The Night at (Y/N)'s house

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Hi guys! Thanks for the 500+ reads!... Anyways...Lets go back to the story!! XD
Will Randy find out?
...Will you tell him?
Well, here we go!

---Randy's POV---
Why did she backed away?...
I know she likes me...i mean she kissed me two times...Right?!

(y/n) and i went inside her house. Her house was big on the inside, At first i saw couches facing the big Tv and the kitchen wasn't far from the living room. This is my first time in her house... Does she live alone?... But the thing i kept starring at is a samurai sword displayed with no case.. Does she own that?!...Thats so Bruce!
"So.. This is your house?"
"Yep! and Here.." She said while handing me towel.
"Thanks!" I said.
"Are you hungry or it looks like you wanna stroll around my house?"
"I'm...Hungry of course!"
"I have pizza. I'm gonna leave it here, cause i have to take a shower. I'm freeezing...! Ha-choo!" she sneezed like kitty.
"You sneezed like a kitten!" I said laughing.
"S-shut Up!" She said blushing and looking away.
And with that she went to shower...
I sat on the couch and bring out my cellphone. "I'm gonna call my Mom." I said to (y/n) while she's going upstairs.
Just then Mom answered the phone.
"Hey Mom!...Yeah I'm fine...I'm at a friend's House...I'm gonna stay here since the rain won't stop...Ok.. See ya bye! Love ya too!" I ended the conversation.
I stood up and look around the pictures on the walls... Hmm... I look at one frame and find that (y/n) was holding an award that said "Top 1 student" and her dad was's allot more smaller... It looked like she was only five here... She must be smart... Just then (y/n) called me.
"Randy?! You should take a shower or you'll freeze there!" She said shouting from her room. She's right..I'm freezing...brrrrr!
"Ok... I'll take one but I don't have extra's and mine are soaking wet..."
"It's ok.. I'll lend ya some!" she said while coming down the stairs. I could smell her hair...hmmm... smells like does strawberries smell?
"Earth to Randy!?" she shook me.
"Huh?...Wha-..oh yeah..." She laughed at me and i kinda blushed...
"The Shower room is the Last door on the left." she said while pointing left.
"Oh...ok..." I went to upstairs and followed her directions...

~~~(Y/n) POV~~~
Randy's going to the shower room...hmm... You thought about lending him your black Pajamas... You went outside your room while wearing your (f/c) hoddie t-shirt and some long shorts. You Knocked on the door and said "Hey Randy.. Here some pajamas, is it ok?"
"Yup. And uh.. Thanks!".. He opened the door for only his hand to take it...
"No prob! Oh...and i'll get your wet clothes so i could dry them. i think." You said...
"H-here..." He said while handing his "its allot heavy then i thought.".
You went to the back and started tossing Randy's and your clothes on the washing machine but something is wrong...when you pulled out Randy's vest a math book came out and looked very odd...but it was glowing bright red. "That's weird...I better not put it there." you said while putting it beside.
You took all the clothes that were left and put them in the washing machine. You took the book and went to your room. You placed the math book on the study table and said...
"Hmm...Why is it glowing red..I better opened it and find out.."
As soon as you opened the math book your head slammed on the table.
You were suddenly falling and screamed out "WHAT THE JUICEEEE!?"... and landed hard on the floor... Ughh... "What is this place?"... You walked around only to see some samurais fighting. "So Bruce!!!" You said while you were amazed. But the samurais heard you and started chasing after you. "Oh boy.."
They trowed swords, spears and other stuff..But they were all doodles and yet so real... You ran as fast as you can to avoid them.

---Randy's POV---
I was out of the shower room and saw it was very quiet... I went downstairs and (y/n) wasn't there...
"(Y/n)!?" I screamed...But there was no answer... My chest was light this time... and i just remembered...
This is bad...where could it be?... It was on my vest until...(y/n) Took IT!! AHHH!!!... I panicked and ran upstairs and found her door. It says a danger and do not disturb signs. I opened the door anyways... When i looked at her she was in the nomicon already!...Ughhh... Nomicon will be mad at me this time...
I took the book and got shloomped in. I was falling and landed on the floor. Ouch!...
"(y/n)!?" I screamed out.
There was still no answer... Suddenly she crashed through the walls and was still conscious. She was trying to stood up but fell down instead. I rushed to her side.
"(y/n)! Are you alright!?"  I said with a worried face.
"N-no...C-can't... ya see?" She said while catching her breathe.
"Nomicon why are you doing this!?" I said.
Just then some words came out of (y/n)'s behind and some arrows were pointing her... and said...
"The unknown ally can be more dangerous than the known enemy"...
"What the Juice Nomicon!? This one again?... (y/n) is not unknown!.. I mean she's my friend so i know her!!".. I said while looking at the words. The words then disappeared leaving me and (y/n) alone... I think she's unconscious but then a samurai came and zap us with his laser eyes and we went back to her room.

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
You were awake only to see you were on the floor and Randy too.
"Ughh... What the juice was that book? Its not an ordinary math book!" You said while getting up.
"Uh...This is the Nomicon...I should have told you while we were on the bridge though..."
"Nomicon huh?" You said while raising your brow.
"Yup." He said while closing it.
"Oh...Its ok if you put it there..cause i won't be opening it again." You said surly.
"Ok, cause I'm soooo Hungry!!!" He said while walking out your room.
"Hey! Don't you dare eat all the pizza!!!" You said while running out.
"Too late!" He said while opening the pizza box and eating a slice. You ran downstairs and got a slice.
"You wanna eat at my room instead?...Its so boring here anyway." You said.
"Sure!" He said while already taking the pizza box.
"H-hey!" You said while trying to catch up but instead you bumped into him and made him fall... Before you know it you were face to face with him.
He opened his eyes only to see your (f/c) eyes. You and Randy blushed. You looked at his Sapphire blue eyes...Man...Its so shiny....C'mon (y/n)! Snap out of it! 
You shook your head and got up and helped him got up.
"G-good thing the pizza didn't get dirty..." You said while still blushing.
"Y-yeah"... He said while looking at you. still blushing.

You Two went inside and your room while Randy was like a detective looking at your room like it was a crime scene. You placed the pizza box at the table which was in the middle of your room. You were surprised as Randy said "GRAVE PUNCHERS!? YOU PLAY THIS GAME!?"
"Well, yeah...I love it..." You said while looking at him.
"No Honkin way! I love this game too!!" He said while looking at it.
"I bought the latest Grave puncher..." You said while bringing it out of your bag.
"Sooo Bruce!!" He said while drooling on it. You opened the game and bring out your controllers and said "Lets start shall we?".
"You're on!" He said while grabbing the other controller.
You two played the whole game until it was cleared.

"You have punched all the graves!" The game said.
"Dudeee..That was so bruce!!!" She said while laying down.
"Exactly!!! SO BRUCEEE!!" I said while laying down too.

"What time is it?" (Y/n) said while looking at the clock.
"Its 9:00 pm!" I said widening his eyes. But she yawned... Is she that tired?
"Are ya tired?" I said while poking her in the face.
"Wha-...Huh?...N-no I'm not!!" She said while looking away.
"So do you live alone here?"
"Nope. I live here with my Aunt."
"R-really?...Where are your parents?".
She just froze and looked down.
"I-is something wrong?"
"My parents are dead...". She said sadly...
My eyes were wide with surprise... Her parents are dead?...
"That's what my Aunt told me.." She said forcing a smile.
"I'm so sorry...I didn't know..."
"Cause i never told you." She said while keeping the controllers and the game. Is she being sarcastic or serious?...
"Is it ok if i asked what were they like?"
"S-sure... My father was a Scientist and-..." Before she could say something I said...
"So that's why you're so smart!... Like in science or math class, You weren't paying attention but when a teacher asks you a question you would always know the answer!" I laughed.
"Y-yeah..We used to do chemistry together...and build crazy things..."
"Yeah...and my mom was..My mom was..-..." She muttered.
"Your mom was?"... I said while raising my brow.

~~~(Y/n) POV~~~

This is bad!... I can't tell Randy that my mom was an Assassin. But he'll understand right?...RIGHT!??
You sighed and answered him...
"She was a...uh.. A Killer..." That's close right?
"A K-killer!?" Randy said like he was afraid.
"Yepp... But don't worry she kills only BAD people..." You said ensure him.
" the samurai sword belonged to her?" He asked with wide eyes.
You laughed and said "Yes...Well, it belongs to me actually...she gave it to me when i was 13."
"Wow...Is it real?" He said like wanted to try it.
"100% Real... Wanna slice something with it?" You said while smirking at him...
"YEAH! SO BRUCE!!" He said while running out the door again. You went after him and he looked like a kid receiving a reward..
"But you have a sword for Ninja's Only!... I mean thats way more Brucer than this."
"No way...I'm gonna slice an apple." He said happily.
You placed one apple and Randy sliced it like he was a chef.
"So Honkin' Cool."
After Randy and sliced all the fruist that was available there... You looked at the clock and saw it was 10:00 pm... "Hey Randy! I'm gonna go sleep. You should put that down now.."
"Oh..ok..." He sighed put it back where you two found it...
You two went up and looked at each other awkwardly cause there's only one bed to share and your Aunt's room was locked, The couch was great idea but then...Sleeping with Randy?!..You blushed with that thought in mind...

---Randy's POV---
Sleeping with (y/n) in her bed?... It was worth a shot...
"Hey uh..(Y/n) could i sleep with you?...I mean..If its fine...I understand if you say no..."
"Its O-ok..." She said while blushing...
We climbed into her bed since it was mounted on the wall...It was a cool design though... It was really cold and we could hear thunders that was really close... We faced our backs together... I don't know about her but i was Blushing real hard...I could feel the heat from my cheeks.. good thing she wasn't looking at me...
"Good night Randy!"
"Good night (Y/n)!"
"Uh..Randy..I could feel that your really hot... are you ok? Do you have fever?"
"N-no...I'm fine.."
Oh man!..She could feel that!... I just closed my eyes and went to sleep...

Hey guys! Thank you again for the readers!
What could be their faces when they wake up?
Could it be that Nomicon knows what you're planning?
What will happen in the next chapter?
Here's a hint... It will be cheesy...EXTRA CHEESY!!!
Toon in next time!...

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