9. Dinner With Hyeri & Jack

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4pm. Jeonghan found himself rummaging through his clothes to find the perfect fit for the dinner. He wasn't sure what type of outfit to choose — It's not any fancy dinner at a restaurant so wearing a suit might seem too formal, but wearing just a sweater and jeans might seem too casual.

Frustrated, he plopped on the bed, the white bathrobe tied loosely around his waist hugged his body. His long wet hair spread on the bed, wetting the sheets.

“Jeonghan?" His aunt knocked on the wooden door, parting it slightly to peek through, seeing his frustrated figure plopped on the bed.

Getting his attention, she made her way into the room, sitting on the bed beside him, her eyes moving to the pile of clothes on the floor. “Are you a highschool girl going on a first date?"

The younger male let out a sigh, feeling frustrated than ever. "What do I wear???” He whined, throwing his arms around in the air, like a toddler crying for ice cream.

"Just wear anything. A tee and a jacket is perfect, Han. It doesn't matter what you wear, you're not going to a fashion show," His aunt told him, failing to convince him.

“I still need to look presentable," To which, his aunt gave him an annoyed look. “Seriously? You're known to be the prettiest boy in this family, even wearing torn clothes would make you look presentable."

His aunt stated the fact. Jeonghan has always been known as the prettiest boy among all his cousins. Some would even ask what magic he did to look like this. This man would look good in anything he wears. He has the power to make any ugly cloth look beautiful on him.

With a sigh, the older woman stood up, walking over to the pile of clothes, leaving the poor boy still plopped on the bed. She looked carefully through the pile, trying to pick out a few items to create a good outfit for the dinner.

Meanwhile, Jeonghan grabbed a hold of his phone to check through his messages as soon as he remembered he had gotten a text from his best friend which he forgot to reply to.

His best friend, Wonwoo, had texted him asking if he's free for dinner tonight. "Shit.”

Thinking back on the last time they had met, Jeonghan felt guilty for not sparing enough time for his friend. Ever since he met Jiyeon, he has dedicated most of his time to her that he totally forgot to make some time for his friend, despite having most of his days free — Which he likes to spend by thinking about or texting her.

With a sorry heart, Jeonghan dialed his friend’s phone number. He thought it would be better to talk to him on call than to do it over text.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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𝟏𝟓 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐔. yoon jeonghan Where stories live. Discover now