8 the best potato

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Izuku POV

I'm going home in the middle of the night. It's dark everywhere and I don't fit into the picture at all. I whistle a cheerful song on my way home while everything looks so abandoned dark and unfriendly.

When I open the door to the house, I immediately am greeted from my mom from the couch. She thinks I have a job that's at night. She works from home on a old computer that has the best days behind. We live in a small apartment, which gives us very little privacy. However, this allows me to spend a lot of time with my mom.

Mom fell the stairs down when I was younger from the shock when she realised that literally everyone left because I am... was quirkless. She fell after her own father told her on the phone that her money problems and that husband left her with a kid are a you problem. She set her foot on the wrong stair fell down all the stairs and couldn't move anymore. Altlast she was awake. Even though I was only five years old, I could grab the cell phone. Drop the call with her father and call the emergency call.

She ended up with an injury on her spine and therefore can no longer move her feet at all. So she sits often in her wheelchair with a blanket over her two feet and has no possibility of movement. Her spine is damaged she could get a operation, but the operation is expensive. And she is a disabled mother who had debts because of the hospital bills with a quirkless son. Finding a job is a challenge and she also have to find one where she can work from home.

Mom: Angel. You are back! I'm so glad. It can get so dangerous and dark so late at night.

Me: I have pepper spray with me Mom, don't worry.

Mom: that makes it easier for me, but you can't blame me, I am a mother, who is worried for her little Angel

Me: Mom, I'm not an angel

Rather a devil because of me, the whole family left me and her. I am the reason. If I wasn't born,  you would still be happily married, have a good relationship with your parents and could still walk.

Mom: you are one. You are my little angel. I was so worried you were late and I feared the worst. I could hardly do anything, this stupid apartment doesn't have an elevator.

Me: it was the only empty place we could afford and didn't look like it would collapse every second. You don't have to overreact so much, everything is fine and I'm back. It was only late for only so... exactly 2 minutes

Mom: And, if something had happened I couldn't have done anything and looked for you and the police probably wouldn't have helped me at all. These damned people just discriminate are simply not human.

Me: it's okay, I got used to it

Mom: take good care of yourself. I could call Mitsuki, but I'm afraid that she wouldn't go on her cell phone in the middle of the night and we haven't talked anymore since a while.

She says she doesn't have time but I think she is just scared losing another person because she stopped talking with her when I got diagnosed quirkless.

Me: we sold the cell phone, don't you remember?

Mom: oh yes. Just be careful my little Angel. How do I deserve someone like you?

Does you mean that in a negative sense? Or positive

Me: Mom, I don't deserve you. After everything that happened, you still have with me and support my dreams

Mom: I know I can't keep you away from them. But I can't do anything to help you. I'm just a couch potato.

What can I say about it to improve her mood. There's not much she really can't get up.

Me: Mom, but you are my favourite couch potato.

I sit next to her and give her a big hug. She has the small TV we own open and watches a few old movies. Her job ended long time ago. She's just awake to see that I'm coming back healthy. She's a great mom

Taro: See you are a Angel

Before I can open my mouth to comment on the characters, my mom comes in between.

Mom: don't you dare say anything about any actors who died in this movie. It just makes me sad. I'm sorry that I did this to you when you watched your children's shows or fights from All Might and I told you that many people die in the fights.

Me: no, everyone lived in this film for a long time

Mom: that's good

Me: with the main actress, however, her son died, it was clear that it was only an accident, but the husband accused her of killing the son and she was in prison for 25 whole years at the end, the innocence was proven

Mom snorts her nose and waves a hand in front of her eyes, she hugs me and almost squeezes me.

Mom: Why did you have to tell me that?

Me: none of the actors died

She giggles 

Mom: Sometimes you can be a little brat. 

He tightens her hug

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