more, eh? Typical Valentino: always pushing you to do more, with no concern for your wellbeing.”My hole are sore*Husks grimaced, his expression turning sympathetic as he heard Angel's complaint.*

"Ah... Yeah, that's not surprising, given how much he works you. I'm sorry, Angie. You shouldn't have to go through that.”*Angel sits up when he finally notices the nickname* w-wha*Husks realized what he had said once the nickname slipped out.*

"Oh, uh..."

*He looked away awkwardly, hiding a small smile.*

"It's nothing... I just call you it in my head sometimes. Easier than saying the whole stupid name.”Yeah I didn't get to choose jt*Husks couldn't help but chuckle a little at this.*

"Yeah, I guess you didn't, huh? 'Angel Dust' is a bit of an obnoxious name, if you ask me.”I died off of 'Angel dust’*Husks chuckled, a hint of dark humor in his voice.*

"Ah, so that's how you got the name... well, I suppose it's fitting then, in a morbid sort of way.”Yeah... *angel sits up his soberness going away* that drink tasted bad and didn't work*Husks watched as Angel's sobriety began to wane.*

"Of course the strong stuff is going to taste bad, Angie. It's not made to taste good, it's made to get you wasted. Besides, you drank it way too fast for it to work.”You always down your drinks so I just did the same*Husk rolled his eyes, shaking his head.*

"Don't go copying me, Angie. I know how to handle my alcohol, I can down a drink quick and not get wasted because I know my limits. You, on the other hand, can't handle your alcohol worth a damn, and you're probably gonna be passed out in a few minutes at this rate.”*angel sighs* whatever~*Husk raised an eyebrow, a stern look on his face.*

"Don't 'whatever' me, Angie. You need to know your limits and drink responsibly, especially if you're gonna be coming to the bar. Last thing I need is for you to get too wasted and cause a scene, got it?”Ugh I'm not a sloppy drunk*Husk gave a huff of a laugh at this.*

"Oh, really? You get drunk enough, you'll end up stumbling around like a mess, trust me. I've had plenty of experience dealing with drunks, and let me tell you: they all get messy sooner or later.”Yeah your an alcoholic it's your life*Husk grunted in annoyance, rolling his eyes at Angel's statement.*

"Yeah, smartass. I know I'm an alcoholic. I just know how to handle my alcohol, unlike you.”.Angel brushes a hand over your paw bringing it to his cheek "yeah a cute drunky" Husks eyes widened in surprise as Angel touched his paw, bringing it to his face. Husk felt his cheeks flush slightly at the unexpected touch, but he quickly composed himself, trying to hide his flustered expression.

"Don't go calling me 'drunky', I've still got more sense in me than you do right now, you damn lightweight.” Angel laughs and hugs husk as husk lifts him up and carries him to the room..


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