Chapter 9

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Voices murmuring in the background invaded the fuzz that passed for his brain at that moment.

His first thought was that maybe Sam had gotten the drop on him.

Maybe the unthinkable, well in his opinion but not Sam's was it unthinkable, had happened. Maybe Sam had won the fight.

The Fight!

It came back to him slowly, the moves, the way he had known from the moves he had drummed into his body until they were instinct. He knew that he could beat Sam.

Then it hit him, half way through the fight something had happened, he had lost focus and for a moment Sam had morphed right in front of his eyes into his father.

Deeks swung his legs off the side of the cot with a quiet groan and sat with his head in his hands.

A ripple of fear ran through him, had he hurt Sam?

He got up and walked to the door of the men's locker room.

The murmur of voices got louder.

"You had your ass handed to you Sam, you can't deny it." Eric's excited voice rose above the hubbub as he took a handful of winnings from Callen.

"You bet against me too?" Sam sounded pained.

"Sure, did you ever see Deeks' footage from his practice fights at the MMA Gym. He's a brilliant fighter." Eric's enthusiasm was infectious and behind the closed door even Deeks couldn't contain his smile.

"So..." Pete's voice cut in, "Apart from a few bruises, one cracked rib and a very sore stomach, you are going to be ok."

"Ouch...hey...careful!" Sam exclaimed as Callen poked his rib.

"Not so tough are you." The mirth in Callen's voice was evident for all to hear.

"It was a lucky punch." Sam protested.

"Ha...more like fifteen or twenty, face it Sam, you took him on and he gave you a severe beat down. You're lucky he didn't kill you."

Deeks' gaze dropped in shame to the ground. He could remember what he had done, but he had lost control and Sam had been hurt again by him.

He moved away from the door. He was a monster, like his father.

He had meant to show Sam some of the moves he knew, maybe earn his respect. He didn't know why but out of everyone on the team it meant a lot to him to have Sam's respect.

Beating Sam was not the way to earn his respect and he knew it.

The door opened a crack and Pete stuck his head in, "So kid, you gonna sit there and mope or are you gonna come out and face us."

Deeks turned his back on him.

"I can't, I hurt him...didn't I?" he asked.

"It's not to bad...I saw you get triggered and got to you in time."

Deeks rubbed his neck where Pete had placed his choke hold on him and winced.

"Lemme see?" Pete asked concerned.

Deeks shook his head, "It's ok, my own fault really..." he turned away.

"Let me see Marty." Pete pushed.

Deeks flinched as Pete's hand landed gently on his shoulder, "It's just me kid, let me look."

Deeks nodded and moved to let Pete examine him, he knew from past experience that fighting him only delayed the inevitable.

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