The Royal Ball.. But with a little twist..

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---Randy's POV---

I waited for (Y/n) with Howard at the snack bar while eating of course!.. My arm is getting better, Well, according to Dr. Sam that it.. Anyways, My name is Bruce fries here, And all of the people's name got announce at the PA system and also checking if everyone's here yet.. So we know what to call the other students here.. Like for example, Howard.. His name is Grave puncher... isn't that a bit obvoius..? XD hehe.. And the dancing wasn't started though..
Oooh.. Look at that.. Someone just came in, I think its a girl. It looked like she was wearing a golden dress and there was a violet belt over her waist and she was wearing a mask and it was colored gold with a mix of violet in it.. It was pretty normal though...Well, except for the fact that its so sparkly it looked like the golden sun shimmering in the light. The boys other boys suddenly watched her while they drool as she made her way through the crowd with her friend who was Heidi..
I wonder what her name is... C-Could it b-be..?
"Twirl Girl!" (Figured out the girl yet..!? You though it was you huh?.. XD)
Obviously, This wasn't (Y/n) cause first of all.. Her name was suppose to be Gravy Fries... and second I noticed that while she was passing by me.. She looked at me at the corner of her eye and kinda blushed.. After she walked passed me, There was this smell...
She smelled like...
What did the Royal ball look like...?
Sure, It was in the gym but it really looks like a ballroom but with fancy pillar things.. and there's even a large chandelier hanging above us! And at one corner there was a DJ who was playing some tunes and in another corner, there was a photo booth. Some tables on the corner and this big long table which is the snack bar, I couldn't tell what to try first..
Cake fries...?
Gravy Fries..?
It looked like a ballroom but with a modern touch in it.. I was wearing a black tux. And my hair kinda messy though.. My mask was black and white, It wasn't a full mask though.. while Howard is wearing a brown suit and his mask was brown and orange..
"Oooh Dude! You gotta try this!" Howard said as he jammed a muffin in my mouth. 
"What th-...hmm.. It-ish good.." I nodded my head.. But then my phone buzzed..
"I'm here! I'm going in...3...2...1..."
I looked up and saw the door opened again...
But this time, Everyone froze as she enters the room. Her dress shimmered in the light.. She wore a black gown with silver shiny thingys with her (skin/c) shoulders showing... Or is it called Glitters..? Anyway, It looked like she was wearing the night sky with stars sparkling at on it and it kinda looks like falling stars at the bottom... She wore black gloves and her mask was Black and silver, I think everyone has the same mask according to their gown or suit though..
But she has a hoodie on.. Well, That's one bruce dress.. I mean this the first time I've seen a hoodie on a gown!..

"Gravy Fries!"
G-Gravy Fri-Fries!?.. So this means this is (Y/n)!?..
"So, How do I look Bruce Fries..?" She said as she slick back her hoodie and her hands inside her pocket... WAIT!.. This gown has pockets!?.. I didn't notice this earlier but, Instead of wearing heels.. She wore black McKicks.. Wouldn't blame her, I heard that some girls got bruised whenever they wear that.
"I...uh...wa..." I was so speechless That words can't even describe how she looked tonight though. I didn't also have the time cause the lights dimmed down and P-slim suddenly walked and stood in the middle of the stage there... Did I mention there was a stage here?
"Ehm... Checking.. 1..2..3..." P-slim said as he tested the mick...
"Lets get this party started!" He continued and kinda shouted. The students there suddenly screamed in joy and started dancing as the DJ popped up some bruce jams.
"This song is dedicated to the Ninja!  I hope you guys enjoy it!" The DJ said as he played it.
"C'mon (Y/n)! Lets dance!" I said as I grabbed (Y/n)'s hand.. She flinched and didn't follow me..
"I'm an Assassin.. I don't dance Bruce fries. Plus, I think I'm just gonna hang around here and... eat." (Y/n) said as she let go of my hand and stepped backward. She did it in a whispery voice though, good thing I could hear it.
"C'mon! It'll be fun!" I said as I persuade her into coming, I grabbed her hand again and pulled even harder. Which made her come along...
"I'm just... gonna hang here..." Howard said as he grabbed another piece of muffin. I have a feeling that when we come back.. All the food will be gone. I was still dragging (Y/n) to the dance floor and went inside the crowd... As I found a great spot to dance on, I stood the and felt the beat. And soon I was dancing to the music..
((A/N: Do me a favor.. Please go to YouTube and search "Go Ninja Go!" by Billy Unger.. Ty! :)))) ))...
But I just saw (Y/n) standing and was blushing cause... she's embarrassed.
"Its easy ok Gravy Fries?.. You just have to feel the beat and let it honkin out! Like this!" I said as I busted up some moves. I did a wave and passed it on to (Y/n)... She looked surprise and tried to do it..

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I thin I'm getting a hang of this.. I tried do what Randy just did. So, I copied it and it felt freeing though.
"Yeah, I think she got it!" Randy said as he busted up some more moves now he's jumping up and down. While I just clumped my hands and swayed it to the left and the right. This was the best feeling ever!..
Well, apart that Randy being my boyfriend..
We started dancing together but then Randy suddenly took my hand and spun me around and caught me into his arms. I blushed as I realize how close my face was to his, He did the same too. But I think my blush was visible since the mask is short. I was then lifted up by him and stood up again. Now I was breathing heavily because of dancing so much or the fact that Randy's face was close to me.
"Well, That was intense.." I said as I tried to catch me breathe..
"It was a good song though.." Randy said with a smile...
But suddenly the music slowed down and turned into a romantic dance...
Some took theirs seats at the corner and eat what was left at the snack bar cause you know who ate it... Well, almost...
I looked at Randy and we exchanged looks though. I saw the other students pair up and started dancing like a couple.
"So uh, You wanna...?" Randy offered with sheepish smile.
"Uh... sure.. I gotta warn ya.. I might step on your foot.." I said with a smile too.
"Hey, I should be the one saying that!" He said as he lightly punched my shoulder... So we tried to copy the other students on the dance floor... I put my hands on his shoulders and he put placed his arms on my waist.. I blushed a bit and tried to hide it.
((Play the video up there! ^.^))
After awhile of swaying in the music and blushing...
"You do know, I love you right?" Randy suddenly said as he looked into my eyes and blushed bright red as a tomato...
My heart skipped a bit and I blushed as red as he did... I felt like as if a life long dream has happened.. Randy and Me dancing.. having this perfect moment..
"I-I.. I know, you've said that to me many times..." I said as I smiled while still blushing.
"Yeah but, This time... I really mean it.." Randy said as we swayed into the music.. Its a great song actually..
"I've been meaning to ask you.. Why the juice do you love me?.. And even have the courage to ask me to be your 'Gravy Fries'..?" I asked sheepishly... What..? I just wanted to know..
"Well, The things is.. I actually don't know.. It was like love at first sight.. What I like about you is that... You're Unique.. and to be honest, You're the first girl I've ever met to make puns with me, and doesn't hate it.. You're good at games just the thing I like about you.. Even though you beat my high score at Greg's game hole.." Randy said saying all the things he liked about me.. But while he was saying that
"Aww, That's so cheesy!" I said with a smile... FYI, It wasn't sarcasm or anything..
"But, You won't break my heart won't you..?" I continued and asked him..
"I would never.. I won't break your heart.. I'll even protect it!" Randy said with a heroic face and voice.. I laughed and smiled. But after that Randy suddenly kissed my forehead.. I blushed and looked up on him but all I saw was an innocent smile...
I have the brucest bboyfriend...
We didn't notice this but..
We looked at each other and just ignored them even though I'm so nervous at people starring at me and Randy.. I gulped and took a deep breathe.. The crowd around us 'Aww' and 'Oooh' as we waltz around them... We looked like a princess and prince having their first dance though..
We danced like that until the song ended.. In the end be bowed at each other and walked away together... Hand in Hand...
But I could feel that something was wrong...
I feel like the back of my head is burning.. Like someone is making a death stare...and also I think my hand is sweating from all this intense moment.. I think my gloves is wet right now.. I gotta go the washroom...
"Bruce fries..? I think I'm going to go to the washroom... Be back soon.." I said as I left him at the snack bar..
"Sure thing Gravy Fries!" Randy said as he waved..
I gotta hurry up.. Or Ima miss a lot of time with him...

~-~Theresa's POV~-~ (Sheesh, Does this girl ever stop..? XD)
I just saw Gravy fries or whoever that girl is...
But then she leaves Randy alone who is Bruce fries.. at the snack bar..
My perfect timing.. I cooled down and took a deep breathe as I approach Randy.. And commence my evil plan..
"Hey, uh, Bruce Fries!..." I said as I walked in front of him..
"Hey there.. uh.. Twirl Girl..?" Randy said like it was a question..
"Yes, I wanted to tell you something.." I said while blushing.. WAIT! DON'T DO IT HERE!
"Sure, What is it..?"
"Yeah but.. I can't tell it hear.. I know! C'mon!" I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the ballroom which is the gym.. And lead him into the hallway and outside the school. This was just perfect.. No one to see us..
"I'm sorry but.. I just have this big problem Randy.. I have a feeling that you'll be the only one to be able to solve this.." I said as I looked at him..
"Wh-What!?.. I'm not Ran-.. Nah.. You got me.. So, what's this honkin problem of yours..? You better hurry up cause I think (Y/-... I mean Gravy Fries is looking for me.." Randy said a bit frantic about it.. I inhaled.. and said this heavy feeling of my chest..
"My problem is... I LOVE YOU!.. Even though, you have someone else in your heart.. I still want you to know how I feel.. So that's why I'm going to this.." I noticed that he had his eyes wide opened and was blushing while I said this. And after that I pulled him close to me by grabbing his coat foeward...
"Wait.. What wer-..." He didn't have the time finish it cause..
It felt like a explosion of feelings... I've finally KISSED Randy!.. And it looks like Randy was a great kisser though.. and it looked like he was kinda enjoying it..

---Randy's POV---
"R-Randy...?!" Someone said with terror in her voice...
I panicked and pushed Theresa enough to make her stop what she's doing... I looked where the voice came from and I was suddenly trembled in fear..
"(Y-Y/n)..!? Its not what it looks like..." I said as I stepped closer to her.. Some tears fell from her mask and trust me it suddenly hurt like I was stabbed by a sword.. (Y/n) suddenly ran off to the streets, I chased after her but then..
Theresa grabbed my hand..
"Just leave her.. She ISN'T WORTH it.." She said as if she was asking to ditch (Y/n).. I took my hand and gave her a death stare..
After that I managed to catch up to (Y/n)..
"Wait (Y/n)!" I said as I grabbed her hand.. But then it started raining.. Why does it always rain at these moments..? Now I was soaking wet and (Y/n)'s curled down hair was now wet and straight..
"Let go of me!" She said as she took her hand away from me.. and faced me with water drops falling from above.. It looked like the rain was her tears..
"Just let me-.." I tried to explain but..
"No! You said that YOU would protect it but... I guess it was lie too huh?... Well, GUESS WHAT!?.. You didn't just break it... YOU COMPLETLY DESTROYED IT!" (Y/n) shouted at me..
"But-..." I tried to say something but then again..
"You know what..!? Why don't you ask 'Theresa' to be your Gravy Fries!?.. CAUSE I'M DONE BEING THAT!" (Y/n) said as she threw her mask at the puddle... Showing her watery eyes and death-like-face... I was getting more guilty and guilty.. like there was a heavy thing filling inside of my chest...
And with that...
We were over..
But we just started three weeks ago...
Great job Randy..
You wonked this one up real hard..

Maan... what an ending ;-; ... Did you like the ending..?
I'm guessing... No... you didn't.. XD
So yeah, Will you two get together again..?
What will Randy do to get you back...?
What happened to Howard!? XD
Toon in next time for meh Chapter! :)

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