16| Familiar Anger

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Caledonia let out an unattractive yelp as she was pulled sideways into a cupboard she hadn't even realised existed. It took an embarrassing moment for her eyes to adjust to the gloom and only then did she notice the rows upon rows of gloomy potion bottles lining the walls and the angered glare cast down upon her by the cupboard owner.

"Now, Sev, if you wanted to be alone with me, all you had to do was ask," she smirked, apprehension gnawing at her heart because his expression was a far cry from the sweet kisses they'd shared in recent days. Her mind reeled in search of an answer to his sudden mood change. But unless he'd been bitten by some mythical creature she couldn't identify a cause. 

"This is not a time for your jokes, Merlin," the seething contempt from days ago sliced his words and her heart guttered. It was only a matter of time until he found a reason to distance himself, she'd known it all along. Still, she thought they'd enjoy at least a few more days first. "You could have warned me," he growled, raking a hand through his hair in a clear sign of distress and her brow folded in confusion. If anything, she'd thought she had overshared. 

"What are you talking about?" there was more anger in her tone than she'd intended but with his evident accusation, she couldn't help but jump on the defence. The two of them were both good and bad for one another. It was fire meeting fire and the two of them glared at each other with a passion that could either before a brawl or an angsty entanglement. 

"Do not pretend innocence, Caledonia," he clicked his tongue as though he was talking to one of his students and she very much disliked the categorisation. "You could have just told me your dirty schemes rather than manipulating me with kisses. That is low, even for you."

"Stop," she shook her head when he tried to get passed her back out of the small cupboard door. Placing a hand to his chest, she shoved him back and the glass jars rattled as he fell against it. "Use actual words like a normal human being," she glared, far past being kind now. 

"How long have you known that your brother was going to try and get me to marry you?" Her heart stopped and she wondered if the shock registered on her face. Moreso than the horror of the reveal was the pain at the way he'd phrased it. Try and get him to marry her? That sounded far from reassuring from the man who she'd shared a bed with for days now. He thought that she'd kissed him to trick him into marriage. His words suggested that no amount of encouragement would force him to marry her anyway.

"Why do you think I had anything to do with that?" she glared. "What makes you think that I even knew?" he instantly began to laugh bitterly and it was another stab to her already-wound heart.

"Stop with your games, Caledonia. All you have done since you came to this castle is play games and anger everyone as much as possible. To think that I actually--" he cut himself off and shook his head. Hurt lined every inch of his face but she couldn't fathom it. Before words returned to her, he was gone and, ever the child he claimed she was, she growled out and punched a shelf of empty vials.


"What in the name of magic have you done?!" she shouted at Albus Dumbledore, planting her hands on his desk. He was sat, the picture of innocence behind his desk with his fingertips pressed together. His guise of an innocent old man didn't work on Caledonia and her glare was so intense that she was sure it could burn a hole through him if she desired.

"Please, take a seat, Miss Merlin." He gestured to the chair opposite him as though she hadn't steamed in unannounced. "You will have to pick it up off of the floor. You see, just as you stormed in, Severus had stormed out," Dumbledore smiled as though everything was highly amusing and her anger only rose. Now she understood why people were so irritated when she laughed at their anger.

"You realise that your gossiping has caused problems for everyone," she yanked the chair up off of the floor and fell into it heavily. 

"Tell me, were you truly as oblivious to it all as you are acting? You are a smart woman, Caledonia. When your brother said that he and I are sorting it, who did you think you would be marrying?"

"I thought that the two of you would be smart enough to talk to me about it. This is so utterly absurd! It's not the 1600s, you cannot all just dictate who I must marry! Besides, you all have no authority over Severus. He could leave the castle for this, and then what? You'd line up the next professor for me to wed."

"If I may, Caledonia, it seems to me that you are upset that Severus reacted so unhappily and not at the situation itself."

"You may not comment on the way that I am feeling, Albus. You are our boss, where in the many contracts does it mention your involvement in our love life?" she ground out and he tilted his head, completely unphased by her ranting as he slid a bowl over to her. 

"Lemon drop?" he offered and she growled, flipping the bowl on her way back out the room. Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and smiled as he watched her go. Severus and Caledonia were like two spitfires.

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