Your Birthday...

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Before you start reading this, I made a few changes (I mean one only! XD) at the description of the story. Your Parents were killed at your Birthday. Sad right?... :( ... //Moment of silence//...
Thanks for reading this book guys... I really appreciate it! XD..
For this chapter or two is about what happened on your 13th Birthday... i was thinking if you knew this...You'd understand later on the story... I just wanted you to remember that your Dad was a Mad scientist and your Mom was a Assassin.
Note: This will be almost your POV...

~~~(Y/n) POV~~~
-7:30 am-
It was morning...The weather was perfect!... The sun was shinning and You went out of your bed and took a quick bath. You went downstairs and saw your mom and dad making something... You cleared your throat and they turned around surprisingly.. You laughed as they turned around cause they were all covered with frosting and batter...
"What's all this!?" You asked them while smirking...
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They said in union... Bringing out a round chocolate cake and in the middle was written "Happy Birthday To Our Beloved Daughter!". Your Parents were like your best friends.. the only closest friend you have...
You smiled and chuckled and ran over to them and hugged them... They hugged back too.
"I love you guys!" You said hugging them tighter.
"We love you too sweetie!" They both said.
"Ok! C'mon taste this cake already!" Your Mom said with excitement...
"I measured all the ingredients exactly the way it should be..." Dad said while slicing a piece...
Your Parents were different from others...But they were perfect...
Your Dad handed you a plate with the cake.. You noticed that it was perfectly baked... And it was your favorite flavor!... Your Parents watched as you took a bite...
The flavor bursts into your mouth like it was a explosion... Just expected from your Bruce parents...
"How does it taste sweetie?" Mom asked..
"It's so Bruceeee!!!" You said as you continue eating the cake they gave me...
"Well, Honey Its time for the gifts!" Your Dad said...
Gifts!?...Yay!.. I wonder what is it...
"Sweetie, Do you still remember the samurai sword you saw at my room?..." My mom said sitting beside me.
"Yep..I still looked at it from time to time!..." You said while remembering the times you would sneak into her room and took it out and swung it around...
"Well, Its all yours Honey!!" She said with a smile...
"R-really Mom?!" You asked her surprisingly...
She nodded... You hugged her again and said "Thanks!! You're the best Mom ever!"...
Mom laughed and said "Anything for you darling..." she said while she brushes your hair...
"Hey, Don't forget my gift!" My dad said pouting his lips...
You laughed and said "Don't worry dad.. I didn't..."
"Ok..Here is my gift!" He handed you a Black jacket and smiled..
A jacket?...Only a jacket?!... Mom's gift was way more cooler than this...
"Wow, Thanks?" You said forcing a smile...
"Before you start judging it (y/n), Its a Bullet proof or indestructible jacket."
"NO WAY!?" You said while looking at it...
"C'mon!.. Put it on!" Dad said and forced me to put it on...Honestly, Is it really Indestructible? Bullet proof?... Suddenly Dad pulled out a gun... A G-GUN!?...
"W-wait D-dad!.. You're n-not g-gonna s-shoot me aren't you?!" You said trying to back away from him...
"C'mon Sweetie!... You never know until you try it..Right?" He said as he pointed a gun at my jacket...
"Wait! You haven't tested it if it's bullet proof YET?!" I said as my eyes widened...IS MY DAD CRAZY?!...
My dad just stood there and triggered the gun... BANG!...
I closed my eyes.. I'm gonna be dead... What would you expect from a Mad scientist...?
Huh!?...I'm still alive?...
I opened my eyes only to see my dad and mom smiling...
"See Honey?..." My dad said smiling at me... I smiled in response... I took a deep breathe and let it out...
"Dad...You're amazing!" I said running to him and hugged him...
"Oh Sweetie.. would i ever do such a thing to you?" He said hugging me tighter..
"I guess not.." I said smiling...
"Ok, I have to go to work now... Mcfist is calling me already..." My dad said as he lets go of me.
"Aww, Can't you stay?" I pulled him back.. and pouting my lips... doing my puppy dog eyes..
"Sweetie, You know i can't stay... Love ya!" He said as he kissed my forehead..
"Love you too Dad..." You said and waved good bye.. You frowned and looked at the ground, Your dad saw you and said "Tell you what, Were gonna eat the cake together! I PROMISE!" He said flashing a smile and as he held your chin up.
"Thanks Dad! That would be great!" You said as your frown turned into a smile...
"That's My girl!" Your dad said as leaves and went inside his car.
"Sorry, Honey but i have a mission today.." Your mom said as she grabbed her bag.
"What!?.. You too Mom!? But its my birthday!" You said with sadness...
"Sorry, But this is an emergency honey! I'll come back here before you get here!"
"Is that a challenge?" You smirked.
"Do you accept?" Your mom crossed her arms and smirked.
"I'll be home before you even get here!" You said with a smile.
"That's my girl! Love ya sweetie!" She said as she kissed your forehead and sprinted out of the door..
"Love ya Mom!" You said as you waved good bye.. You were left alone on the house, You sighed and grabbed your bag.. and went to outside the house.. still wearing the jacket your dad gave you... Your house was on a hill and there was a little forest surrounding it...

Your school.. (The name of your school) school... You waited for the school bus and saw your only friend waving at you, Well He was your Childhood friend... But you weren't that close with him...
"Hey (Y/n)!" (Your friend's name) said.
"Hi (F/n)!" You said.
"Oh Hey! Happy Birthday!!!" He said while he hugged you. You blushed with amazement..
"T-thanks!" You said backing away from you. It wasn't long enough the School bus was there...
You two went inside and sat at the back (Were you always seat!)...
You two talked about the subjects that were boring and how there was a rumor that the school was Haunted.
"The school's haunted?" You said surprised.
"Yeah... Some people saw ghosts here..." Just then the school bus pulled up and stopped at your school..
Unlike others schools your school was huge... At the entrance you have to walk through a little forest and at the back was a soccer feild... Nothing much happens here.. (Unlike Norrisville!... XD)
And what kind of student are you there?... You were already smart.. Which made you skip a bunch of grades when you were little... Some students know you but you didn't know them, Since they wouldn't introduce theirselves...
You sat at your seats and (f/n) didn't have the same classes with you..So you were the quiet type...
The bell rang and soon class begun...

-Lunch Break- (Sorry if the description isn't clear! XD..)
You went to the cafeteria and looked at the foods available there... You fall in line and started picking. The foods over there were cake, salads, fruit salads, fruits, sandwiches and all the desserts you could think of.
You simply picked the foods you always chose. (f/n) have other friends and often hangout with them without you. You didn't liked sitting in the cafeteria cause the other students reserved their seats for other students.
So you always went to the rooftop of the school and ate there, Sometimes you would lay down and read your favorite book there and would skip classes...
(You were already smart so...Yeah..)...
And even sleep there too! Or just look at the sky or clouds above you.. You just sat there and skipped classes until it was dismissal time... Even though it was dismissal time you would seat there until like an hour has passed...

-After School-
You waved good bye to (f/n) and walked alone.. This was your daily routine on school everyday... But today something was off... The houses you were passing by was quiet.. TOO QUIET...You didn't even heard a single Tv making sounds... But you were distracted by the sound of your phone ringing. You looked at your phone and was surprised to have your Mom calling you.
"Hello Mom?"
"Sweetie?.. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine.. Why'd you ask? Did something happen?"
Just then you heard a breaking sound and some people shouting.
"MOM!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" You started panicking and it was getting hard to breathe...
There was no answer...
"MOM!?" You shouted.
.....still no answer...
"I'm fine..." Your mom said... You felt relieved hearing your mom for a while...
"Sweetie? Could you come home quickly?... Enter through the back door ok?...NOT THE FRONT!" She said with a little bit screaming in her tone...
"I'm on my way!" You hung up and ran as fast as you can...until you reached your house.. You climbed a tree to see what was happening, Since it was dark no one would see you...
Your eyes widened as you saw a crowd of people at the bottom of the hill.. This were they go?...So that's why it was quiet earlier.. They looked a bit angry and many of them were carrying guns.. Why?!
You didn't stick around to find out cause you know that your mom was looking for you..
You jumped on the trees until you reached your house... You remembered to enter the back door.. You wondered why though..
As soon as you entered the back door your Mom saw you and hugged you tightly..Almost that you can't breathe...
"Mom..I'!" You said as you struggled. Your Mom suddenly lets you go and pulled you inside...
"Mom, What's happening? Where's dad?" You said as she pulls you leading you in the lab of your dad at the basement. You could hear that it was raining already..Good thing you came earlier...
"I'm here.. honey.." Your dad said while typing something into the big screen.
"Sweetie, Just don't worry about it..." She said as she helps your dad. You know she's lying...
"But mom, I've seen a mob of crowd heading this way!" You said while trying to get their attention.
"We know Honey!" Your dad said not looking at you.
It looked like they were trying to set traps at the forest..Since it was dark they wouldn't even see it... But it was like the whole city!.. You looked afraid and was panicking...
But then your Mom noticed you and stopped what she was doing and tried to explain to you what had happened...
"Calm down and Listen (Y/n), I'm going to say this only once ok?" She said with  calmness in her voice.
You nodded in response.
"The Crowd outside are the peoples who are bad, They thought that I've done something bad. But i didn't do anything bad. So we are trying to keep them out. Do you trust me?" Your mom said while looking in your eyes.
"Yes Mom!" You said while still having doubts about what she said... What did she do? Why are these people mad at her?...Wait if they're carrying guns..DOESN'T THAT MEAN THEY'LL KILL HER?!
"Hey Dad! How can i help?" You said. Your dad turned to you and handed you a remote.
"Is this a Remote for the Tv?" You said as you raised your brow.
"Nope!.. Its a Remote for the traps I've wired into the forest..." You're dad said while smilling...
Just then you could see from the screen that the crowd was already in your forest.. You pushed a bunch buttons and send them flying or pushed to the ground... Some people would fall and climbed back!.. It wasn't all serious injuries.. They would only get bruises but they won't die!

-After a few hours- (9:00 pm)
Suddenly there was a banging sound on the back door...
Could it be they've surrounded the house?
It got louder and louder...
....until it stopped....
You heard the back door opened and was closed...
.....You suddenly heard footsteps...
It was getting closer and closer...
And closer...
Your mom and dad hurriedly hugged you tighter and tighter...
Then it stopped...
...The Banging sound continued on the door of the basement...
Until the door opened...
Your heartbeat got louder and louder...

Hey guys!!... It suddenly turned into a Horror Movie.. XD
Who could it be?...
Is it the crowd?...
Or maybe.. A ghost?! (Nah... XD)
Toon in next time for my Chapter!! :D...
The picture was just to give an idea of the school.. hehe... XD (its from an yeah...)
Leave a comment below of how you thought of this Chapter! :)

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