Chapter 40

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Rohit had been hurt ever since they arrived. Virat wouldn’t even look at him. Every time he tried to catch Virat alone, Arjun would somehow appear, whisking Virat away for another conversation. Rohit didn’t know what they talked about so much, but the sight of them together was starting to grate on his nerves. He hated Arjun for this, and if Arjun weren’t Sonu’s brother, Rohit would have confronted him by now.

Meanwhile, Ishan observed his brothers Hardik and Rohit. They hadn’t been talking to him since he had decided to stay with Shubman. He took a deep breath and walked over to where Hardik was sitting, with Rohit playing with Samira nearby.

"Bhai, I know you’re both upset with me for choosing to be with Shubman. I just want you to know, I’m sorry. I understand you’re my elder brothers, but I love Shubman very much."

Hardik and Rohit exchanged glances, their expressions softening slightly as they listened.

"I’ve got my memories back."

Hardik and Rohit looked at him in shock—they hadn’t known this. Ishan’s eyes were full of guilt and determination.

"I remember everything, and I’ve already been feeling guilty for what happened because of me. I can’t leave Ayansh and Shubman now. I have to be there for them."

Rahul, who had been standing nearby, stepped forward, placing a hand on Hardik’s shoulder.

"Hardik, Rohit, I think it’s time to let go. Ishan’s been through enough. He’s already punishing himself. You’ve always been there for him—now he needs you more than ever."

Rohit stood up, walking over to Ishan. Without a word, he pulled Ishan into a tight hug.

"We were never angry with you, Ishan. We were just worried. We didn’t want you to go through more pain. We’ve seen what you’ve been through."

Hardik joined in, hugging both his brothers. Rahul watched the trio with a smile, glad to see them finally reconnect.

As they pulled apart, Rohit’s eyes immediately found Virat, who was once again talking with Arjun, smiling. Rohit’s expression darkened, and his brothers noticed.

"I don’t like this Arjun hovering around Virat all the time. It’s like he’s doing it on purpose."

Ishan smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes, slipping back into his old playful self.

"Rohit bhaiya, don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Virat will forgive you. I’ll make sure of it."

Hardik and Rahul exchanged curious looks.

"What are you planning to do?"

"Yeah, what’s cooking in that head of yours?" Rahul asked

Ishan’s smile turned even more mischievous as he shrugged.

"Just wait and watch, bhai log."

He left them, heading off with an air of confidence. Rohit and Hardik watched him go, a mix of curiosity and hope in their eyes. Just then, Ziva and Samira came running up to them, their faces full of excitement.

"Uncle! We want to go to the beach!"

"Yes, please, can we go papa?"

Rohit, Hardik, and Rahul couldn’t help but smile at the little girls’ excitement.

"Of course, we can go. Right, Hardik?"

Hardik Chuckled "Absolutely. Let’s get everyone ready."

As they gathered everyone, the kids buzzing with anticipation, Rohit’s mind was half on the upcoming beach outing and half on his plan to finally get some time alone with Virat.

Ishan, on the other hand, was plotting his own moves, determined to help his brothers while making sure everyone had a good time. As they all piled into their cars, heading for the beach, the air was filled with the promise of a day that none of them would forget.

The beach was bustling with laughter and chatter as the whole group settled down. Virat and Sonu were playing with Ziva and Samira by the water, splashing and chasing the small waves as they rolled in. Rohit stood nearby, keeping a close eye on them, occasionally smiling whenever Samira would call out to him, her tiny hands waving excitedly.

Shubman, standing a bit further away, turned to his side and couldn’t help but chuckle. Ishan was there, lounging with his sunglasses on, wearing matching clothes with Ayansh, who also sported his own tiny pair of sunglasses. The father-son duo looked identical, a mini version of each other, and Shubman found the sight irresistibly cute.

Not too far from them, Rahul and Hardik were sharing a quiet moment, holding hands and enjoying the sea breeze.

Mahi, on the other hand, kept glancing at his brother Virat. He noticed how quiet Virat had been since they arrived in Chennai with the Sharma family and Shubman. Something seemed off, and Mahi’s instincts were tingling. He decided he’d talk to Virat later—better to clear the air than jump to conclusions.

Virat and Sonu continued having fun with the kids, laughing as Ziva and Samira dug their toes into the sand and tried to build little castles.

Rohit couldn’t help but smile at Virat, enjoying the rare moments of seeing his husband genuinely happy. That is, until Arjun once again made his way into the scene, immediately drawing Virat’s attention. Rohit’s smile faded slightly, annoyance prickling at him.

Meanwhile, Ishan was busy with Ayansh, trying to capture every adorable pose possible of his son playing in the sand. Suddenly, an idea sparked in Ishan’s mind, and he called out to everyone, waving them over.

"Guys! Since we’re all here, why don’t we play something? How about beach kabaddi?"

Everyone looked at him for a moment, processing the suggestion. Ziva and Samira were the first to react, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Yes! Kabaddi! Kabaddi!"

"Let's play! Let's play!"

Rahul, always up for a game, immediately showed interest as well.

"I’m in! Let’s play!"

Hardik, however, looked at Rahul with concern, his brow furrowing.

"Are you sure? You’re pregnant, Rahul. I don’t want you getting hurt."

Rahul pouted, tugging at Hardik’s arm.

"Please, Hardik? I promise I’ll be careful. I just want to have fun!"

After some more pleading from Rahul and persuasive smiles from everyone, Hardik sighed and relented.

"Okay, fine. But everyone, please be careful with Rahul. no rough moves with him, alright?"

Everyone agreed, nodding eagerly. Ishan, full of energy and mischief, split them into two teams:

"Alright, teams are set! Team A: Rahul bhaiya, Virat bhaiya, Arjun, me, and Samira. Team B: Hardik bhai, Rohit bhai, Sonu bhaiya, Shubman, and Ziva. Mahi bhai, you’re the referee since you’re sitting out."

Mahi raised his hand in a mock salute, a grin on his face.

"Got it, ref duty."

With the teams sorted, they all moved closer to the makeshift kabaddi field Ishan had quickly marked out in the sand.

The kids were buzzing with excitement, and even the adults seemed eager to let loose and have fun.

Virat look at his daughter smiling, the glanced up at Rohit. For a brief moment, their eyes met, and Rohit’s heart lifted seeing that familiar warmth in Virat’s gaze, even if it was just for a second before Arjun, once again, came to his side.

Rohit clenched his jaw slightly but took a deep breath. Ishan had assured him that things would get better, and Rohit decided to trust his brother’s promise. For now, they were all together, having fun as a family, and that was enough.


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