I miss you, I'm sorry.

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Mia did it. She went through with it. She finally told Deliah that it was over between them... except, Deliah gave her some unexpected news. 

The redhead questioned why it was so easy to tell Deliah that they were over. She kept questioning it and questioning it... until Deliah dropped, " I've got a girlfriend."  Mia was extremely happy with the way her talk with Deliah turned out. She picked up her phone, and messaged Charlotte straight away. 

the message:

Hey Char, I've ended things with Deliah. Are you free to talk? x

Charlotte read the message, a soft smile forming on her face. She replied back to Mia telling her she was free and asking if she wanted to come over to Char's house, to talk. Mia agreed and made her way to her house. 

Whilst Char was waiting for Mia's arrival, she sat at the edge of her bed, reminiscing their relationship, remembering how happy they were together. All their memories, their laughs. The smiles. Their hugs. The kisses they shared. They promised each other a forever. They both swore to each other, that no matter what... they'd always find their way back to one another. Sure, they both had their arguments, but it never got this bad. Charlotte thought that after she walked away, Mia would forget about her. She thought that Mia would move on, and find someone new. She thought that Mia hated her. Each time she thought of this fallout, she felt sick to her stomach. Each time the thought came to her mind, she felt her stomach churn. 

The brunette was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a knock at her door. She quickly ran down the stairs, unlocking her front door. When she opened it, the redhead was stood in front. She stepped aside, allowing Mia to walk in. "You can go wait in the lounge, do you want a coffee or tea?" Mia nodded, asking for a coffee, as she walked into the lounge.

Char made two cups of coffee before joining Mia. They both sat down and Charlotte passed a mug to Mia. They were both silent while they took a few sips of their coffee, both looking at each other, wondering who will start. As always, Mia broke the silence.

"Char... I miss you. I miss you so damn much. I miss us. I miss the way we used to me, I'm so sorry for all of this, I truly am, and I'll keep on apologising because I love you, I hate seeing us throw away our relation-" Mia kept on rambling. She was nervous, she didn't know what to say, so she kept apologising, until Charlotte cut her off.

"Amelia. Stop. from the moment you sent that message this morning, you had been forgiven. I miss you as well, so much and I need you. Without you by my side, I don't know who I am. You're the one person who I feel comfortable with and I'd hate to loose you." Mia's face lit up. "Actually? You forgive me? You actually forgive-" Charlotte laughed at Mia's flustered state. Mia doesn't get flustered often, but she does, Charlotte finds it endearing. "Shut up. Mia, just kiss me." 

And that's what Mia did. Both Mia and Charlotte shared a passionate kiss. As they parted from the kiss, they started giggling and smiling like idiots. They got each other back. They're happy again. 

They spent the rest of the day, snuggling up to each other, sharing kisses,  and watching movies with smiles plastered on their face. They loved each other. Words could never explain their love for one another. They were each others person. Each others rock. They were meant to be, forever.

As the day came to an end, and Charlotte began to fall asleep, Mia whispered in her ear, holding her close. "I love you baby, I'm so happy I've got my girl back. I'll wait for you in every universe. You are my person, and I'll do anything to make sure I don't loose you again."

A/N: final chapter... WOW EMILY COMPLETED A FANFIC FOR THE FIRST TIME. I hope this makes up for everything. I've really enjoyed writing this and seeing your reactions and if anyone has any ideas for any future fanfics, please let me know, either on here or my instagram - theirlviv_


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I'LL BE WAITING - a mialotte storyWhere stories live. Discover now