Chapter 5: A Corrupted Chronology

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"Hey Bruce."

"Look, I know the League all agreed not to contact you after the Arkham Knight incident, to give you some well-deserved time off and to let you be at peace. The truth is some of us think you're never going to retire and you're probably still out there walloping bad guys the only way you know how. But I had to reach out to you this one time, to share something with you. Something that's incredible, and pretty crazy even for me."

"Are you ready to have your mind blown, Mr Batman? With all your smarts, I know you'll never be able to guess this one, so here goes. I just became a dad!"

"Say hi to Uncle Bruce, Arthur Junior. Yeah, he's a handsome devil. I call him the Aquababy, just to irritate Mera. That's right, little Arthur, can you believe that your daddy knows the goddamn Batman? Isn't that awesome? Well, with my luck, son, Mr Grumpy Batman is probably going to be your favourite superhero and I'll have to get his autograph."

"Well, that's all from me, old friend. I hope to hear back from you, Bruce, but I know I probably won't. So, I'll just say thank you. The time we spent together, helped prepare me for this wonderful next chapter of my life. Don't get me wrong, you'd make a terrible dad, that's for sure...but there are few better and more honourable men out there in this world, and that's something that I can say inspired me. And I hope it will inspire my boy."

The call ended, and I realised that I had the widest smile on my face. A piece of hope and real joy, that I had not felt in the longest time.

With a violent roar I slammed my fist through my workbench, tearing it in half. Blind rage tore through my every muscle as I grabbed hold of the chair and hurled it against the stone wall of the cave, wrecking it. I threw my fists out repeatedly, striking the training dummy with a crazed intensity, feeling the shockwaves travel up my arm and warm blood running down my knuckles. My fist was grabbed from behind by a gentle touch, and I heard my rapid breathing for the first time as Diana lowered my hand and held me close while I fought to calm myself.

For the longest time she held me in the sanctity of the darkness, with the soft flutter of bats encircling us from the shadows above. And for the first time in five years, I had a lifeline.

"I didn't want to see it," she whispered, "That our friends are too far gone. I didn't want you to be right about this."

I did not say anything.

"You should not have to carry this burden alone, Bruce. I am with you."

Separating from her, I rose to my feet and placed my palms against the cool stone of the cave. Raising two fingers to my neck I closed my eyes and checked my pulse, waiting for that steady rhythm. The cold air in the cave fell over my bare torso like a cloak, inviting stillness.

"I never wanted this," I said simply.

Diana released her heavy armour from her shoulders, and it fell to the ground with a metallic clang, revealing a white vest beneath. She moved right beside me, and we shared a look that laid out a thousand thoughts. And I knew, that in her mind one thought dominated the others.

"Do you honestly believe that this reality is better than whatever we'd face if we used Barry's speed to travel back in time?"

Without meaning to, I averted my eyes.

"Bruce...can you even look at me?"

I remained silent, trying to find the words.

"What happened to us?" she said quietly.

I knew that I would have to destroy her last thread of false hope.

"Diana, I know that it won't work...because it has already happened."

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