12 Satan take me

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Izuku POV 

That's more or less how it went. But I really expected to make it then.

I was really excited when we had the very first day. I came to school in my new uniform. My mom hugged me and cried at how fast her little boy is growing. And how I still managed to fulfil my dreams.

I love mom and I hope she will get better soon and nothing will happen to her mom is strong.

Something I didn't expect though, the hobo is not just a teacher, he is my teacher. The moment he walked in and complained that we realised he was there 8 seconds too late, I knew one thing for a fact. Not even dead can help you. But it's been a while, he doesn't remember me, does he?

It's been a while since we last saw each other. He must have met a lot of other people by then and totally forgotten about me. I'm just a quirkless person who doesn't matter.

He sends us all to get changed. You literally get to know everyone in the changing room. I go there and change very quickly before the others have even arrived and I'm already ready hocus pocus nothing more nothing less. Why do the others need half an hour just to get there? It is good actually, because I don't like showing my scars.

I'm the first to arrive. Aizawa-Sensi is already there. I think I just have to manage not to be alone with him, it can't be difficult.

Aizawa-sensei: We're going to do a couple of tests with scores today

He says after everyone is here

Student: that will be fun

Aizawa-sensei: If it's that funny, then the last one with the least points will be expelled.

The others are protesting

Aizawa-sensei: Do you want to be expelled immediately?

Everyone is quiet

Aizawa-sensei: So who starts?

All: ...

Aizawa-sensei: If someone starts, I can expel you all right away.

Me: I can start.

Aizawa-sensei: You just have to throw the ball from this circle.

I take a ball. And wight it in my hand. And go into the circle, move around a bit and throw the ball as far as I can.

Aizawa-sensei: Again, I don't want to give you any minus points. You threw the ball in the completely wrong direction. Be happy that I still have mercy and don't expel you right away.

I giggle nervously.

Me: Sorry

A few students laugh.

Aizawa-Sensei: I'll let him shot again that his shot was pretty far one of you laughing ones will probably get expelled here he'll make it.

Kacchan: That quirkless bastard will never make it.

He makes a few explosions

Aizawa-Sensei: Better a quirkless bastard than a walking time bomb

I throw mine again soon it flies far away with a lot of momentum. I see how Taro flies after the ball, she grabs the ball and then flies further away with the ball in his hand, and then throws the ball yourself and it falls. We all watched when the ball was flying peacefully in the air before randomly being boosted by Taro. It must look bizarre for people that can't see ghosts and are sane.

Aizawa-sensei: I just won't wonder how. Sigh. Well done. You threw it three times longer than the last time

I go back while whispering.

Me (whispering): that's cheating

Taro: no, the task was to throw as far away as possible with your quirk and that's exactly what you did.

Me: Sigh

The training was just exhausting and annoying but I did my best. There were a lot of tests where I really wish I could have used a normal quirk but I ended up doing it without.

Half the class was incredibly exhausted and the other half just tired. Some were kneeling one the ground or sitting and some were lying on the floor.

Funnily enough, I still had energy. Was there a bit of electricity left over from the robot? Or is it because for a while now, instead of sleeping, I've been walking at night and had to pick up trash. That would make sense.

Student: uhhh I see stars. Do you see them too

Me: Logically, stars are little suns, so the sun would also be a star.

I look up other also look up

Aizawa-Sensei: Sigh. Problem Children don't look into the sun that should be easy and logical, right? SIGH

The next class starts. Okay I just have to leave and I survived the day. Without talking to Aizawa-Sensei, maybe I'll manage to avoid him, because I know how to avoid people very well because-

Aizawa-sensei: Midoriya, come after class.

That was't even a question. Shit. Fucking Satan take me I wanna die more then ever

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