Chapter 14

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I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Well, I did come across... what I assume was it... um..."

Alexander's eyes seemed to light up with interest. "Ah, so you've seen it firsthand. That's fascinating..."

I took another, shakier, deep breath. "That might've been a reason I even came over here... I... recognized your cloak." I placed my hand on the back of my neck. "And when you said that... it felt like confirmation to me."

Alexander's smirk softened into a thoughtful expression. "Interesting. The Angel's Tomb is not a place many find, let alone survive. You must be quite resourceful."

"Resourceful might be pushing it," I chuckled nervously. "More like... incredibly lucky."

Alexander nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. "Luck can be a form of resourcefulness. Surviving the tomb means you've likely encountered the guardian. How did you manage that?"

I shuddered, remembering the giant spider and the desperate fight. "It was... a struggle. I didn't think I'd make it. There was this spider, and..."

He raised a hand, stopping me. "No need to explain further."

"But why the interest in the tomb?" I asked, trying to shift the focus. "What's so special about it?"

Alexander leaned back, his fingers steepled. "Well, I guess you could say it has something to do with the Angel itself."

"Uh huh...." I sigh, "I've heard a lot about this Angel, but I don't quite understand..."

"I should probably start by saying that The Angel should be the only one that was understood to defeat the guardian.", Alexander chuckled, covering his mouth.

"You're joking... R-right?...", I was caught off guard when he said that. After all, if that note was true, maybe that's...

My thoughts were interrupted by Alexander, "Yes, It was only speculation based on what we know about the Angel."

Alexander's laughter faded, leaving an almost solemn air between us. "But the fact that you managed to defeat the guardian suggests something... Another thing unique about you.

"I shifted uncomfortably, trying to process what he was implying. "Unique? What do you mean? And.. another?"

Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly as he focused on me, his smile fading into a more thoughtful expression. Before he could respond further, the door to the waiting area opened, and Elara walked in.

Her face was a mask of both relief and exhaustion. "Winston," she said, her gaze shifting between me and Alexander. "Z'zatira is awake and recovering. The potion seems to be working."

I exhaled a sigh of relief. "That's great news!"

Elara nodded and then turned to Alexander. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were waiting here. What do you need help with?"

Alexander gave a polite nod. "Well... my reasons have changed.", he looks over to me, "Do you mind if we talk more later? I'll be at the tavern in the middle of town." He stood up.

Ya'know... This guy is super weird. If I didn't see his eyes, I could never guess he was blind. He seemed to have a lot more information... I didn't even get to ask if he knew a way home!

I guess I'll have to ask him more questions later. "Yeah, see ya there."

Alexander gave a courteous nod, his gaze unfocused but still attentive. "I look forward to it."

As he turned and left, I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. His departure left me with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. He sparked a multitude of questions in my mind.

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