it was too late...

257 13 2

TW: panic attacks


It was now lunch, Carly was in the office with Reece and Deliah so she could tell Reece she weren't having lunch with him, again. When Reece heard them few words come out of Carly's mouth, he sighed, he knew he had to get through to Carly before she goes too far.

"Carly, can I talk to you?" Reece asked Carly. He quickly looked over at Deliah and then looked at Carly again, "alone." Carly was confused, but agreed. Deliah stepped outside the office, waiting for Carly to be done.

"What do you want to-" Carly was cut off, Reece spoke urgently, his tone pleading. "You cannot go for lunch with her Carly." Carly's brows furrowed, even more confused. "Why? She hasn't done anything." "Carly, I'm telling you, you can't, she's dangerous."

Carly scoffed, "yeah, right?" Carly sarcastically replied. "Or... are you jealous that I've found another person to hang out with?" Reece's heart dropped. "What... no- Carly. Why would you think that? I'm telling you this for your own benefit." Carly shook her head vigorously. "NO. No your not, You're always telling me what to do, I appreciate that you care for me and that you protect me, but I don't need your input anymore Reece. I'm old enough to make my own decisions." Carly stormed out the office, she hadn't processed her words. Reece on the other hand, you could see his heart visibly shatter, he tried, he tried to protect her and it all blew up. 

He sunk into his chair, throwing his lunch into the bin, the hurt was too much, he had lost his appetite. 

He heard his phone ringing, it was Marjorie, but he wasn't in the right mindset to answer her, he couldn't do it, so... he declined the call and switched off his phone. He sat there, zoned out, tears brimming his eyes. He didn't know what to think, he was processing what just happened, He was confused, he was hurt... was he too protective? Did he do something? He was doing the right thing, wasn't he?

Marjorie rang Reece many times, but each time went to voicemail. She was worried, was he okay? She got up from her desk and rushed out to her car, quickly driving over to the sister nursery. She'll deal with the speeding violations later, she just needs to know if her love is okay.

As soon as she parked the car, she ran to the office. She attempted to open the door. It was locked. She could hear, what sounded like someone hyperventilating, then it clicked. That's Reece. Luckily, Reece had given her the keys to his office. She pulled them out of her pocket, opening the door. As she walked in, her heart shattered from the scene in front of her. 

Reece had taken himself from the chair to the ground, he was sat against the wall, his knees hugged up to his chest. Was he? No he wasn't. Surely he wasn't.

He was having a panic attack. He was shaking voilently, sobs were wracking his body. Marjorie had never seen him like this. She didn't know what to do. "Darling?" Marjorie called out, but he gave no response. 

She ran over to him, sitting down, taking him in her arms. She gently rubbed his back, placing kisses on his head. She sat there, with him in her arms, waiting for when, he was ready to speak.

After a while of Marjorie holding him, he began to relax, his breathe slowed down, the tears were no longer, the shaking subsided. Marjorie let out a sigh of relief that she didn't know she was holding. Reece looked up at Marjorie, his eyes meeting hers. "I'm sorry you had to see that." Marjorie cut him off slightly. "Darling, you don't need to be sorry. I'm your girlfriend, it's my job to take care of you, you don't always need to take care of me, your my priority, and I'm here for you, okay?" Reece smiled. He and Marjorie shared a sweet and short kiss, pulling back. "Okay, thank you, gorgeous" Marjorie nodded, "Of course. Now... what's wrong?" 

Reece knew this question was coming. He looked down, quickly composing himself. He told Marjorie everything that went down earlier. Marjorie and him spoke it all out. Marjorie reassured Reece that all will be okay. 

They both decided to go and stop Carly before things went too far. Reece had Carly's location so they got up and went out to the car, driving to where Carly was. They hoped that they'd get there in time. 

But it was too late.

Carly had already told Deliah EVERYTHING, she needed to know, about char.

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