Act 3: Rei - Sailor Mars!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fan girl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his Father's smarts while keeping his Mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them and I also do not own Sailor Moon as there is nothing that is really wrong with it or even Sailor Moon: Crystal though I would have added more Character development in it. I do, however, own Hisayo Otsutsuki (Tsukino) aka Princess Aurora of the Sun, Princess Hisayo Small Lady Aurora aka Chibihisa Otsutsuki (Crown Princess Lady Aurora), the sun cats, Phoebe, Blaze, Sol, and Freyr, & the White Tiger Summoning Contract (A/N: If there is already a White Tiger Summoning Contract...then please ignore the last part). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

Beryl slammed the butt of her staff on the ground as Jadeite knelt in front of her.

"Jadeite, you have already failed twice," she stated. "There will be consequences."

"I'm very Sorry."

"Well, the monsters that you create are nothing more than clay dolls, aren't they?" a male voice asked making the blonde to snap her head around. "Of course, they're going to be weak." A shoulder blade, length, wavy, brown hair, and narrow almond shape auburn eyed male was shown. "Queen Beryl allow me, Nephrite, your loyal General to succeed where Jadeite has failed." He walked up to them. "I can gather even more energy for our Great Ruler with more significant efficacy. I will also get my hands on the Legendary Silver and Ruby Crystals. You can be certain of it."

"Certain?" another male voice asked as a mid-back length pulled into a low ponytail, wavy, blonde hair and brown eyed man was revealed. "Are you sure? What if those Sailor Guardians show up again?"

"Zoisite," Jadeite breathed.

"For all we know, they could be after the Legendary Silver and Ruby Crystals as well," Zoisite stated.

At that the redhead's eyes narrowed.

"Queen Beryl if I may be so bold to ask?" the short blonde hair male asked. "What exactly is this Legendary Silver and Ruby Crystals? Why are they so important?"

"The Legendary Silver and Ruby Crystals are the stones of all energy," Beryl informed them as she held her hand over the orb. "I have been told that they hold unlimitless power and that the one, who wields them, will become the ruler of the entire universe." The Generals all gasped at that. "But, for now do not worry about it. Our priority is rid ourselves of those, who will interfere. I will give you one last chance, Jadeite."

"Yes, My Queen," Jadeite said. "I will go myself and eliminate the Sailor Guardians no matter."

...My Line...

A dark hair and violet eyed girl was kneeling in front of a fire.

"It's coming," she whispered to herself. "Something's coming. I can sense it. Something evil is about to unleash chaos on our world."

...My Line...

"Today was fun, Rei," a little girl's voice said. "Can I come back again tomorrow?"

"Sure," an older female voice agreed. "Get home safe now, Mi. Be careful!"

"I will!" the little girl named Mi called back. "Bye!"

The two waved at each other before the little girl was gone.

...My Line...

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