Chapter 10

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Sam was nothing if not honorable and he needed to fix this.

He took one look at the disbelief and devastation on Deek's face as he whirled around at his words, and turned on his heels and walked out.

For a second Callen stood, debating on whether or not to go after his partner, then Deeks crumpled.

"DEEKS!" Callen shouted as he ran over and knelt beside Deeks' body.

He glanced towards the door hoping that Sam would come back in but the door didn't open.

"Dammit Deeks...wake up!" Callen cursed as he checked for a pulse and exhaled a deep breath as he realised that Deeks was breathing.

He lay the younger man down gently on the floor and checked his vitals and put him in the recovery position, then he took his phone out and called Hetty, knowing that Pete was a trained medic and was with the other woman.

"Hetty, Deeks has collapsed, can you get Pete in here?" he asked as he talked into the phone.

Within moments the sound of heavy boots sounded down the corridor and the door burst open as Pete, medic kit in hand, barged into the locker room.

"What happened?" Pete asked as he knelt to check on his boy.

"We were talking, Sam came in, said thank you to Deeks and left. Next thing I know Deeks has collapsed. He's breathing but..." Callen trailed off not knowing what was wrong.

"He's exhausted, he hasn't eaten or slept in a few days, I'll bet." Pete said, "I have some saline in this bag, help me get an IV into him."

Callen baulked at the idea of going near a needle, but he helped get Deeks onto the bench and opened up a locker door to hang a saline bag from.

"He must have just hit his limit what with the fight and then Sam saying thank you." Callen said, not looking at what Pete was doing with the needle.

Pete's question was sidetracked by Jess and the others entering the room.

"Is he alright?" Jess asked dropping to her knees by his side and moving a stray wisp of hair from his face.

Deeks groaned as he started to come too.

"Ma?" he swatted away her hand.

Jess smiled, "Still styled by pillow," she ruffled her fingers through his hair. "You're ok Marty, you fainted." she told him.

Deeks shakily pushed himself up onto his elbows, "Did not." He argued grumpily.

Jess smiled indulgently. "Pete says ya did."

Pete stood and brushed off his trousers, "I said; he passed out due to manly exhaustion, none of this girly fainting nonsense." he argued.

"See...didn't faint." Deeks smirked and then groaned.

"Ya do have to rest boy," Pete admonished him as he tried to move.

"I think Mr. Deeks will be better rested if we moved him to the couch out near the bullpen. I know that the others are worried and will be pleased to see you up and walking." Hetty said.

Deeks nodded, he needed to see where Sam had gone, they needed to talk.

Michelle jumped as Sam stormed into the house in the middle of the day. Her eyes shot to the bedroom where her gun was kept.

"Sam?" she asked worried.

"Did you talk to Deeks?" Sam asked.

Michelle looked mad, "Sorry? Are you accusing me of cheating on you with Deeks?" she asked, squaring up to face him.

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