Act 24: Attack - Black Lady & Violet Lady!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fan girl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them and I also do not own Sailor Moon as there is nothing that is really wrong with it or even Sailor Moon: Crystal though I would have added more Character development in it. I do, however, own Hisayo Otsutsuki (Tsukino) aka Princess Aurora of the Sun, Princess Hisayo Small Lady Aurora aka Chibihisa Otsutsuki (Crown Princess Lady Aurora), the sun cats, Phoebe, Blaze, Sol, and Freyr, & the White Tiger Summoning Contract (A/N: If there is already a White Tiger Summoning Contract...then please ignore the last part). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

"My name is Black Lady..."

"And mine is Violet Lady..."

"Queens of Darkness," Black Lady finished.

"Wiseman, the ruler of Darkness has chosen us to be at his side," Violet Lady said. "And now we are Queens of the Dark Planet. The Queens of Nemesis!"

'They have a dark crescent on their foreheads just like the Black Moon does,' Usagi thought in surprise. 'No, that's impossible. Their lying. They can't be Chibihisa and Chibiusa!'

"They appear to be grown up, but have they truly awakened? Oh, my daughter and niece, what have they done to you two?"

"Chibiusa, Chibihisa, listen to yourselves!" Moon called out. "You two are not part of the Black Moon! Do you realize what you're saying?!"

Just then the two toys bounced up to them.

"Small Lady."

"Small Lady."

"Small Lady."

"Small Lady."

Both Black Lady and Violet Lady back handed them into a rock wall.

"Luna-P, Phoebe-P!" Mercury called out.

"Stupid toys," Black Lady sighed. "How annoying."

"Chibiusa, Chibihisa."

"Small Ladies come to your senses!"

"Save your breaths," Wiseman told them. "The Rabbit and Flame that you knew no longer exist. They are gone, no trace of them remains in the women in front of you. This is Black Lady and Violet Lady."



"Demande, Saphir!" Violet Lady called out. "Show yourselves!"

The two in question did just that.

"Since Esmeraude is no longer with us," Saphir said as he held up his hands. "The beast hands are mine now."

"And I believe you already know my evil sight," Demande added. "Fear it's power!"

The moon mark on his forehead turned into another eye and he used to try to attack the twins only for Venus and Jupiter to jump in the way.

"Look out!" Venus called out.

The blast hit the two Sailor Guardians sending them stumbling back before paralyzing them.



"I can't move."

At this Mars and Mercury got in front of the twins.

Sailor Moon: Crystal! Season 1 - 2! - Taiyō no Hisayo-Hime!Where stories live. Discover now