Act 14: Conclusion and Commencement - Petite Etranger!

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Suiren Uzumaki: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fan girl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them and I also do not own Sailor Moon as there is nothing that is really wrong with it or even Sailor Moon: Crystal though I would have added more Character development in it. I do, however, own Hisayo Otsutsuki (Tsukino) aka Princess Aurora of the Sun, Princess Hisayo Small Lady Aurora aka Chibihisa Otsutsuki (Crown Princess Lady Aurora), the sun cats, Phoebe, Blaze, Sol, and Freyr, & the White Tiger Summoning Contract (A/N: If there is already a White Tiger Summoning Contract...then please ignore the last part). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

'I am Sailor Moon...'

'I am Sailor Sun...'

"Give me the Crystals' Power," Metalia ordered. "Or I'll rip you into little pieces!"

The two crystals glowed brightly on top of the staffs.

"Legendary Silver and Ruby Crystals lend us the strength to triumph over Queen Metalia!" the sisters called out. "And rid the world of her evil!"

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and for Justice! I am Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity!"

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and for Light! I am Sailor Sun and Princess Aurora!"

"And in the Power of the Moon..."

"And the Sun

"And the Legendary Silver..."

"And Ruby..."

"Crystals! We banish you! Forever!"

...My Line...

"I am Sailor Moon!"

"And I am Sailor Sun!"

"In the name of the Moon and Sun, we will punish you!"

The girls pointed their staffs at Metalia where a beam of light come from the two crystals and hit her in the middle of her forehead.

"It's not effecting her at all!" Usagi yelled in shock.

Metalia laughed at them.

...My Line...

"Always remember my dear Serenity, Aurora that the Legendary Silver and Ruby Crystals follows your hearts."

...My Line...

"Bequeath the Power of the Great Moon and Sun to awaken. Offer a prayer to the Moon's sacred Tower than peace will return to our Kingdoms."

...My Line...

"Sailor Moon, Sailor Sun!" Mamoru called out. "Don't hesitate. Just pray! Believe in yourselves!"

'Mamo's right,' Usagi thought.

The girls closed their eyes as flashes of their friends went through their minds.

'Luna, Pheobe, Ami, Rei, Mako, Minako,' they both thought. 'For everyone. We won't give up!' "Oh Great Power of the Moon and Sun! Awaken and lend us your strength. And we will match it with every ounce of magical energy we have left..."

...My Line...

Off away from the two Princesses, the bodies of the four Guardians laid with their pens nearby.

Sailor Moon: Crystal! Season 1 - 2! - Taiyō no Hisayo-Hime!Where stories live. Discover now