Part 4 - Fresh Start

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Tuesday 23rd June 1942

A few days had passed and you hadn't seen Bucky and Steve since Saturday, but you get to see them today and you felt positive about it especially now you and Bucky have cleared the air. It's also the day before your birthday and officially the day you start your new job at Ruth's. Bucky and Steve agreed that they'd walk you to work at seven pm sharp, and then return you home after your shift; in their words to keep you out of trouble.

After the generosity of Bucky you'd paid off all your debts and managed to even put forward an extra two months rent. You'd also been out shopping yesterday and treated yourself to a eyeliner pencil, which you'd never had before, and two magnificent dresses you could wear for work, a Lilac floor length gown that had a plunging neckline and silver embellishments on the right hip as well as a plain black gown with a open back that clung to your curves in all the right places being the true definition of class. Your mother was confused as to where the money came from but decided not to pry, not that you'd tell her anyway, all she needed to know was that you had a new job.

On top of this you were able to fully stock your kitchen with non-perishable food in cans as well as some essentials and have quite a large sum of money still left over. You made sure you had picked up some baking supplies as you were going to bake Bucky a cake as a thank you and a going away gift too. You wasn't sure what his favourite flavour would be so you stuck to what you are good at, fruit cake. Your mother had gone out today to visit her friend so you had the apartment to yourself. It was currently three pm and you decided to start baking. By five pm you had made two cakes one for yourself, as a birthday present, and one for Bucky.

Knowing you need to start getting ready for work soon, you feel your stomach rumble and need to eat so throw yourself a cheese and pickle sandwich together, eating it in record time. Jotting down any last minute songs onto a list that you can preform later that you'd previously wrote for your potential interviews you would have attended on Saturday.

Your mind wanders into blissful peace as you head to the bathroom to freshen up, humming melodies as you walk. You find yourself dancing around the apartment holding your different dresses to your chest unsure on which to wear for your debut. Finally deciding on your black dress you put it on with your black heels. Your hair had been pinned in finger waves since last night so gently you take them down and examined your look in the mirror, confident you made the right decision. Slipping in your silver and rhinestone dangle earrings and matching collar necklace. You applied your new eyeliner slowly unsure on if you suited it, two layers of mascara and a deep red lipstick to finish.

Checking the clock you see it's six forty five pm and decide to warm up singing simple runs and ending on the nursery rhyme old McDonald had a farm. Expecting a knock at the door at any moment you decide today is a special enough of an occasion to wear your perfume, so you spray your wrist and neck, now smelling of fresh roses. You felt and looked amazing for once, or so you think.

Less than a minute later you hear two gentle knocks on the door. Rushing to open it you can barely contain your happiness practically leaping on the two men who stood outside your door.

"Jeez someone's in a good mood" Steve laughs winded by the unexpected contact.

Stepping back you took in the appearance of both men in front of you. Steve was dressed in his typical attire, the only difference being his hair was slicked to the side in an attempt to look neat. Bucky however was wearing his uniform and wow, he looked amazing. His hat sat slightly to the right on his head but the rest of him was so precisely neat you'd think he was a mannequin. Not that you realised but you must have been staring. Bucky noticed and couldn't help stare at you in return in complete awe. Breathtaking. His tongue was tied so instead of his usual smirk and cheeky remark he just smiled, his pearly teeth all on show, before mumbling a simple "Hi doll."

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