The Restless Mind

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The restless mind
The mind rushes to squeeze a million thoughts into one moment
The heart struggles to fit the love of a lifetime into one moment

The flaws in my character feel like thorns in my veins
Keeping the heart from pumping the sweetness of love for my lover
Maybe not in my veins but in my lover's instead

The thorns end up being painful with every beat of the pumping heart
The feeling of a swelling and bleeding heart might be too dark to discuss
But just a thought of belittling the thorns, puts the mind to rest

The red essence of love within the body turns pure
Pure from the fear of contamination
Pure from the guilt of accomodating the thick sharp thorns

The restless mind tries to keep it's pace in check
The heart still mistaken it's swollen with love and not with cuts

The restless mind

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