Chapter 24

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Hardik was in kitchen serving breakfast in plates for Rahul and him when he see Virat walking downstairs with blank face.

Virat eyes was puffy because of crying, he didn't even know when he fall asleep last night. when his eyes open, it was already morning.

"Virat bhai.." hardik called as he look at Virat who was stareing at nothing in practically. "Morning... Aap.. thik ho na?" Hardik asked in soft tone as he look at Virat take out pancake battle from Fridge; properly to make it for his daughter.

Hardik didn't get the answer. "Virat bhai..."

"Hardik please! Just leave me alone..." Virat said in frustration.

"I know... Rohit bhaiya aapse galt-"

"Tumhe kuch nahi pata hardik.." Virat turn around as he finally look at hardik."infact Tumhe kya, yaha kisi ko kuch nahi pata. I was here for ishan, now I'm stuck here for my daughter. No one give shit about me.. so lets live like this, it was my fault jo main yaha vapas aya.."

"Aisa nahi hai Virat bhai.. I know it's very difficult for you-"

"Can you please leave me alone? I don't want to talk with any of you.. " Virat said in frustration, and hardik sigh as he take his plats and went to his room.

Virat focus on his brakesfast making.

He knows he shouldt behave like this with hardik, That boy never do anything to him. Hardik was someone who always liked him like a elder brother for him.

But there is slight anger for him too, because hardik was also someone who believe that virat cheated on Rohit. Hardik didn't believe when Virat was crying and telling him it was lie which framed by that girl.

Virat know hardik still think he cheat on Rohit but trying to be nice with him now.

He sigh when his breakfast for his daughter get ready, so he walk towards Rohit room.

Samira was not in her room, she didn't come to her room where Virat also sleep so he knows his daughter might sleeping in his papa rooms.

And he was correct because when he opens the door which was not locked, he saw Samira sleeping beside his father.

Virat stay in doorstep.

It is the same room where he lived after his marriage.

So many memories are there in this room for him. He remembers how Rohit changed everything to the way he liked before they got married. Every single thing still is same the way he liked.

Virat gulped and He exhale before he look at his daughter.

"Sammy... Baccha Wake up..." He called from door step only. Samira didn't get up but Virat see Rohit silently shifted with his voice but still remains sleep.

Virat try to call Samira again but she didn't wake up. With sight Virat walk into the room, when he touch her Virat felt she was in fever.

"Sammy.. baby open your eyes." Virat said in worried as he try to wake her up.

Hearing him.. Rohit opened his eyes as he look at Samira and Virat.

"Ky huva..?" he ask when he see Virat trying to wake samira

"How could you sleep Knowing you daughter is in fever beside you Rohit!" Virat said in frustration as he held Samira close to his chest.

"She is having fever from last night vi, you were sleeping. I took her to the doctor in midnight when the fever was not decreasing , the doctor give her injection that's why she is not waking up. let her sleep for some time, the fever will go away. Rohit explained calmly as he look at Virat.

"Why... Why didn't you tell me?"

"Samira don't wanted to wake you up." Rohit exclaimed as he get up from bed and walk toward Virat side. "She thought you were tired thats why you sleep early last night."

Virat exhale as he pick Samira to get her into her room. Rohit didn't said anything this time, he knows how Virat get worried if their daughter don't feel well even if for small reasons.

After what happened between him and Virat at yesterday evening, Virat went to his room and fall sleep while crying. Hardik and Rahul went to business party at night so rohit was alone with Samira in their living room, he was working on laptop while seating on couch when suddenly Samira come to him and hug him.

He thought she got bored and want to cuddle his papa but when he touch her to hug her, he relied she was having fever.

He place his laptop away and pick her up and went to upstairs. When he went to her room he saw Virat was sleeping there on bad so he decided not to disturbed him and take care of Samira by himself.

So he went to his room with Samira and make her eat her dinner who was whining alot to eat but some how Rohit make her eat so she can have her medicine. He didn't sleep till all night to take care of his daughter. He was checking her temperature every one hours.

At round 3 am when he felt his daughter still not getting better he rush to his near by 24hr open hospitals with her daughter.

There doctor check her telling it was viral fever she gets and give her injection. It was around 6 he come back home and make her sleep on his bed. While looking after Samira Rohit didn't realise when he fall asleep.

Rohitsight as he get fresh and went to Samira room to see Virat was holding Samira who was now wake up from her long sleep. Rohit touch her forehead with back of his hand to check her fever which was normal now.

He look at Virat who was hold his daughter close to his chest with still worried expression.

"Ab thik hai vo, you don't have to be worried." Rohit exclaimed but Virat didn't said anything to him. He pick Samira in his hand and walk passed Rohit.

Rohit also walk behind him and they three lead to dinning table.  Virat was not saying anything as he just seat on his chair with Samira on his lap; close to his chest. He didn't try to make her eat as he knows she will whine and not eat until she feel like she is hungry.

Rohit seat beside him, observing whatever Virat was doing but he was not surprised. He know how Virat is practical about their daughter.

Rohit knows what he did with Virat, how he behave, is everything wrong. He knows Virat never liked that kind of behaviour, Rohit Dont know what trigger him to behave like that with his husband.

But for sure he meant it when he said he not gonna leave his husband no matter what.

he just need to work little hard to make his husband forgive him for his behaviour towards him and it will happen soon because he believes no matter what his husband still love him but that doesn't mean his earnings for Virat forgiveness will easy.


so sorry for late update, things are not well in my life thats why i couldt think and write or edit chapter like however i want but i promise i will try my best to give updates.

i know how it felt when you like some book story from wattpad but author leave  incomplete, so dont worry. no matter what i will complete my story because i know you like this story of mine and every time wait for next update so!!! VOTE AND SHOW SOME SUPPORT DARLO'S!!! ❤️

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