03| Dungeons

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Caledonia hummed as she danced along the corridor, down the stairs to her dungeon bedroom, her red cloak swirling around her wonderfully, flowing with her thick black curls against her tanned flesh

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Caledonia hummed as she danced along the corridor, down the stairs to her dungeon bedroom, her red cloak swirling around her wonderfully, flowing with her thick black curls against her tanned flesh. She was incredibly aware of the potions master strutting aggressively a few feet ahead of her, though, through years of chasing Tobias around Merlin Manor, she could easily keep up with the man, leaving just enough room that he could hear her soft humming.

The next second, he rounded on her with a look of disapproval, arms quickly crossing over his chest as he assessed her with dark eyes and pursed lips. Feigning innocence, she stopped as if she had nearly slammed into him in her distractedness... Snape was not happy about it.

"Oh, Severus! I didn't see you there." she beamed brilliantly, she did not get a good reaction in return.

"Why are you following me?" he demanded bitterly.

"Haven't you heard?" she frowned faking concern as she forced her arm to link through his, dragging him around to continue their descent into the dungeons.

"Heard what?" he questioned, the smallest slither of intrigue in his voice, barely-there as he shuffled, attempting to keep his distance from her in the wide corridor but she hugged his arm close to her politely, grin on her red painted lips. She was undeniably beautiful... It irked Severus. He did not approve of her teasing.

"Well, Severus. We are neighbours!" she beamed excitably, practically bouncing. Snape clicked his tongue, staring at her with a great level of hatred in his eyes. If she wasn't so impossibly annoying, he was sure he'd find her attractive.


"Yes. This is you" she gestured to his door and then pulled him around, pointing to directly opposite. "And that's me!" Caledonia giggled. She glanced back at Snape, batting her big doe eyes innocently and he took her hand, slowly removing her hand from his arm and throwing it away as if it was something disgusting. Turning on his heel, he stormed across the corridor, slamming the wooden door straight in her face. Opening her door, Caledonia smiled softly to herself, for the first time, living in the dungeons was looking up.

Caledonia had been given a fairly decent sized classroom, her bedroom quarters through a door at the opposite end and she hopped up to sit on her desk, glancing around as she continued to hum. Caledonia did not do silence, except when she was with Tobias... In those circumstances, all she wanted was silence. She and her brother were one and the same.

The moonlight glowed softly through the window and Caledonia's mind reeled, somehow in the past week, everything had changed. As it turned out, her parents had been planning it for months and when she rejected an engagement three weeks ago, it was all set in motion. Caledonia had been a fussy baby, and then a difficult child, a rebellious teenager and now what? Apparently, a teacher at Hogwarts school, a school which she herself had never attended.

After concluding that no good was going to come from her moping, and seeing the irked expression on Albus Dumbledore's face every time she opened her mouth to argue- a generally calm man. She left her classroom door firmly open, the room itself was dimly lit and she was nothing more than a silhouette sat atop her desk as she pawed through random papers given to her by Albus Dumbledore. Caledonia had never taught a class in her life, it was strangely exhilarating.

When her eyes finally began to grow heavy, she tossed the papers lazily atop her messy dark, not bothering to tidy it as she danced through the doorway into her bedroom chambers. They were beautiful and large, certainly a ploy from Dumbledore to stop complaining and at that time, they were incredibly tidy. It wouldn't last. She was not a neat person.

Unclasping her cloak from around her neck, it billowed to the floor like a pool of blood and she left it there, discarded. Her hair fell naturally as she removed the ornate headband from it, sliding easily from her dress and leaving herself in just her underwear. Crawling into the bed, the silk sheets wrapped lazily around her, she stared up and the canopy and her thoughts ran around in circles.

The dungeons were cold but she liked it that way, her leg exposed from around the side of the sheet and she thought, dark hair scattered in a halo around her head. She had met many people that day, almost all of them thrilled to be in her presence, her family was practically royalty in the wizarding world, more than half her living family members having their faces on chocolate frog cards just from being Merlins... Yet, she found herself most intrigued by the person that she got the least reaction from.

Severus Snape had reacted to her as if she was a bad smell that you couldn't get away from. She had sat beside him through dinner and got no reaction from his whatsoever, even when she had asked for him to pass her the potatoes. He had just grunted and handed it to her with no other words exchanged. Due to his clear and apparent hatred for her, Caledonia suddenly found great intrigue in him. Severus Snape had failed in his mission to remain a silent, desolate island.

Caledonia went to sleep with a mischievous smirk on her face.

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