The Arrival at the Camp

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I will be including Theresa's POV!... it will be more cheesy... XD
Sorry if Theresa doesn't think or do this...
Sooo...On with the Story!

~~~Theresa's POV~~~

its been 2 hours and 30 minutes ever since we left the school... I took off my earphones and turned off my cellphone...
I wonder what Randy's doing?...
I bet he's bored out of his mind with that crush stealer (Y/n)... >:p
I looked behind only to see the worst thing I have ever seen before...
The view made me wanna hurl...
(Y/n)'s head is on Randy's shoulder and Randy's head is resting on (Y/n)'s head...
I mean that should be  me...if it weren't for Howard who lied...I just growled at them...
I looked across me and was surprised to see Debbie and Heidi together... I mean they are friends...
Hmmm... I wonder...
I can feel myself smirking...
"Pssst! Heidi!..." I whispered but enough for Heidi to hear...
She looked around to see who was calling her and when she turned to me, she said "What is it bestie?"...
"Look at that!.." I said as I pointed to Randy and (Y/n) still sleeping together...
Heidi looked and gasped.. But she then smirked and said "This is gonna be cheesy scoop!"... She said as she took out her camera and crept closer to them...and then she started taking pictures and filming it...
Then suddenly it went live and all of the students were quiet and looked at the flat screen on the bus...
"What up Norrisville High on Buses?...Today we have a cheesy live scoop from our Cutest Couple!" She said as she turns the Camera to (Y/n) and Randy...  The students on the bus gasped and started saying "Awwwww!"...
I think this is a bad idea... I'm starting to feel jealous...
"Lets see what's their reactions if they wake up...
Psssst...Randy....(Y/n) ...Wake uuup!" She said as she crept closer and the camera closer...
The students on the whole bus was really quiet...and looked like they were tuning in to what will happen...

---Randy's POV---
I was wakened by someone calling me...
I opened my eyes and as my vision cleared I just saw a camera in front of my face and I realized Heidi was holding it... I wondered where my head was resting...
It felt like it was hard but soft at the same time...
I looked and realized I was...
I'M RESTING ON (Y/n)!?...
I blushed bright red... and I felt (Y/n) waking up...
she yawned and looked up to me...
And as soon as she looked up to me she blushed bright red too...kinda matching mine...
We started starring at each other not knowing what just happened...
But.. If there's a camera on our faces doesn't that mean...
My eyes widened and I started freaking out and so did (Y/n)...
That's when I accidentally knocked down Heidi's Camera... I felt like everyone was watching me.. including (Y/n) ... And the students gasped and when I looked at Heidi and she glared on me...I gulped...Oh boy...
I got a feeling that this isn't gonna end well...
Just to break the silence... P-slim excitedly announced "Only 2 hours to go students!... and Ms. Weinerman...Please take your seat..."
Heidi picked up her scratched up slightly broke Camera and returned to her seat... She then looked at me.. and still glared at me...ugh...
I mouthed "I'm sorry!"...
But she mouthed back was "You're dead!"...
...I sighed and suddenly (Y/n) said "Um...Heidi can take a look at your Camera?"
She raised a brow and said "S-sure...Just don't let that shoob touch it.." She said as she gave (Y/n) her Camera...
"Geez, I said I was sorry alright?" I said crossing my arm and pouting...
"Give it a rest Randy..." She said after she laughed at me...

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
You can't believe Randy made Heidi's Camera break like this...
He must be really strong...
You shook that thought in your mind as Randy asked you something...
"By the way, What are you going to do?..." Randy asked as he raised his brow..
"Isn't it obvious?.. I'm gonna fix it!" You said as you opened it and saw some broken wires... Good thing your Father taught you How to fix  Cameras in case someone's Camera broke...
"Wow...You could do that?!" He said in awe and wide eyes...
"Yeaah...I could do this 15 minutes tops!" You said as stretched your arms and cracked your knuckles...
"15 minutes tops huh?...  Your time starts now!" Randy smirked and said as if he was hosting a game show...
You started wiring all the wires and some of them sparked... Randy was quiet watching you and checking the time...

-After 15 minutes-
"Aaaaand...BAM!!...Finish!!" You said as you raised up the camera looking all new...
"Aaactually...You finished it 16 Minutes and one second..." He said smirking...
"Really?..." You checked your watch and saw it was true..
"Fine...Its still close to 15 minutes..." You said pouting.. Randy laughed and smiled...
"Hey Heidi!" You said calling her.. She turned to your direction and said "Is it done?"
"Good as new!" You said showing it her... As soon as she looked at it.. the anger went away and turned into an innocent smile... "THANKS BESTIE!!!"
"Anytime.." You said back at her...
You felt tired and a bit dizzy...And your stomach grumbled...LOUD...
"Did I just heard a monster?" Randy said surprised...
"No you shoob!..Its my stomach.. I'm hungry.." You said a bit embarrassed... Randy laughed at you and handed you a tapper ware..
"Here... Its my favorite but I packed an extra.. You can have it if you want..." Randy said handing you the tapper ware.. Even though you packed snacks of your own...
You still accepted it.. know... It was from Randy...
You blushed a bit and said "T-thanks.."... You opened it to find some Gravey Fries... But then a memory flashed into your mind...
It was the picnic...Howard w eating Gravey fries and.. and...
Randy kissed you... You blushed bright red..
But you snapped out of it as Howard sniffed the smell...
"Is it can't be... GRAVEY FRIES!!" He said as he jammed his fingers on the gravey fries..
"Ow C'mon Howard!... What the Juice!?" You said a bit surprised...
"Howard!! Those are for (Y/n)!" Randy growled...
"But you never share them with me! How come (Y/n) could?!" Howard said while getting all the gravey fries...
"Its because you always eat them first!!!" Randy said while trying to get back the gravey fries..
You couldn't help but laugh and smiled at them...
After eating those Gravey fries... You felt stuffed and get some McBubbleSlams...
"Here... you can have this.." You said handing him a can of McBubbleSlam...
"Thanks!" Randy said while he smiled.. You blushed and drank the drink while you where putting your earphones on and played your favorite song...
After minutes or hours...You were sinking into the music when suddenly someone took the other left earphone...
You quickly snapped out of it and turned... It was Randy..
You quickly turned your head to not see him... cause you were blushing... You couldn't imagine this happening.. You and Randy listening to the same song...eating,talking, and laughing...

-After a few songs-
You quickly turned off your phone and kept your earphones as the bus stops and P-slim announced "Here we are Students!... Mcfist Camping sight! Where we'll learn for the two days about rocks!.."
The whole class moaned as they got up and took their bags... Wow is it 4 hours already?
Wait.. Isn't it supposed to three days?...
You and Randy did the same but...
"If you wondered what the other day is it would be a free day for all you students to stroll around the Camping sight.. do whatever you want.." P-slim said..
At that the whole students on the bus went from being bored to being happy... wow...
When the two of you went down the bus...
You quickly breathe in the fresh air... Yup, that's pure fresh air... You looked around and saw it was full cabins and many trees... And a huge lake.. 
The whole school was gathered at the center and P-slim said again "Ok, Now all girls and boys please spilt up!...Cause the cabins gonna be boys only and girls only... Please pick at least 4 students to be your roommate at each Cabin.. And tomorrow is gonna be the first day so please wake up early at 8:00 am... And the next  day is your Free day..."
Your face was shocked..
I'm not gonna sleep with Randy?...
What the juice am I thinking!?... Its not like I wanna ... I?!... I'm getting way attached to him... and remember you have to kill him... But I don't want to anymore... Why am I feeling like this!?..
You frowned unexpectedly.. You suddenly felt a hand touching your shoulders.. You flinched a bit..
"Hey... don't worry... I'll still see yah..." He winked at me..
Wait.. What did he meant by that?...
Before you get to say anything he walked away cause Mr. Bannister was giving the door keys...
But then Heidi pulled you away...
"C'mon (Y/n)! You're gonna be with us!" Heidi said still dragging me...
"Well, This is my thanks as you fixed my Camera!"
"Thank you and who are the ones am I gonna sleep with?"
"Um...well...You, me, Debbie and Theresa!..."
T-Theresa!?... Seriously?!... Well, I have no choice then...
When we went inside the cabin. By the way its Cabin 78... It was cold.. You wouldn't expect an Air-conditioned Cabin...
You wanted to be on top since it was a bunk bed... So You quickly put your bags there... You stopped when your phone buzzed... You opened it and your eyes widened as you saw that... It was a picture... Of you and Randy sleeping together... and at the bottom there was something written on it...
"This is Heidi by the way... You could keep or delete this photo if you want XD"... You blushed and someone texted me again... It was Randy...
"Hey (Y/n)! What Cabin number are you in?"
"Um..Cabin 78.. How about you?...."
"Oh... Cabin 102... Man its so far..."
"Yeah...Btw, Who are your roommates in your Cabin?"
"Oh!.. Uh... me, Howard, Juliann, aaand Bucky.. How about you?"
"Wow...I'm with Heidi, Debbie and Theresa..."
"Well,.. That's a bunch!"
"Yup XD"

---Randy's POV---
Man... Cabin 78?... That's a long way...
I picked the top bun since it was close to the window... I was planning something cheesy though... I hope it works out...
"Hey Cunningham! Are you even listening to me?"
"Y-yup!..." I said spacing out...
"Lair!.. You're thinking about (Y/n) aren't ya?" He smirked.
"N-no I'm not!!" I blushed.
"Ask her out Man!" He teased...
"I am going to!" I said a bit nervous...
Howard was shocked and stayed like that...
"W-wait... What?!" He said with eyes widened...
"You heard me man... You heard me.." I said as I patted his back and smirked..

Hey guys!! How'd ya like this chapter!?... XD
Leavee a comment belooooow!! XD
What will happen on the first day?
Is Mcfist really up to something?
Toon in next time for meh CHAPTER!! :)
Sorry if its short... or not... XD

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