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Taesan's birthday was slowly approaching, but amidst the whirlwind of final submissions and project deadlines, the date had completely slipped from his mind. He was the kind of person who threw himself into his work with such intensity that everything else faded into the background.

Saneul, on the other hand, had been meticulously planning for his birthday surprise for weeks.

As the week leading up to his birthday progressed, Taesan became increasingly consumed by his work.

Saneul noticed the change in his messages. They were shorter, less frequent, and lacked the usual warmth.

🏔 Giant Sanshinez ☀️

heyy whatcha doin
I can't believe the semester is almost over
this sem felt like it flew by so quickly

you must be busy
good luck with your exams 😭
remember to get plenty of rest
or else i'll have to beat you up 😤😤

hey sorry I just saw your messages
don't worry about me Sanshine
you should get plenty of rest too

bro wtf?? why were you awake at 3 in the morning 😭
anyways it's okay
I will definitely rest well but YOU on the other hand
PLEASE try not to sleep too late
especially during exam seasons 😭😭

I promise I won't :)

The lack of conversations carried on for the next few days.

In the days leading up to his birthday, Taesan found himself sinking deeper into a pit of stress and anxiety. His final submissions loomed over him like an insurmountable mountain, and his perfectionist tendencies only made things worse.

Every draft, every note, every piece of feedback felt like a personal attack on his capabilities. He locked himself in his room, surrounded by a fortress of books, notes, and empty coffee cups. The once cozy space now felt like a prison cell.

Taesan's studio was no better. His usually neat and organized desk was buried under a chaotic pile of music sheets, notebooks, and his laptop, which constantly displayed a never-ending stream of deadlines and tasks.

He barely noticed the passing of days, his focus narrowing to the point where all he could see was his work. He missed meals, ignored texts, and his once vibrant conversations with friends and Saneul had dwindled to monosyllabic responses.

His friends were concerned. Riwoo and Woonhak had tried knocking on his door a few times, offering to help or at least take him out for a break, but Taesan always declined. "I can't, guys. I need to finish this," he would say, his voice strained and eyes tired.

Even Jaehyun, who usually had a way of coaxing Taesan out of his worst moods, couldn't get through to him.

Late at night, Taesan would lie awake, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts of everything he had to do. The pressure to excel was suffocating. He knew he was capable, but the constant drive to be perfect was wearing him down. He felt like he was on the verge of breaking, the weight of expectations – both his own and those of others – pressing heavily on his shoulders.

He hadn't even realized his birthday was approaching. Dates and time had become a blur. His phone buzzed with messages, but he rarely checked them, convinced it was just another reminder of what he had yet to complete.

In moments of clarity, he knew he was pushing everyone away, but the spiral of stress and self-doubt was too strong to break out of on his own.

She knew he was under immense pressure, but it worried her to see him retreat so deeply into himself. She decided she couldn't just stand by and watch him struggle alone.

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