5 Ironic isn't it

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Izuku POV

I had to think about it the whole way, but somehow my mind was already made up at the beginning that I will and want to do this. As I walk past a tunnel, I suddenly see a green creature. It approaches me with enormous speed and has almost devoured me. I try to run away, but I was grabbed by the foot and pulled back again. It was a monster like from nightmares.

This thing is holding me tight and wouldn't let me go.

Villain: You'll be a perfect shell for me to hide in.

Taro: He is much more than a fucking shell I'll show you you motherfu- fumaroles

Taro starts beating on the villain looking quite ridiculous. Isn't it ironic that at the very moment I supposedly got my quirk, I'm dying.

Villain: hello are you going to say something or at least be screaming, cry, fight or something because it slowly starts to get awkward.

Me: oh yeah I forgot my script. Ahhhh help please don't do that.... is it good like that. Was my acting to dramatic or not enough

Villain: Are you suicidal or are you making fun of me. You won't be for much longer. Everyone has always made fun of me, laughed and laughed. But who is laughing now. Will you still laugh now, at the very moment you're facing death?

Me: Hahahahahahaha

Villain: Why are you laughing?

How can I answer something where I don't know the answer myself. I will not give him the pleasure of not having killed. I will laugh until I take my last breath.

Me: it's simple, why I laugh at your face if you have one. I will not give you the satisfaction of killing while I am screaming and crying. I will laugh until I die. So go ahead, kill me.

Taro: What the-!

Taro: Noooo

I'm slowly running out of air the villain now only has my eyes free. Everything is blurring. Slowly but surely, black dots appear in my vision. But before I completely lose consciousness, I hear a voice

All Might: I AM HERE

Everything went black. I can still feel myself being thrown back with pressure. I was woken up no one other than All Might. And immediately became fan boy without really considering the point that I almost died.

All Might: I have to go right now.

Me: I have one last question.

All Might: I don't have time.

Me: one last question please.

All Might: what is it

Me: can a quirkless person be a hero

All Might: are you quirkless.

Me: yes

All Might: No. They can't. It is okay to dream but dreams should remain dreams. And it's stupid to wish for something that is intangible and probable. You should dream more realistically and put your efforts into other things. It's more likely that you'll survive falling off a cliff rather than being a hero. You only will stand in the way, because heroes not only have to protect the civilian, but also you. I don't think you're going to make it and you are just going to be another burden and at the bottom of the chain of existing heroes, some number that has four or three digits. Instead of wasting your energy on that, you should be doing other things with it quirkless people don't live long

Taro: Mother fucker.

Mrs. Tanaka: #d&€#&€#&€#&#€#&#****€# &#€#&#€***&#&#€€#*€€€#&&€#€#&#**€*&#*&#*&#&

I listened in shock to what must have been at least ten swear words all jumbled together in one sentence. It was all grammatically correct. It was amazing.

Me: Okay thanks for your answer now I know what I'm going to do.

Try everything to be a hero

All Might: I'm glad to have helped young men

He left. Did he forgot to Chatham the villain. I just run away before the villain can regenerate.

Mrs. Tanaka: We'll work something out. You want to pull it back on him. Don't let that gorilla get you down sonny. Your quirk used right can have gigantic proportions. And you're perfect for them you're the nicest person I've seen.

Me: I called Eraserhead a hobo

Taro: Last week you protected a cat and while others tried to hit it you shielded it. And took all the hits yourself just to save a street cat that scratched you at the end after you were injured.

Me: It was only once.

Mrs. Tanaka: The day before yesterday, you helped an old lady who was having trouble getting enough money in her pension to collect the food she bought because it had fallen to the ground. You even collected the food from the street when the traffic lights were still read.

Me: If I had waited until it was red, the food would have been crushed

Taro: See you are literally a angel.

Me: I am not dead you are

Taro: Ehhhhhhh

Flashback end

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