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After 3 hours of screaming my lungs out, it finally stops, that pain in my head is.... Undescribable.

They loosen the restraints and I sit up.

"Soldier?" Sir berner says.

"Ready to comply" I say out of reflex. I don't look at him, I don't look at anything. I just stare too the wall.

A small proud smirk creeps onto his lips.

I have an opinion on that smirk but I can't place it, I also have a feeling in my gut but it's vague.

I choose to go with the flow. Be me.

Empty, my mind blank.

Let people think for me. Because I don't have the strength and or energy to do it. HYDRA is my brain.

I know nothing but the rules of HYDRA I know like the back of my hand.

So I just sit there waiting for my next instruction.

"Komm" comm" sir berner says while making a gesture too follow. So I do.

I follow him into the hallway, we turn left and follow the long almost never ending hallway.

"Wie heist du?" What's your name?"

"Soldat" soldier" I reply almost instantly

"Gut du bist unsere too waffen Nur leider kannst du nichts mehr erinnern. Wir habe dich aber gerettet. Mehr muss du nicht wissen" good, your our best weapon but sadly you can't remember anything, but everything you need to know is that we safed you" he tells me strictly, I don't respond, I don't care what I was before this.

I just have one duty, one instinct

And that's what I'll follow.

At that point we're in the middle of the hallway and he opens a door at the right.

He waits for me too step in so I do.

In the room are weapons, soldiers, gym equipment and boxing rings.

As soon as the door closes every soldier comes running at me.

One comes directly at me so I jump on his shoulders and let him fall on his back, the impact too the ground presses all the air out of his lungs so I choke home 2 more seconds and he's dead.

Another soldier tries to rip me if the soldier I choked and I use his momentum and speed to throw him against the wall and kill him.

Another soldier tries to kick my legs away underneath me so I jump and do the same motion so he's laying on his stomach and I hold him in a choke position until he isn't breathing anymore. I hear someone creeping up on me from behind

I see the last man I killed had a knife and grab it too throw it directly into the heart from the one behind me. He falls too the ground dead, blood pouring out of him and making everything in 2 meters so me too covered in blood.


Then my superior Berner claps his hands slowly, impressed.

"Gut" good" he sighs disappointed

"Aber das geht viel schneller" but that can be done faster" he screams strict

"NOCHMAL" AGAIN" He yells and another group of soldiers come too me.

This goes on for another four hours. I'm completely drained. But I chose for this job.... I guess?

I'm not even sure how I got here.

Finally they get me back too my cell. They let me rest for 2 hours which I didn't.

Before getting me out of the cell again too train again this time I had too train someone. The winter soldier.

He isn't a useful weapon, at least that's my opinion. He isn't loyal too HYDRA.

He slips too fast, and that's partially because of HYDRA, they take too many risks.

But I don't get a choice here so I train him.

It's a great distraction for all the stress chaos and pain you are going through in HYDRA.

So when I get at the training room he's already there and stands up as soon as he sees me.

"200 push-ups NOW" I command from him and without complaining he starts.

When he's done I let him do some jumping jacks and other things too warm up.

Normal HYDRA trainers don't let us do that. But me personally helps it so I guess I'll give that pleasure too him.

"Hit me in the face" I say bluntly.

He looks slightly confused but he does as I say. He punches me with his left hand, and his hand isn't aligned with his arm.

I ask him to punch the punching bag a few times

I notice he always uses his metal arm and not correctly.

"Hit it again ONE time" I say commanding with a cold voice.

He does and uses his metal arm, I take a stick and hit his flesh arm hard leaving a bruise.

"Feel that pain on your arm? That's the one you should be hitting with too. Pain makes stronger. Us that pain as indicator for what arm too use. OH and don't forget the fact it makes you very predictable." I say stern and cold.

"AGAIN" I command him.

He uses the right arm this time. "Sloppy" I say, I hit his wrist. "Feel both of the burning spots on your arm? It should be perfectly aligned, I should be able to put a stick contacting your wrist and underarm while you punch. That stick with how your doing it.... WOULD SNAP IN HALVE, so DO BETTER" i almost yell being annoyed from him.

This goes on for about 5 hours before I dismiss him.

At the end his fighting was... Acceptable but still bad.

When I'm back in my cell I can't help but fall asleep

so this was a somewhat longer chapter I guess. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter..... I guess this is my guilty pleasure

I'll try to be consistent with writing but no promises, and don't be GHOST READERS I GATE YOU GUYS. write a fun fact about yourself in the comments idk and Idc but it's fun to get to know other crazy people like me...

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