28 I tried

252 13 3

( I am not good at the cavalry battle) 

Izuku POV

Now the cavalry battle was on. I really didn't imagine that people would voluntarily be in a group with me but surprise surprise that's exactly what happened. I ended up in a group with Iida, Ochako and Todoroki. The plan was actually quite simple. I would make sure we were more focused on air attacks. And just stay away from everyone else.

You wonder how easy it is. Todoroki can make a ramp with his quirk and Iida can use his quirk to go up the ramp with us like a motor. And since we're all too heavy, Ocako can use her quirk on us. I know that the last time she did that with Iida's quirk, he turned into a living fidget spinner. However, I think to myself that she should let Todoroki, herself and me float and not Iida. We will be a couple of balloons floating in like a hot air balloon.

So Iida will run up the ice ramp with us holding on to him like balloons using his jets and then we'll actually be on the high ground unlike the others.

One wonders what we will do at the top. Just very simple if something is falling from a high it can hurt people because of the speed. Why not do it  with a shoe.

The start signal was given our main goal was actually just to survive and not to lose the ligaments. Right after that Todoroki created a ramp and Ochako made all the weight disappear. I sometimes felt this lightness, but it always fascinates me every time.

We are thrown into the air with momentum and get higher and higher. We build a bubble, so to speak, in which we are away from everyone else. We quickly float up into the air. With one arm I take a shoe and just drop it, then I take the other one and drop it too.

Todoroki: What are you doing?

Me: Hitting things from a very high height at the right speed is as if they were incredibly heavy. The shoe, for example, will crash to the ground with a lot of weight since we are that high that we almost can't se anybody.

Todoroki: would it be able to kill a full-grown man?

Me: probably depends on if you hit him and where. And it probably has a bit to do with size too.

Todoroki: a full grown man big shoulders. A bit smaller than All Might but only a bit like Endeavour in stature

Me: I think so

Todoroki: that's good news


I just hope I don't find out on the news that Endeavour has died. We are now all taking our shoes of and drop them. Yeah, I know it's a weird idea but it doesn't matter. It's funny. And somehow I feel freer in the air without shoes.

Todoroki: How do we go down now?

Iida: A very good question 

Me: You can just use your quirk like a slide Todoroki 

Ochako: You mean I should drop us now

Me: I think we've already floated enough. Now the all fought and lost energy and we're coming full with energy.

Ochako dropped us and we got back on our feet in one slide. The rest of the time we just fought and tried to survive. Ochako, who was in a bad state, was on top and the rest of us carried her more than that she stood on our shoulders. In the end we managed to survive and even managed with difficulty to get some ribbons while keeping ours. And nobody got hurt very badly. I see that as a positive. I don't want my classmates to get hurt. After the end was announced, we all took a deep breath.

Me: Hey Todoroki, what is your main goal in this festival? Do you want to get first place or are you just going to be happy with the best place you get?

Todorokin: I just don't want to use my father's quirk. If I can do that, I'll pass happily.

Me: Ehh okay everyone has different kinds of goals

Todoroki: what's your goal anyway?

Me: I don't really know. I think it's just to do this thing and not die in the process.

Todoroki: I'm sure that students won't die on live TV here. Nezu wouldn't let that happen

Me: That was meant ironically. I think I just want to have fun with the game. I'm definitely not going to be first

Todoroki: True


Ochako: you never know, where it brings you

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