7. A Close Proximity

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“You look perfect!" Hyeri complimented, doing a single clap and admired her niece, who just got dressed up for her third date with Jeonghan. And on the third day of knowing him at that.

“Calm down. I'm wearing quite casual clothes, you make it sound like I'm dressed up like a princess,” Jiyeon rolled her eyes, turning back to look at the mirror.

She checked herself out, nodding by herself, finding everything on point.

Like the day when she first went on the blind date with him, Hyeri once again embraced her, wrapping her arms around her torso and rested her chin on her shoulder, looking at her eyes through the mirror.

“Don't feel nervous or afraid. Do whatever your heart tells you to, alright?” Jiyeon nodded, smiling as she felt a tiny bit less nervous. She knew that no matter what, her aunt is always going to be there for her.

The doorbell suddenly rang, causing the girl’s heart to grow nervous once again. Hyeri squeezed the younger's shoulder, giving a reassuring smile before walking off to open the door, leaving her alone.

‘It’s gonna be alright.’ She chanted in her mind, over and over again.

Taking one last deep breath, she turned on her heels, walking off to the doorway, where they awaited her.

As soon as she reached the doorway, her eyes landed on him, and the smile that crept up on his face right after noticing her figure.

Without a word, Jiyeon walked forward, past her aunt and exited the house. “Have fun!" Hyeri shouted, watching the two walk away.

None of them spoke a single word until they reached the elevator. “You look beautiful," Jeonghan complimented, causing a crimson shade to cover her cheeks.

She gazed his way slightly, checking him out. “Thanks. You don't look bad yourself," The awkwardness in the not so big cuboid made both their bodies heat up, blushing.

Jiyeon couldn't recall the last time she had complimented a man, that isn't Seungcheol, it felt weird for her to compliment another man.

With a ding sound, the elevator doors slid open, revealing the lobby. Jeonghan allowed Jiyeon to walk out first before he followed right behind her.

Getting out into a larger and much more crowded place made Jiyeon heave out a deep breath. It was sure getting hot in there.

“Should we walk for a while? We won't really be able to find any cabs here," Jeonghan suggested the only option they have.

The destination they were headed to wasn't a walking distance, so they would need to hail a cab at a point, but this area where Hyeri's house is located, is not an area where you can find cabs easily.

𝟏𝟓 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐔. yoon jeonghan Where stories live. Discover now